My name is Jasmin and I have a baby boy named Lucas. At birth he had meconium ileus and needed a laparotomy to irrigate his colon, nothing was removed. At 4 months it was disovered that he has a milk protein allergy and we switched him to Alimentum. He has been hovering around 14 pounds since then. He is currently 7 months old.
We were admitted at UCLA over a week ago for low albumin, which was 1. He had intermittent swelling in his eyes, which led our pediatrician to think he was losing protein somewhere. Liver and kidneys checked out clean, so the GI tract was the only other option.
He is being worked over for pancreatic insuffiency and is on Creon (very difficult to give to him). My husband, Lucas, and I were all screened for the initial panel for CF (I don't know what that panel is called), and were were negative for the most common mutations. Lucas has also had 2 sweat chloride tests that were negative, although it seems that test isn't too sensitive. Currently, all the attendings on staff are split down the middle if he has CF or not. Lots of his tests are still pending, so everything seems to be up in the air.
I have numerous questions, as you might imagine.
1) Are any of you out there in a similar boat? What have your experiences been?
2) If you/your child has a CF mutation that is outside of the most common, how have you dealt with it?
3) As we are having problems giving our son Creon (he now has a solid food aversion because we used to mix it in there), how are you dealing with that and daycare?
I have tons more questions, but I figured this is enough reading for anyone who wishes to help.
We were admitted at UCLA over a week ago for low albumin, which was 1. He had intermittent swelling in his eyes, which led our pediatrician to think he was losing protein somewhere. Liver and kidneys checked out clean, so the GI tract was the only other option.
He is being worked over for pancreatic insuffiency and is on Creon (very difficult to give to him). My husband, Lucas, and I were all screened for the initial panel for CF (I don't know what that panel is called), and were were negative for the most common mutations. Lucas has also had 2 sweat chloride tests that were negative, although it seems that test isn't too sensitive. Currently, all the attendings on staff are split down the middle if he has CF or not. Lots of his tests are still pending, so everything seems to be up in the air.
I have numerous questions, as you might imagine.
1) Are any of you out there in a similar boat? What have your experiences been?
2) If you/your child has a CF mutation that is outside of the most common, how have you dealt with it?
3) As we are having problems giving our son Creon (he now has a solid food aversion because we used to mix it in there), how are you dealing with that and daycare?
I have tons more questions, but I figured this is enough reading for anyone who wishes to help.