My husband has double delta f508 mutations but has managed to make it to the age of 30 without having to have IV antibiotics or step foot in a hospital. I think we both prefer to think of him as not being sick. Well, around his 30th birthday when he started orkambi, his numbers did a nose dive and now he is entering the hospital on Wednesday. I am having a bit of a tough time wrapping my head around this and I'm sure he is too. He hasn't even told the people at work he has the CF. So, tell me about hospital visits. They really are a good thing to get his numbers back up? Am I right? They don't like signify the beginning of the end for his health. This can be a good experience, right? 2 week vacation of playing video games? I know he really didn't want to go to the hospital. We have 3 young children (adopted ages 4,6,7). Neither of us have any idea what to expect for the hospital. Help please.