i don't know what to do


New member
I'm suppose to go for my 3 month check up next week (on the 21st). I'm kinda worried because I've been feeling pretty bad since I got back from Chattanooga. In fact, for the past year I've been on numerous antibiotics (batrium, levaquinn, cipro) and I always feel really good for about a week and half after I finish the medicine, but then I start feeling really crappy again. I've never been admitted into the hospital, but I know I can't avoid it forever. I guess I'm just wondering if maybe it's time for me to go in.


New member
I'm suppose to go for my 3 month check up next week (on the 21st). I'm kinda worried because I've been feeling pretty bad since I got back from Chattanooga. In fact, for the past year I've been on numerous antibiotics (batrium, levaquinn, cipro) and I always feel really good for about a week and half after I finish the medicine, but then I start feeling really crappy again. I've never been admitted into the hospital, but I know I can't avoid it forever. I guess I'm just wondering if maybe it's time for me to go in.


New member
I'm suppose to go for my 3 month check up next week (on the 21st). I'm kinda worried because I've been feeling pretty bad since I got back from Chattanooga. In fact, for the past year I've been on numerous antibiotics (batrium, levaquinn, cipro) and I always feel really good for about a week and half after I finish the medicine, but then I start feeling really crappy again. I've never been admitted into the hospital, but I know I can't avoid it forever. I guess I'm just wondering if maybe it's time for me to go in.


New member
Sara, if that's what it takes to get feeling better, then embrace it, don't fear it. Some of us who are permitted (insurance) may even go voluntarily for a 'tune up'. I hope it goes well.


New member
Sara, if that's what it takes to get feeling better, then embrace it, don't fear it. Some of us who are permitted (insurance) may even go voluntarily for a 'tune up'. I hope it goes well.


New member
Sara, if that's what it takes to get feeling better, then embrace it, don't fear it. Some of us who are permitted (insurance) may even go voluntarily for a 'tune up'. I hope it goes well.


New member
Hi Sara, I agree with dbtoo, alot of us do our tune-ups at home and or the hosp. whatever works for you. Stay well and God Bless.........Joni 54 y/o w c/f


New member
Hi Sara, I agree with dbtoo, alot of us do our tune-ups at home and or the hosp. whatever works for you. Stay well and God Bless.........Joni 54 y/o w c/f


New member
Hi Sara, I agree with dbtoo, alot of us do our tune-ups at home and or the hosp. whatever works for you. Stay well and God Bless.........Joni 54 y/o w c/f


New member
Hi Sara, I know how you feel with the whole coming off antis feeling great then a week later feeling yucky again, and I know the only thing that works for me personally is a tune-up, otherwise its just a neverending cycle of feeling sick, then oral antis, feeling good, then back to square 1. That is so great you've never been admitted, though it's not all that bad and in the long-run, if it is necessary, you'll feel heaps better for it. Good luck with the appt!!



New member
Hi Sara, I know how you feel with the whole coming off antis feeling great then a week later feeling yucky again, and I know the only thing that works for me personally is a tune-up, otherwise its just a neverending cycle of feeling sick, then oral antis, feeling good, then back to square 1. That is so great you've never been admitted, though it's not all that bad and in the long-run, if it is necessary, you'll feel heaps better for it. Good luck with the appt!!



New member
Hi Sara, I know how you feel with the whole coming off antis feeling great then a week later feeling yucky again, and I know the only thing that works for me personally is a tune-up, otherwise its just a neverending cycle of feeling sick, then oral antis, feeling good, then back to square 1. That is so great you've never been admitted, though it's not all that bad and in the long-run, if it is necessary, you'll feel heaps better for it. Good luck with the appt!!
