Hypertonic Saline


New member
This information is for anonymous: I believe if you have cf you are a candidate for HS. Studies have shown that the 7% is very effective in lowering the number of lung infections that cfer's gets. Although there are some PWCF who neb 3%. I neb 4 ml twice a day in a Pari LC Plus nebulizer.

I have my Hypertonic 7% saline compounded by Foundcare pharmacy. Each sterile premixed and premeasured dose comes is a small vial with a twist off top. Very convenient.
This is the link to Foundation Care: www.Foundcare.com

The cost for a one months supply of 2 doses a day of is $36 and that includes free shipping. Their number is 877-291-1122.


New member
P.S. The HS can be stored at room temperature when prepared in sterile individual single doses.


New member
Hypertonic Saline is the Best!!!!!!
I have been using it for over 6 months and really helps loosen the congestion

49 with CF


New member
10% twice a day. Took a little while to get used to it, but gradually moved up the concentration... Talked to my Doc, she's fine with the higher percent. It is working very well.
I only do 3% twice a day and just started while I was in the hospital. I tried the 7% and had terrible bronchospasm. It brought my PFTs down 10 pts immediately following the treatment so 3% is much better for me. It seems to be helping as well. Or at least I am getting up more crap which is the main reason right? So far so good.


New member
Would you recommend nebbing it for a 2 1/2 year old. She nebulises colomycin twice a day, but that's all.

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">


New member
I know I am not the adult with CF. But both my girls Meghan 9 and Faith 7 do 10% HS once a day and pulmozyme once a day. They also do TOBI and Colistine every other month. One is doing very well and the other is worse off with bacteria, but the HS loosens and allows them to actually cough stuff up. I hope to see a huge difference in their x-rays next time we go to clinic.