I feel denied. People with jobs and CF?


New member
I'm a first timer here on the CF.com forums, but I've had CF since I was diagnosed at 6 months. I'm 23 and been through all kinds of hell (who hasn't with CF really?) I've had 29 surgeries and I need one more (tonsils), but anyway long story short I have a question or questions.

I feel smothered. Literally. When I was born we were able to get medical insurance before I was diagnosed. 18 years and over 2 million dollars later the insurance company dropped me. That was when I was going into the hospital every few months/several times a year. Now I'm older and healthier, and I go once a year.

So what do you do to live your life normally without insurance and working a job? How is that possible? I can work fine. In fact I'm a photographer, I have my own business...well I'm trying to start it. But there's limits and it's because of medicaid. I hate it. I feel like it's a death sentence put on by the government. Why? Because for some stupid reason if you qualify for medicaid you have to qualify for a SSI check...well I don't give a rats behind about a monthly check. I can make 60K a year in photography, but without insurance I can't ever make enough to pay medical bills, or the $2000 in medicine every month. It's basically a death sentence without it. Free care in this country sucks. By the time I get sick enough to go into the hospital room of a free hospital I'd die in the waiting room waiting to be cared for. You all know it's true because sometimes CF can be that bad. So what do you do? Try to pay the bills? Do you have insurance? Did you find someone to accept you? What alternative is there? I could afford the premiums if someone could just approve me for care.

I feel like I want to be free of it so bad I'd take my chances of not having medicaid at all. At least I'd die happy knowing I was able to do what I wanted to do in life without any restrictions.

I feel trapped. It's the only thing holding me back from living me a normal life. I'd like to see some insights or maybe experiences with the matter. Do any of you own businesses or work full time? How does that work when you don't have insurance to cover the cost of your health?



New member
I'm a first timer here on the CF.com forums, but I've had CF since I was diagnosed at 6 months. I'm 23 and been through all kinds of hell (who hasn't with CF really?) I've had 29 surgeries and I need one more (tonsils), but anyway long story short I have a question or questions.

I feel smothered. Literally. When I was born we were able to get medical insurance before I was diagnosed. 18 years and over 2 million dollars later the insurance company dropped me. That was when I was going into the hospital every few months/several times a year. Now I'm older and healthier, and I go once a year.

So what do you do to live your life normally without insurance and working a job? How is that possible? I can work fine. In fact I'm a photographer, I have my own business...well I'm trying to start it. But there's limits and it's because of medicaid. I hate it. I feel like it's a death sentence put on by the government. Why? Because for some stupid reason if you qualify for medicaid you have to qualify for a SSI check...well I don't give a rats behind about a monthly check. I can make 60K a year in photography, but without insurance I can't ever make enough to pay medical bills, or the $2000 in medicine every month. It's basically a death sentence without it. Free care in this country sucks. By the time I get sick enough to go into the hospital room of a free hospital I'd die in the waiting room waiting to be cared for. You all know it's true because sometimes CF can be that bad. So what do you do? Try to pay the bills? Do you have insurance? Did you find someone to accept you? What alternative is there? I could afford the premiums if someone could just approve me for care.

I feel like I want to be free of it so bad I'd take my chances of not having medicaid at all. At least I'd die happy knowing I was able to do what I wanted to do in life without any restrictions.

I feel trapped. It's the only thing holding me back from living me a normal life. I'd like to see some insights or maybe experiences with the matter. Do any of you own businesses or work full time? How does that work when you don't have insurance to cover the cost of your health?



New member
I'm a first timer here on the CF.com forums, but I've had CF since I was diagnosed at 6 months. I'm 23 and been through all kinds of hell (who hasn't with CF really?) I've had 29 surgeries and I need one more (tonsils), but anyway long story short I have a question or questions.

I feel smothered. Literally. When I was born we were able to get medical insurance before I was diagnosed. 18 years and over 2 million dollars later the insurance company dropped me. That was when I was going into the hospital every few months/several times a year. Now I'm older and healthier, and I go once a year.

So what do you do to live your life normally without insurance and working a job? How is that possible? I can work fine. In fact I'm a photographer, I have my own business...well I'm trying to start it. But there's limits and it's because of medicaid. I hate it. I feel like it's a death sentence put on by the government. Why? Because for some stupid reason if you qualify for medicaid you have to qualify for a SSI check...well I don't give a rats behind about a monthly check. I can make 60K a year in photography, but without insurance I can't ever make enough to pay medical bills, or the $2000 in medicine every month. It's basically a death sentence without it. Free care in this country sucks. By the time I get sick enough to go into the hospital room of a free hospital I'd die in the waiting room waiting to be cared for. You all know it's true because sometimes CF can be that bad. So what do you do? Try to pay the bills? Do you have insurance? Did you find someone to accept you? What alternative is there? I could afford the premiums if someone could just approve me for care.

I feel like I want to be free of it so bad I'd take my chances of not having medicaid at all. At least I'd die happy knowing I was able to do what I wanted to do in life without any restrictions.

I feel trapped. It's the only thing holding me back from living me a normal life. I'd like to see some insights or maybe experiences with the matter. Do any of you own businesses or work full time? How does that work when you don't have insurance to cover the cost of your health?



New member
I'm a first timer here on the CF.com forums, but I've had CF since I was diagnosed at 6 months. I'm 23 and been through all kinds of hell (who hasn't with CF really?) I've had 29 surgeries and I need one more (tonsils), but anyway long story short I have a question or questions.

I feel smothered. Literally. When I was born we were able to get medical insurance before I was diagnosed. 18 years and over 2 million dollars later the insurance company dropped me. That was when I was going into the hospital every few months/several times a year. Now I'm older and healthier, and I go once a year.

So what do you do to live your life normally without insurance and working a job? How is that possible? I can work fine. In fact I'm a photographer, I have my own business...well I'm trying to start it. But there's limits and it's because of medicaid. I hate it. I feel like it's a death sentence put on by the government. Why? Because for some stupid reason if you qualify for medicaid you have to qualify for a SSI check...well I don't give a rats behind about a monthly check. I can make 60K a year in photography, but without insurance I can't ever make enough to pay medical bills, or the $2000 in medicine every month. It's basically a death sentence without it. Free care in this country sucks. By the time I get sick enough to go into the hospital room of a free hospital I'd die in the waiting room waiting to be cared for. You all know it's true because sometimes CF can be that bad. So what do you do? Try to pay the bills? Do you have insurance? Did you find someone to accept you? What alternative is there? I could afford the premiums if someone could just approve me for care.

I feel like I want to be free of it so bad I'd take my chances of not having medicaid at all. At least I'd die happy knowing I was able to do what I wanted to do in life without any restrictions.

I feel trapped. It's the only thing holding me back from living me a normal life. I'd like to see some insights or maybe experiences with the matter. Do any of you own businesses or work full time? How does that work when you don't have insurance to cover the cost of your health?



New member
I'm a first timer here on the CF.com forums, but I've had CF since I was diagnosed at 6 months. I'm 23 and been through all kinds of hell (who hasn't with CF really?) I've had 29 surgeries and I need one more (tonsils), but anyway long story short I have a question or questions.
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<br />I feel smothered. Literally. When I was born we were able to get medical insurance before I was diagnosed. 18 years and over 2 million dollars later the insurance company dropped me. That was when I was going into the hospital every few months/several times a year. Now I'm older and healthier, and I go once a year.
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<br />So what do you do to live your life normally without insurance and working a job? How is that possible? I can work fine. In fact I'm a photographer, I have my own business...well I'm trying to start it. But there's limits and it's because of medicaid. I hate it. I feel like it's a death sentence put on by the government. Why? Because for some stupid reason if you qualify for medicaid you have to qualify for a SSI check...well I don't give a rats behind about a monthly check. I can make 60K a year in photography, but without insurance I can't ever make enough to pay medical bills, or the $2000 in medicine every month. It's basically a death sentence without it. Free care in this country sucks. By the time I get sick enough to go into the hospital room of a free hospital I'd die in the waiting room waiting to be cared for. You all know it's true because sometimes CF can be that bad. So what do you do? Try to pay the bills? Do you have insurance? Did you find someone to accept you? What alternative is there? I could afford the premiums if someone could just approve me for care.
<br />
<br />I feel like I want to be free of it so bad I'd take my chances of not having medicaid at all. At least I'd die happy knowing I was able to do what I wanted to do in life without any restrictions.
<br />
<br />I feel trapped. It's the only thing holding me back from living me a normal life. I'd like to see some insights or maybe experiences with the matter. Do any of you own businesses or work full time? How does that work when you don't have insurance to cover the cost of your health?
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<br />Thanks,
<br />Matt-


New member
Matt, if you own your own business, there may be some options for you. It depends a lot on what state you live in. Most states have a high risk pool set up for people like you who are self-employed and don't have access to group insurance and have a pre-existing condition. States that don't have a high-risk pool sometimes will have guarantee access insurance for small business owners. Sometimes your local chamber of commerce has a group insurance for small business owners. In your position, I would capitalize on being a small business owner. If you are not incorporated, you might go through the trouble to do that. Also, you may consider filing for SSDI. If you qualify, you would be eligible for medicare. SSDI works differently than SSI. You can continue to earn a certain amount of money per month and, if you set up a corporation, they will look at your net income for the company vs. gross as a typical worker. I know I gave you a lot of information<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> If you have any specific questions, feel free to PM me. As a fellow small business owner, I empathize with your plight to get and keep coverage and I've done a lot of extensive research to find options that work.


New member
Matt, if you own your own business, there may be some options for you. It depends a lot on what state you live in. Most states have a high risk pool set up for people like you who are self-employed and don't have access to group insurance and have a pre-existing condition. States that don't have a high-risk pool sometimes will have guarantee access insurance for small business owners. Sometimes your local chamber of commerce has a group insurance for small business owners. In your position, I would capitalize on being a small business owner. If you are not incorporated, you might go through the trouble to do that. Also, you may consider filing for SSDI. If you qualify, you would be eligible for medicare. SSDI works differently than SSI. You can continue to earn a certain amount of money per month and, if you set up a corporation, they will look at your net income for the company vs. gross as a typical worker. I know I gave you a lot of information<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> If you have any specific questions, feel free to PM me. As a fellow small business owner, I empathize with your plight to get and keep coverage and I've done a lot of extensive research to find options that work.


New member
Matt, if you own your own business, there may be some options for you. It depends a lot on what state you live in. Most states have a high risk pool set up for people like you who are self-employed and don't have access to group insurance and have a pre-existing condition. States that don't have a high-risk pool sometimes will have guarantee access insurance for small business owners. Sometimes your local chamber of commerce has a group insurance for small business owners. In your position, I would capitalize on being a small business owner. If you are not incorporated, you might go through the trouble to do that. Also, you may consider filing for SSDI. If you qualify, you would be eligible for medicare. SSDI works differently than SSI. You can continue to earn a certain amount of money per month and, if you set up a corporation, they will look at your net income for the company vs. gross as a typical worker. I know I gave you a lot of information<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> If you have any specific questions, feel free to PM me. As a fellow small business owner, I empathize with your plight to get and keep coverage and I've done a lot of extensive research to find options that work.


New member
Matt, if you own your own business, there may be some options for you. It depends a lot on what state you live in. Most states have a high risk pool set up for people like you who are self-employed and don't have access to group insurance and have a pre-existing condition. States that don't have a high-risk pool sometimes will have guarantee access insurance for small business owners. Sometimes your local chamber of commerce has a group insurance for small business owners. In your position, I would capitalize on being a small business owner. If you are not incorporated, you might go through the trouble to do that. Also, you may consider filing for SSDI. If you qualify, you would be eligible for medicare. SSDI works differently than SSI. You can continue to earn a certain amount of money per month and, if you set up a corporation, they will look at your net income for the company vs. gross as a typical worker. I know I gave you a lot of information<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> If you have any specific questions, feel free to PM me. As a fellow small business owner, I empathize with your plight to get and keep coverage and I've done a lot of extensive research to find options that work.


New member
Matt, if you own your own business, there may be some options for you. It depends a lot on what state you live in. Most states have a high risk pool set up for people like you who are self-employed and don't have access to group insurance and have a pre-existing condition. States that don't have a high-risk pool sometimes will have guarantee access insurance for small business owners. Sometimes your local chamber of commerce has a group insurance for small business owners. In your position, I would capitalize on being a small business owner. If you are not incorporated, you might go through the trouble to do that. Also, you may consider filing for SSDI. If you qualify, you would be eligible for medicare. SSDI works differently than SSI. You can continue to earn a certain amount of money per month and, if you set up a corporation, they will look at your net income for the company vs. gross as a typical worker. I know I gave you a lot of information<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> If you have any specific questions, feel free to PM me. As a fellow small business owner, I empathize with your plight to get and keep coverage and I've done a lot of extensive research to find options that work.


New member
I feel for you. I know it sucks. Insurance can be so unrealistic.

I'm self employed and the only way it works out for me is with a state program that covers all CF related bills. It does depend on which state you're in, where do you live? I agree with the points Skye made. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> You should look into what the costs are in your state for purchasing a group insurance for your business, but you'd probably have to show at least one part-timer/full on board to qualify.

I hope more people on here can give you suggestions relating to your state.


New member
I feel for you. I know it sucks. Insurance can be so unrealistic.

I'm self employed and the only way it works out for me is with a state program that covers all CF related bills. It does depend on which state you're in, where do you live? I agree with the points Skye made. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> You should look into what the costs are in your state for purchasing a group insurance for your business, but you'd probably have to show at least one part-timer/full on board to qualify.

I hope more people on here can give you suggestions relating to your state.


New member
I feel for you. I know it sucks. Insurance can be so unrealistic.

I'm self employed and the only way it works out for me is with a state program that covers all CF related bills. It does depend on which state you're in, where do you live? I agree with the points Skye made. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> You should look into what the costs are in your state for purchasing a group insurance for your business, but you'd probably have to show at least one part-timer/full on board to qualify.

I hope more people on here can give you suggestions relating to your state.


New member
I feel for you. I know it sucks. Insurance can be so unrealistic.

I'm self employed and the only way it works out for me is with a state program that covers all CF related bills. It does depend on which state you're in, where do you live? I agree with the points Skye made. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> You should look into what the costs are in your state for purchasing a group insurance for your business, but you'd probably have to show at least one part-timer/full on board to qualify.

I hope more people on here can give you suggestions relating to your state.


New member
I feel for you. I know it sucks. Insurance can be so unrealistic.
<br />
<br />I'm self employed and the only way it works out for me is with a state program that covers all CF related bills. It does depend on which state you're in, where do you live? I agree with the points Skye made. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> You should look into what the costs are in your state for purchasing a group insurance for your business, but you'd probably have to show at least one part-timer/full on board to qualify.
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<br />I hope more people on here can give you suggestions relating to your state.
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