Hypertonic Saline



I was just wondering for those of you who have been on the Hypertonic Saline stuff for awhile, does the coughing get better?


New member
Meh...I wouldn't say it actually gets better, but more like you just get used to it. Coughing up stuff is a different matter. Usually, if I go more than a day without it and pick it up again, I'll tack on an extra 30 mins. to my treatment regimen easy just coughing up crap. Doing it daily on the other hand produces less mucus (and less hard hacking). I still have that burning sensation in my throat, though, that makes me wanna cough.


Yeah, I just got finished doing it and my chest is wicked tight. The good thing about this medicine is that it gives me incentive to do my albueterol and Tobi b/c I can not breathe after I finish that saline stuff. I know it is supposed to help, but I am not liking it so far.


New member
Robin, you might want to ask your doctor if you should start on a lower percentage. What % are you taking?

For me, I've been on it for about 2 months now and I still cough a lot with it. Sometimes, it burns so much that I cut the treatment a little short, but most often it's okay for me. The studies show that it helps increase lung function....so I won't be stopping.


New member
Maybe it would help doing the saline last? I usually do my albuterol, then pulmozyme, then airway clearance, then colistin, and then finally at the end the saline. I've never done the saline first. But perhaps the reason you feel so congested is because you're doing the albuterol AFTER the saline. It might help you open up your airways first, and then use the hypertonic. See if that helps you out.


I think I will try doing the other meds first then the saline. I hope that helps. I won't be stopping it either. Anything to help my lung function. I've been playing tennis lately and I hate getting out of breath so quickly.

I think I am at 7% saline. My throat is getting sore, but it goes away after awhile.

I'm pretty excited I can take this. So many of the other medicines make me sicker. I tried the pulmozyme and it closed my airways up. It happens rarely with CF patients (that's what the docs in clinic told me), but of course it happened with me.

Anyway, thanks for all the advice. I know I can always count on you guys to help out!!


New member
I've been on it for about 4 months now and holy cow I'm still coughing up mucus plugs!

This stuff is a miracle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Do ya'll just cough a lot during your treatments with HS? I cough a good amount with the 7%, but after, always feel tight in my chest (no idea why). Then, throughout the day, I will cough more often and get more loosey-type stuff up. I also notice I get more winded throughout the day when I'm on HS vs. days I skip it. Does this make sense??? I find I'm coughing up MORE, but way more SOB too. Hmmm....



New member
bump.... anyone have some ideas to my question?

thanks. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Sonia it sounds like you are having reactive airways to the HS which would explain why you feel tight for a big afterwards & then later on have more loosened up stuff come up. You are probably tired from the amount of coughing it makes you do or at least I was. The reactive airways might be adding to it also. I assume you do albeuterol or some type of bronchial dialator beforehand. It is very important. The 7% might just be a bit too strong for you in the long run even tho you get lots of junk up. Its frustrating when you have something that seems to work yet there is a glitch in it!


New member
Hi Sonia,

I have been on the 7% since March. Somedays I cough more than others. Sometimes I cough a lot during the treatment but my doctor said that might be from from irritation of the saline. So he recommended that I took albuterol first that helps and the cough is more productive and not just an irritating cough. During the day my cough is very productive. My chest only feels tight when I don't take the albuterol. It makes a huge difference.


New member
Just a heads up for order of nebs:

Bronchiodilators first (albuterol)
HS next (and coughing up mucus)
Antibiotics last (you want it to STAY in your lungs and war with the bacteria - not cough it right back out).


New member
Thanks, ya'll. I do do albuterol first. Here's my order:

Colistyn (when on it)

I dont' cough a whole lot when doing HS, though more than usual. Then, throughout the day is when I cough a lot. I also notice my lungs are a bit sore throughout the day off and on. Is this also a side effect of the HS? I'd like to think they're sore cause I'm coughing so much and getting gunk out, but actually, I don't cough enough to actually feel sore from it. I still go hours without coughing. And, when doing the HS, I cough hard maybe 5-6 times and then tolerate it really well after that (other than the tightness in the chest afterward).


New member
I have been doing the HS for 2 months now. I love it. It really helps me to bring up mucus that I didn't even know I had. I take albuteral first, as prescribed, so that I will not get the "tight chest" that some of you are complaining about. If you are taking several nebulizer treatments always take the HS last. If I skip the morning treatment then I do the night treatment longer to make up for it as there is aways more to cough up because of skipping in the morning. When I do it consistently, which is most of the time, the mucus production is less and thinner. Sometimes I cough more than others, it varies. I actually look forward to the treatment because seeing how much comes up I know that it's worth my time and my right lung (rest of left lung removed in 1999) will be better for it. Sonia I cannot say that I feel more SOB while on the HS or not on it. I go for a check up in 2 weeks so I will see what the PFT's show then. It will be my first since starting HS.