I am back.....


New member
Well, I am back and I had no problem traveling with all my medical equipment. Emily you were right all they did was go over my vest and neb. machines with a fuzzy thing. That was it... They were so willing to help me with anything that I needed at all...

The trip was tiring in and of itself with the major time changes and stuff like that but overall it was good. I have to say it was a bit overwhelming for me because many of the ppl that I was with, though their intentions were for sure meant well, treated me like an invalid. I know a lot of ppl like attention, but I am not one of them... Well let me rephrase that, I like getting praise attention but I HATE ppl fussing over me and treating me different. I am to the point of becomming bitter with ppl and I am sure I would except that I know they mean well...

The girl I was rooming with actually started to cry when I did my vest in front of her. Mind you this was the first time I ever did my vest in front of anyone.... I got so upset I drank to much wine just to calm down.... I ended up just doing my vest behind closed doors in the bathroom instead of having the balls (sorry if I can't say that word on here) to just say how I felt......

Anyway It is nice to be home, my health is okay though my feet are real real swollen from to much fluid in my system related to the steroids I take. I am off to SC in a few days.

Hope everyone is well.



New member
I am glad your trip went really well. We are going on our first family trip on a plane ( never been on one before) and our son has cf. This is encouraging to me that the people at the airport will be understanding. Hope your next trip goes as well.


New member

Glad your trip went well. I travel frequently and no problems yet. As time goes on it gets easier "sharing" your CF with others. No worries. Have a safe trip to SC.



"My friends are my estate. Forgive me my avarice of hoarding them."-Emily Dickinson


New member
both of my children have CF. I haven't ever realy talked with another parent who's child has this and I was wondering if there was anyone there?


New member
Try to post something in the 'families' category (from the drop down menu at the top of this page next to the word "navagation") & you'll get all kinds of parents to respond.