Hypertonic Saline


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Emily65Roses</b></i>

Oh months... that sounds like fun. *is a sarcastic brat*</end quote></div>

I know. I gave him a dirty look when he told me that <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
Okay so it's only been five minutes, and I'm not giving up on it yet. I'm determined to give it a fair try. But let me tell you, right now, I want to throw it out the window and never look back. Now I have to go before I vomit on my keyboard. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0">


New member
Okay I'm done, and it's more than an hour later. I feel better (i.e., my heart is beating more normally now), though I'm still not going to sleep as well as I normally would.

I have a question. My heart rate shot through the roof. I could feel it beating in my neck, without putting my fingers there as I would if I was trying for a pulse. I can't tell if it was one of three things:
1. I was slightly nervous about trying it, after all the stuff I heard.
2. I was coughing really hard, and wearing myself out.
3. Is it possible it's a side effect of the saline?

I know very little about this process so far. It's very possible it's 1 or 2 causing my quickened pulse, but for some reason, it felt a little different. Which makes me wonder if it's 3. Just looking for any potential side effect info, if there is any.


New member
I read where Sunne said the HS made her cough up
chunks of stuff,, they are Plugs that come from deep in the lungs
and that is Good to cough them up, that means your lungs are opening up
this will give you more air space, at least that is the way I understand it.....


New member
When I first started my saline I thought I would die from the amount of coughing & gagging I did. I kept telling myself as long as there was no blood I could handle it. I am glad I stuck it out. I felt a difference & it eased up after the first week. You are a tough gal Em........


New member
Sorry guy's i havn't read your threads, but just saw the topic and thought i would post some new info i got today on Hypertonic Saline.

Well, its new info to me. Today i went to a seminar held at our clinic for families with cf, and they just went throughto explain what's happening around the world with treatments/trials/studies.

Anyway, our doc's here in Australia originally stated the use of 7% HS, but have come to realise that the dose is too strong and was making their patients cough like crazy, dry irritated throat etc. As what many of you have stated before.
So now they are doing a lower concentration of 4.5%, which is much much better for the patients.

Also before using HS, you must always use (Ventolin)brochodilator (not sure of spelling)before you start inhaling, to reduce coughing.

Sorry if its old news to some of you, i just thought i would share.
