after hearing about this oregano oil, my mom and i thought we would give it a shot.
so far, i've been taking it about two weeks or so and have been starting to feel pretty crappy, but it may be because i have quite a few more bugs in my body than you did. and while i am feeling not my best, i feel like i'm coughing up stuff that is a lot less sticky than it used to be, i also had something happen this morning when i woke up that has never occurred before.
i woke up to the usual coughing fit, we's all know what i'm referring to, and like many people i've coughed up blood before, which i started to do, but this time it wasn't like actual blood, it looked old, like it had been down there for months. i looked like my lungs were bringing up old layers of sputum i couldn't get out before, even with my vest because i have never seen blood come up unless it was fresh.
i could be wrong, but i see this as possibly being a step in my body getting pulled out of the "healthy-sick-healthy-sick again" routine. and i hope it is.
anyway, good luck to everyone who tries the oregano! i hope you have luck with it like i think i am.