Hypoglycemia and cf....


New member
I posted on adult forum too. I'm afraid my dd has this. She scared the crap out of us this week. One morning we couldn't wake her up and almost called squad. She finally made a noise and then started coming out of it. Her fasting blood glucose level a few yrs ago was 50. Which I've always thought was too low but was told nothing to worry about. Now I'm worried! She has never acted like this before. She is always the first one up!
Any advice or thoughts is greatly appreciated! If you're wondering why we didn't take her to see her ped it's because we were out of state on a mini vacation. I am taking her in to see her ped tomorrow.


New member
If it was her blood sugar and it was low enough that she was unresponsive, she would not have come out of it without glucose. You probably should have called EMS and had them check her blood sugar then just to see what it was. You can always refuse transport if it turns out that she is ok.


New member
Good point! She did come out of it but was very tired and irritable!! Her blood glucose level today two hrs after eating French toast and syrup was 77. This seems a little low to me.