I absolutely love the HTS. The first few days it can be a smidge irritating, but as Caitlin mentioned I do my Xopenex at least 20 minutes before the HTS. My doctors upped my HTS prescription to up to 4 times a day as needed. I always do it once in the AM. If I'm feeling gunked up or tight I may do it more times or may do a double dose in the morning. The best part is that it's not a drug so there's very little to worry about like with all the other abx and steriods and stuff we often take. It's just salt water!! Give it a good chance. BTW< there are 3% and 7% concentrations that come in premade ampules (very handy). You can also have a pharmacist (or you) mix other concentrations. I use the 7% solution. ~Juliet