I've had issues with hypoglycemia since I was about 20. I registerer as low as 30, and thats when I start hitting the seizure line. (Yes, I have seized several times from LBS). Finally figured out what was going on and began to recognize the symptoms. I get irritable and then quite aggressive and REFUSE to eat when my BS gets super low. A couple minutes before I seize, I get the coppery taste of blood in my mouth. At this point, it I have a glucose pill or some juice and can sit and totally relax, I can avoid a seizure. I have found that I CANNOT eat just carbs and fruit for breakfast, I will shoot up over 250, then drop like a stone and seize. I must eat protein, no sugar, no juice, only very small amount of carbs, for breakfast. Then, I can go 5 hours with no problem, even with intense physical exercise. By about 3 in the afternoon, I can eat carbs only if I want, and no spiking. Go figure. Any other time and I have to have protein with whatever I eat, unless its only vegetables or a very high fiber fruit. I spent months tracking my food and taking my blood sugar levels every 30 minutes to figure this system out. Seriously sore fingers! BUT, no seizures for over a decade. : )