husband is not a carrier....


New member
Hello :
I am 26/f/cf and have just got the test results back that my husband does not carry the cf gene!!! We used A**** Genetics to test his blood sample. They tested for tons and tons of the differant gene mutations. That was the biggest thing for us that when we got our news back that we could be confident that the testing was very thorough. We were not even gonna take the chance until we found out for sure. We have been married for three years and are thinking that we want to have one child maybe two if I can stay healthy.

My PFTs have been above 100 percent most of my life... My worst part of CF for me has been my guts. My younger brother has CF too. When I was little i was not diagnosed till i was 5 years old. That was when my little brother was born. He had the bowel that was broken when he was born. The doctors thought that I could have CF too since he obviously had it. So, my intestines got really messed up because for so long I was untreated. I had the typical distended abdomen when I was young and was really skinny.

For the last couple of years my last doc put me on lots of laxitives instead of taking me off my Creons...they were making my guts move slower and slower...and all the laxitives ...they were dehydrating me and making me feel so sick. I was just recently taken off of my digestive enzymes. Without the enzymes in me my guts have started working again on their own! And no laxitives yes!! I have a new doctor and she is awesome!! There was a couple of months that I was really wondering if I was gonna get any better tho. I had tons of burning in my guts. I guess I had some sort of a withdrawl from all the laxitives and my guts had to learn to move on their own again. I had been overmedicated by my last doctor and he had been doing it to me for years. I wish i would have known sooner.. Now, I seem to be doing alot better. I feel alot better now!

Now that I think I might be able to get along without all those laxitives because I am not on the Creons we have been thinking that this may be a good time to get me to my healthiest so that I can have a healthy pregnancy..or the healthiest one I can have.

Is there anyone else out there that has pfts like mine ? It would be great to talk to someone that might have some advice...or to hear how their pregnancy went for them. Or if anyone has any questions for me.... I am just kindda anxious because I never thought I could have kids....and now there is that hope because I have read how so many ladies have had children .. I am kindda worried about the possibility of becoming diabetic during pregnancy. I am fine now with my blood sugar...just have the fear of the unknown.
<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"> johnna


New member
<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0"> Hi Johnna,
Yes, life is a gift... In my early 20's my PFTs were alot higher than my current 80s, still consider myself reasonably well most of the time!! Now in my 50's, I wanted to let you know I have a son {30} who gave me the wonderful news that I am going to be a grandmother next July, so good luck with plans for the your future.. I sailed thru' pregnancy without problems and only contacted DiabetesT/2 last year. I play alot of tennis, walk and have just started doing some pulmonary exercises {early am} to gain more energy thru'out the day.
Remain positive and happy!!


New member
Thanks for sharing your info with me. It is awesome to know that someone else out there has had a safe pregnancy with CF and is doing so well. I was kinnda worried because I had read some messages and some ppl were saying how later their health went down hill. I have to thank you for the encouragement!! I am so happy to hear you are gonna be a grandma! AWESOME!!
<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"> Johnna


New member
Wow it's good to see a lot of the people on here are really pretty healthy. I however am on the other side of it. My pft's are about 20% right now. I am about to be evaluated for a lung transplant and I just had a g-tube put. I have a boyfriend of 3 years and hopefully we will get married soon! I hope to be able to have children but at this point am not sure if that will work out. I was thinking of maybe having a surrrogate carry a baby for me. But that's gonna be years down the line. I am only 22 so kids right now aren't for me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">

Nicole 22 CF


New member
Nicole, just wanted to comment on your surrogacy thing. I won't be able to ever carry my own children, not because of my health, necessarily (though that may have created a problem anyway), but because when I was 18 I had a hysterectomy. Just wanted to tell you, same as you, kids aren't important right now because I'm only 20, but that's one of the routes I've thought about as well. I don't know why I wanted to comment, except that I relate. Haha. Whatever happens, I hope you are able to have kids somehow. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Thats great that your PFT's are so doctor told me that if I wanted to stand a "normal" chance at having children I should try and keep my PFT above 70. So in your case you would be fine having a child. I guess when you drop below that number the risks and breathing complications increase. Good Luck with whatever you decide!