I don't have CF and I have to do a project on CF is there anyone willing to talk to me.


New member
RE:I don't have CF and I have to do a project on CF is there anyone willing to talk to me.

I would but I dont see any text there.


New member
RE:I don't have CF and I have to do a project on CF is there anyone willing to talk to me.

hello r u there.


New member
RE:I don't have CF and I have to do a project on CF is there anyone willing to talk to me.

HI I'm a high school senior and I have to do a project and I would like help.


New member
RE:I don't have CF and I have to do a project on CF is there anyone willing to talk to me.

Talk to you about what? What information do you need? What is your contact information in case someone wants to help?

I think you'll get results if you mention these things, instead of spamming us with vague requests for help.


New member
RE:I don't have CF and I have to do a project on CF is there anyone willing to talk to me.

I am too good to give you any information. <img src="i/expressions/devil.gif" border="0">


New member
RE:I don't have CF and I have to do a project on CF is there anyone willing to talk to me.

Okay one thread was fine. Even one on each section (adults, family, etc) is okay. But this many threads about your one question, when you don't even know what the hell to ask? Quit it with the 47 different threads.


New member
RE:I don't have CF and I have to do a project on CF is there anyone willing to talk to me.

Also if you want to post a topic about asking a question(eg. can cf kill) please look to see if that has been asked in the last few days at least. You can read that, then, add any questions to it, instead of starting a whole new topic! Shamrock


New member
RE:I don't have CF and I have to do a project on CF is there anyone willing to talk to me.

IF you are interested, you can email me tessamus@yahoo.com

Tessa 27w/cf