I got a Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Congrats Jenn!!!! I am sooo happy for you, I know you will love it...I loved post surgical patients, and yes it is a relatively clean place to be, which is great! I am also happy that you do not have to work nights, I was worried about that....nights aren't for anyone with chronic disease, it is just so stressful on the body. Know that I am always in your corner! Hugs from another nurse (well, disabled but hey, once a nurse always a nurse!) Jenn <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
YAY !!!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> CONGRATS !! Thats Awesome !! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
I got just got home from school and I was so overwhelmed when I saw all the responses I got from you guys!!!!!!!

Really, your overwhelming love is amazing.. Thanks so much for being happy for me. My boss called me today to tell me that it was a sealed deal..(She knows me and knows that I worry so much about everything) THat being said, if a spot opens up in the ER, I am not able to put in for it. I am commited to where I am for a year...

But you know what, I am so grateful for the chance to work.. I don't even care anymore.. I was so initially heartbroken..but I was able to make the best of it, and Now I am so excited.. I can't stand it.

I decided not to apply or interview anywhere else. Having a job that understands me so well is priceless.. My boss did say to me that my CF should never be an issue when being hired but that it will be for some people and that some people will not hire me because of it.

So now if I can only get my head out of the clouds and do some homework...that would be very helpful. Big test on Monday..

Julie.... we have been through so much together and well really this whole board is such a close knit community.. This group is so much better then any therapy I could ever pay for really.

And the genuine happiness expressed toward me is more valuable to me than the butt load of money I am about to make...

So it is official. I have a job as an RN... Now dear GOd please don't let me get sick in these last few weeks and Please let me pass the boards...

as a side note, I am giving a speech because for one of the programs that I am in school I won the Persistant Student of the Year award.. and in the speech.. I am going to be talking about you guys.. and how really there is so many more people that are way more persistant to me.. and not everyone that is so persistant gets to win.. I am then handing out a blue CF bracelett to the rest of the people there...

I feel like I need to honor everyone with CF and this is the best way I can...

Love you guys and thanks again sooooooooo much...


New member
Wow, that is soo very exciting. Congrats!! What a load that is taken off your shoulders knowing now that you have a job as a RN!! You deffantly deserve it!! Congrats, again!


New member
THanks again so much...

izemmom I love your quote.. It is really awesome.

I just got a phone call from one of the big Univesitiy Hospitals that I applied to as well, (actually this is my second call from them) they told me they would like me to come in..again because they want to make me an offer...

I am so torn, I pretty much have decided it is safe to stay where I am because everyone knows me, knows about my CF etc. But this university is offering me exactly the area I want.. Pedatrics... It would be a position where I would be in the Childrens Hospital EMergency room..but the potential to move to the neonatal intensive care and the pediatric intensive care unit is right there.

I know one thing for sure, If I didn't have CF I would for sure be more likely to take the job... It is perfect.... Everyone I know has given me different advice on what to do.. Some say big unviersities are really hard for new nurses to start out in because they are harsh on you. others, when they heard what hospital it was told me if I can get my foot in the door there...to take it...

I don't know what to do.. I guess I feel like I should stay where I am at for a year, and then if i want to move on, I can stay per deim where I work, (this way I am not cutting the ties) and then venture out into the other hospital....but I am going back in for the second interveiw as of right now, unless I chicken out..
