hypertonic saline


Super Moderator
I took maggie to her CF clinic appointment today. She's doing pretty good, lungs were clear, but after having cold after cold this winter it's left her with a dry cough. The doc said we could try the Hypertonic saline to see if it helps. We already did the first treatment in the office and she was coughing away while doing the treatment. We also did a culture to make sure she isn't growing anything new. Though the person who did they culture was so gentle I don't think it was a good culture, we'll see. Anyway, the script I need to send to CF Services Pharmacy, our clinic said that's where they are telling their patients to send it. So we won't really be starting the HS til next week is my guess. If her cough gets worse, or keeps her up at night my guess is she'll need antibiotics, I 'm hoping the HS will help with this. I'm curious how others like or dislike the HS, especially for the young CF'ers(like Maggie). I'll keep ya updated!


Super Moderator
I took maggie to her CF clinic appointment today. She's doing pretty good, lungs were clear, but after having cold after cold this winter it's left her with a dry cough. The doc said we could try the Hypertonic saline to see if it helps. We already did the first treatment in the office and she was coughing away while doing the treatment. We also did a culture to make sure she isn't growing anything new. Though the person who did they culture was so gentle I don't think it was a good culture, we'll see. Anyway, the script I need to send to CF Services Pharmacy, our clinic said that's where they are telling their patients to send it. So we won't really be starting the HS til next week is my guess. If her cough gets worse, or keeps her up at night my guess is she'll need antibiotics, I 'm hoping the HS will help with this. I'm curious how others like or dislike the HS, especially for the young CF'ers(like Maggie). I'll keep ya updated!


Super Moderator
I took maggie to her CF clinic appointment today. She's doing pretty good, lungs were clear, but after having cold after cold this winter it's left her with a dry cough. The doc said we could try the Hypertonic saline to see if it helps. We already did the first treatment in the office and she was coughing away while doing the treatment. We also did a culture to make sure she isn't growing anything new. Though the person who did they culture was so gentle I don't think it was a good culture, we'll see. Anyway, the script I need to send to CF Services Pharmacy, our clinic said that's where they are telling their patients to send it. So we won't really be starting the HS til next week is my guess. If her cough gets worse, or keeps her up at night my guess is she'll need antibiotics, I 'm hoping the HS will help with this. I'm curious how others like or dislike the HS, especially for the young CF'ers(like Maggie). I'll keep ya updated!


New member
Hi Rebecca,

My daughter just started HS last week and we haven't had any problems with it at all. She doesn't complain about the taste, actually said it tasted good. The nurse from the CF Clinic called to ask how things were going and I had to ask her if it was normal for her NOT to cough. I was expecting it to be non-stop and in reality she wasn't coughing at all the first week and just a little bit yesterday and today.

I'm not sure about insurances yet, we were told that there are very few, if any, that are covering HS at this time so our cf clinic recommended we go through Foundation Care. www.FoundCare.com

They charge $36 for a months supply (twice a day) and it's pre-mixed in ampules just like albuterol or any other nebbed meds. So much easier than trying to mix yourself.

Hope all goes well with Maggie


New member
Hi Rebecca,

My daughter just started HS last week and we haven't had any problems with it at all. She doesn't complain about the taste, actually said it tasted good. The nurse from the CF Clinic called to ask how things were going and I had to ask her if it was normal for her NOT to cough. I was expecting it to be non-stop and in reality she wasn't coughing at all the first week and just a little bit yesterday and today.

I'm not sure about insurances yet, we were told that there are very few, if any, that are covering HS at this time so our cf clinic recommended we go through Foundation Care. www.FoundCare.com

They charge $36 for a months supply (twice a day) and it's pre-mixed in ampules just like albuterol or any other nebbed meds. So much easier than trying to mix yourself.

Hope all goes well with Maggie


New member
Hi Rebecca,

My daughter just started HS last week and we haven't had any problems with it at all. She doesn't complain about the taste, actually said it tasted good. The nurse from the CF Clinic called to ask how things were going and I had to ask her if it was normal for her NOT to cough. I was expecting it to be non-stop and in reality she wasn't coughing at all the first week and just a little bit yesterday and today.

I'm not sure about insurances yet, we were told that there are very few, if any, that are covering HS at this time so our cf clinic recommended we go through Foundation Care. www.FoundCare.com

They charge $36 for a months supply (twice a day) and it's pre-mixed in ampules just like albuterol or any other nebbed meds. So much easier than trying to mix yourself.

Hope all goes well with Maggie


New member
I'm not surprised that a kid would say it tastes good. Its salty and you know us and salt! I like the HTS. I was using pulmozyme for about a year and a half and I thought it was great, but then I did a research study where they used HTS for sputum induction (to get a good sample) and I coughed up an appalling amount of stuff! It was so gross and I had no idea it was in there. I switched to HTS at my next clinic appointment and haven't looked back. WHen I feel good I don't generally bring up tons of stuff like when I first started, but I notice a huge difference when I'm sick.


New member
I'm not surprised that a kid would say it tastes good. Its salty and you know us and salt! I like the HTS. I was using pulmozyme for about a year and a half and I thought it was great, but then I did a research study where they used HTS for sputum induction (to get a good sample) and I coughed up an appalling amount of stuff! It was so gross and I had no idea it was in there. I switched to HTS at my next clinic appointment and haven't looked back. WHen I feel good I don't generally bring up tons of stuff like when I first started, but I notice a huge difference when I'm sick.


New member
I'm not surprised that a kid would say it tastes good. Its salty and you know us and salt! I like the HTS. I was using pulmozyme for about a year and a half and I thought it was great, but then I did a research study where they used HTS for sputum induction (to get a good sample) and I coughed up an appalling amount of stuff! It was so gross and I had no idea it was in there. I switched to HTS at my next clinic appointment and haven't looked back. WHen I feel good I don't generally bring up tons of stuff like when I first started, but I notice a huge difference when I'm sick.


New member
Our doc keeps saying he "wants to talk about HS" at our next visit but so far he has put if off. But our next visit is the first part of April. I was worried before, but I'm really happy to see these posts. My biggest concern was that DD wouldn't be able to convey her side effects, if any, very well (mommy, it hurts.....)

Anyway, I'm really encouraged now. Thanks for posting and let us know how it goes. Our CF pharmacy requires upfront payment for HS but bills us for everything else.


New member
Our doc keeps saying he "wants to talk about HS" at our next visit but so far he has put if off. But our next visit is the first part of April. I was worried before, but I'm really happy to see these posts. My biggest concern was that DD wouldn't be able to convey her side effects, if any, very well (mommy, it hurts.....)

Anyway, I'm really encouraged now. Thanks for posting and let us know how it goes. Our CF pharmacy requires upfront payment for HS but bills us for everything else.


New member
Our doc keeps saying he "wants to talk about HS" at our next visit but so far he has put if off. But our next visit is the first part of April. I was worried before, but I'm really happy to see these posts. My biggest concern was that DD wouldn't be able to convey her side effects, if any, very well (mommy, it hurts.....)

Anyway, I'm really encouraged now. Thanks for posting and let us know how it goes. Our CF pharmacy requires upfront payment for HS but bills us for everything else.


New member
Dana, what pharmacy do you use? Is it local to you or me? lol...Our dr has also said something about Hypertonic Saline, but so far, nothing.


New member
Dana, what pharmacy do you use? Is it local to you or me? lol...Our dr has also said something about Hypertonic Saline, but so far, nothing.


New member
Dana, what pharmacy do you use? Is it local to you or me? lol...Our dr has also said something about Hypertonic Saline, but so far, nothing.


New member
My son (age 6), just started using it a few months ago. He doesn't like it - the taste and the way it itches his nose (he uses a mask). He is constantly pulling it away from his face during treatment. That said, he endures it and doesn't make a big fuss about it. I can't see that it's helping him or hurting him either way. Hopefully it's helping in a preventative way. His case is pretty mild right now so it's hard for me to judge otherwise. He uses it 2x a day and he still uses Pulmozyme. The company we use bills our Health Insurance under Medical supplies..... which I don't really understand why they don't bill my prescription plan which is different. Perhaps it is not covered under pharmacuetical plans. Our copay isn't that much - the cost is nothing compared to Pulmozyme. One complaint (not really) that I have about HTS, is the nice salty film it leaves if you set down the mask after use (and some of it drips out), or if any drips out when you open the tube. There is definitely a lot of salt in that formula!
Good luck. I'm sure your daughter will do just fine.
6yr old cf
3 yr old no cf


New member
My son (age 6), just started using it a few months ago. He doesn't like it - the taste and the way it itches his nose (he uses a mask). He is constantly pulling it away from his face during treatment. That said, he endures it and doesn't make a big fuss about it. I can't see that it's helping him or hurting him either way. Hopefully it's helping in a preventative way. His case is pretty mild right now so it's hard for me to judge otherwise. He uses it 2x a day and he still uses Pulmozyme. The company we use bills our Health Insurance under Medical supplies..... which I don't really understand why they don't bill my prescription plan which is different. Perhaps it is not covered under pharmacuetical plans. Our copay isn't that much - the cost is nothing compared to Pulmozyme. One complaint (not really) that I have about HTS, is the nice salty film it leaves if you set down the mask after use (and some of it drips out), or if any drips out when you open the tube. There is definitely a lot of salt in that formula!
Good luck. I'm sure your daughter will do just fine.
6yr old cf
3 yr old no cf


New member
My son (age 6), just started using it a few months ago. He doesn't like it - the taste and the way it itches his nose (he uses a mask). He is constantly pulling it away from his face during treatment. That said, he endures it and doesn't make a big fuss about it. I can't see that it's helping him or hurting him either way. Hopefully it's helping in a preventative way. His case is pretty mild right now so it's hard for me to judge otherwise. He uses it 2x a day and he still uses Pulmozyme. The company we use bills our Health Insurance under Medical supplies..... which I don't really understand why they don't bill my prescription plan which is different. Perhaps it is not covered under pharmacuetical plans. Our copay isn't that much - the cost is nothing compared to Pulmozyme. One complaint (not really) that I have about HTS, is the nice salty film it leaves if you set down the mask after use (and some of it drips out), or if any drips out when you open the tube. There is definitely a lot of salt in that formula!
Good luck. I'm sure your daughter will do just fine.
6yr old cf
3 yr old no cf


Super Moderator
Maggie did not like the HS when we did it in the doc's office. She was trying to show the resp therapist how she could breathe in the medicine, and was breating really fast, kind of showing off. That really got Maggie coughing, ususally she doesn't mind her nebs at all, but she kept wanting the HS to be done. We also do all her nebs with a mask atachment at home to help her sinuses. At the doc's office they used a mouthpiece, so maybe when we try it at home we'll use the mask, plus have TV for distraction. Anyway, we'll see how it goes, I noticed this morning Maggie had mucus from her nose that came out, not to be gross but I wonder if it was the HS that helped get it out? THe resp therapist also said to use albuterol treatment before the HS to help with the coughing.


Super Moderator
Maggie did not like the HS when we did it in the doc's office. She was trying to show the resp therapist how she could breathe in the medicine, and was breating really fast, kind of showing off. That really got Maggie coughing, ususally she doesn't mind her nebs at all, but she kept wanting the HS to be done. We also do all her nebs with a mask atachment at home to help her sinuses. At the doc's office they used a mouthpiece, so maybe when we try it at home we'll use the mask, plus have TV for distraction. Anyway, we'll see how it goes, I noticed this morning Maggie had mucus from her nose that came out, not to be gross but I wonder if it was the HS that helped get it out? THe resp therapist also said to use albuterol treatment before the HS to help with the coughing.