I guess I just want to rant a little bit....


New member
I apologize in advance for my ranting, but at least I will feel I have gotten it off my chest a bit, and to people who have a better chance of understanding where I am coming from.

So, I am finding myself less and less satisfied with our clinic. I know it's one of the biggest in the Midwest and it's a transplant clinic, and blah blah blah. I also know that I work in the hospital myself and I should totally agree with the raves about the clinic. However, slowly, little things are building up that I can no longer keep to myself. Now I by no means think that I should receive special treatment because I do work in the hospital. However, If I am being treated like this and I DO work in the hospital, how are other people being treated.

I constantly feel like we are being blown off about a lot of things. Like we are being pushed around to no end. The first bad experience was when Maeve was 6 mo old and we had a "culture mixup" This was a culture that showed Maeve growing not only psuedomonas but also cepacia. Wow, what a whammy huh! So they did a new culture and started her on Tobi and an oral antibiotic. A week later they called and said that the new culture was completely clean, and we could stop the Tobi. The funny thing is, the clinic only mentioned the Pseudomonas, the pediatrician told me about the cepacia. I can kinda understand they were trying to cause less panic than was necessary, but how did the mixup occur to begin with. This was not the first experience I'd had with labs. In fact, when I was pregnant I was told my carrier detection was negative. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0"> It most definitely wasn't.

So two visits ago....Maeve and I came to clinic by ourselves. We sat in the waiting room for 2 HOURS!!!!! Before we even got a room, and were there apologies or explanations? nope. Last visit we got a room right away, but we waited in the room for over an hour waiting for the doctor to come in. This time my husband was with me, thank goodness, so we could take short walks in the hallway. Ok, that's tough enough trying to keep a 20 month old occupied in a small room for an hour, much less keeping her from crawling all over the floor and touching everything in site. The doctor mentioned that she was going to be spending more time in the lab to work on some new treatments she wanted to send to the FDA to be approved. As a result of this, her schedule would be super tight, and if we wanted to continue seeing her, that we needed to understand how inconvenient it could become for us. <i>Well we'd already experienced that twice now.</i> Then she went on to say that she would be happy to refer us to one of the other doctors, but she would leave it up to us and we didn't have to make the decision that day.

This leads up to my latest gripe. I called the other day to make Maeve's next appointment, only to find out the decision had been made for us. We would no longer be seeing our regular doctor and she had already made the referral to another one for us. Whoa! What happened to us making the decision? So, I proceed to get my calendar to make the appointment, only to find out the new doctor will be on maternity leave until April!!!! AGH, seriously?! So now they want to throw us with some random doctor for this one time. I let the lady know that I did not care to do this. Why couldn't we see the regular doctor one last time? Now all of a sudden she has no appointments...WTF! Soooo this is where I am, in limbo. The scheduler was very nice and understood where I was coming from as far as not seeing someone random next time we come in. <i>That's what she told me anyhow.</i> I talked to her for the second time yesterday and I will be calling her today to find out the scoop. She was going to be talking to her supervisor I guess and then conferring with the nurse and doctor. Not that I have seen our regular nurse, or even spoken to her in the last 9 months or so?? I keep ending up with someone else there too.

So anyhow, those are my frustrations. Sorry again. I just don't know what to do! This isn't something that she will eventually get over, it's lifelong. There aren't many options as far as switching doctors. I mean there's another smaller clinic at the other childrens hospital, but unfortunately all admissions would be covered better at this hospital, being that is where my insurance is through. So I dunno..<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0">


New member
I apologize in advance for my ranting, but at least I will feel I have gotten it off my chest a bit, and to people who have a better chance of understanding where I am coming from.

So, I am finding myself less and less satisfied with our clinic. I know it's one of the biggest in the Midwest and it's a transplant clinic, and blah blah blah. I also know that I work in the hospital myself and I should totally agree with the raves about the clinic. However, slowly, little things are building up that I can no longer keep to myself. Now I by no means think that I should receive special treatment because I do work in the hospital. However, If I am being treated like this and I DO work in the hospital, how are other people being treated.

I constantly feel like we are being blown off about a lot of things. Like we are being pushed around to no end. The first bad experience was when Maeve was 6 mo old and we had a "culture mixup" This was a culture that showed Maeve growing not only psuedomonas but also cepacia. Wow, what a whammy huh! So they did a new culture and started her on Tobi and an oral antibiotic. A week later they called and said that the new culture was completely clean, and we could stop the Tobi. The funny thing is, the clinic only mentioned the Pseudomonas, the pediatrician told me about the cepacia. I can kinda understand they were trying to cause less panic than was necessary, but how did the mixup occur to begin with. This was not the first experience I'd had with labs. In fact, when I was pregnant I was told my carrier detection was negative. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0"> It most definitely wasn't.

So two visits ago....Maeve and I came to clinic by ourselves. We sat in the waiting room for 2 HOURS!!!!! Before we even got a room, and were there apologies or explanations? nope. Last visit we got a room right away, but we waited in the room for over an hour waiting for the doctor to come in. This time my husband was with me, thank goodness, so we could take short walks in the hallway. Ok, that's tough enough trying to keep a 20 month old occupied in a small room for an hour, much less keeping her from crawling all over the floor and touching everything in site. The doctor mentioned that she was going to be spending more time in the lab to work on some new treatments she wanted to send to the FDA to be approved. As a result of this, her schedule would be super tight, and if we wanted to continue seeing her, that we needed to understand how inconvenient it could become for us. <i>Well we'd already experienced that twice now.</i> Then she went on to say that she would be happy to refer us to one of the other doctors, but she would leave it up to us and we didn't have to make the decision that day.

This leads up to my latest gripe. I called the other day to make Maeve's next appointment, only to find out the decision had been made for us. We would no longer be seeing our regular doctor and she had already made the referral to another one for us. Whoa! What happened to us making the decision? So, I proceed to get my calendar to make the appointment, only to find out the new doctor will be on maternity leave until April!!!! AGH, seriously?! So now they want to throw us with some random doctor for this one time. I let the lady know that I did not care to do this. Why couldn't we see the regular doctor one last time? Now all of a sudden she has no appointments...WTF! Soooo this is where I am, in limbo. The scheduler was very nice and understood where I was coming from as far as not seeing someone random next time we come in. <i>That's what she told me anyhow.</i> I talked to her for the second time yesterday and I will be calling her today to find out the scoop. She was going to be talking to her supervisor I guess and then conferring with the nurse and doctor. Not that I have seen our regular nurse, or even spoken to her in the last 9 months or so?? I keep ending up with someone else there too.

So anyhow, those are my frustrations. Sorry again. I just don't know what to do! This isn't something that she will eventually get over, it's lifelong. There aren't many options as far as switching doctors. I mean there's another smaller clinic at the other childrens hospital, but unfortunately all admissions would be covered better at this hospital, being that is where my insurance is through. So I dunno..<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0">


New member
I apologize in advance for my ranting, but at least I will feel I have gotten it off my chest a bit, and to people who have a better chance of understanding where I am coming from.

So, I am finding myself less and less satisfied with our clinic. I know it's one of the biggest in the Midwest and it's a transplant clinic, and blah blah blah. I also know that I work in the hospital myself and I should totally agree with the raves about the clinic. However, slowly, little things are building up that I can no longer keep to myself. Now I by no means think that I should receive special treatment because I do work in the hospital. However, If I am being treated like this and I DO work in the hospital, how are other people being treated.

I constantly feel like we are being blown off about a lot of things. Like we are being pushed around to no end. The first bad experience was when Maeve was 6 mo old and we had a "culture mixup" This was a culture that showed Maeve growing not only psuedomonas but also cepacia. Wow, what a whammy huh! So they did a new culture and started her on Tobi and an oral antibiotic. A week later they called and said that the new culture was completely clean, and we could stop the Tobi. The funny thing is, the clinic only mentioned the Pseudomonas, the pediatrician told me about the cepacia. I can kinda understand they were trying to cause less panic than was necessary, but how did the mixup occur to begin with. This was not the first experience I'd had with labs. In fact, when I was pregnant I was told my carrier detection was negative. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0"> It most definitely wasn't.

So two visits ago....Maeve and I came to clinic by ourselves. We sat in the waiting room for 2 HOURS!!!!! Before we even got a room, and were there apologies or explanations? nope. Last visit we got a room right away, but we waited in the room for over an hour waiting for the doctor to come in. This time my husband was with me, thank goodness, so we could take short walks in the hallway. Ok, that's tough enough trying to keep a 20 month old occupied in a small room for an hour, much less keeping her from crawling all over the floor and touching everything in site. The doctor mentioned that she was going to be spending more time in the lab to work on some new treatments she wanted to send to the FDA to be approved. As a result of this, her schedule would be super tight, and if we wanted to continue seeing her, that we needed to understand how inconvenient it could become for us. <i>Well we'd already experienced that twice now.</i> Then she went on to say that she would be happy to refer us to one of the other doctors, but she would leave it up to us and we didn't have to make the decision that day.

This leads up to my latest gripe. I called the other day to make Maeve's next appointment, only to find out the decision had been made for us. We would no longer be seeing our regular doctor and she had already made the referral to another one for us. Whoa! What happened to us making the decision? So, I proceed to get my calendar to make the appointment, only to find out the new doctor will be on maternity leave until April!!!! AGH, seriously?! So now they want to throw us with some random doctor for this one time. I let the lady know that I did not care to do this. Why couldn't we see the regular doctor one last time? Now all of a sudden she has no appointments...WTF! Soooo this is where I am, in limbo. The scheduler was very nice and understood where I was coming from as far as not seeing someone random next time we come in. <i>That's what she told me anyhow.</i> I talked to her for the second time yesterday and I will be calling her today to find out the scoop. She was going to be talking to her supervisor I guess and then conferring with the nurse and doctor. Not that I have seen our regular nurse, or even spoken to her in the last 9 months or so?? I keep ending up with someone else there too.

So anyhow, those are my frustrations. Sorry again. I just don't know what to do! This isn't something that she will eventually get over, it's lifelong. There aren't many options as far as switching doctors. I mean there's another smaller clinic at the other childrens hospital, but unfortunately all admissions would be covered better at this hospital, being that is where my insurance is through. So I dunno..<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0">


New member
I apologize in advance for my ranting, but at least I will feel I have gotten it off my chest a bit, and to people who have a better chance of understanding where I am coming from.

So, I am finding myself less and less satisfied with our clinic. I know it's one of the biggest in the Midwest and it's a transplant clinic, and blah blah blah. I also know that I work in the hospital myself and I should totally agree with the raves about the clinic. However, slowly, little things are building up that I can no longer keep to myself. Now I by no means think that I should receive special treatment because I do work in the hospital. However, If I am being treated like this and I DO work in the hospital, how are other people being treated.

I constantly feel like we are being blown off about a lot of things. Like we are being pushed around to no end. The first bad experience was when Maeve was 6 mo old and we had a "culture mixup" This was a culture that showed Maeve growing not only psuedomonas but also cepacia. Wow, what a whammy huh! So they did a new culture and started her on Tobi and an oral antibiotic. A week later they called and said that the new culture was completely clean, and we could stop the Tobi. The funny thing is, the clinic only mentioned the Pseudomonas, the pediatrician told me about the cepacia. I can kinda understand they were trying to cause less panic than was necessary, but how did the mixup occur to begin with. This was not the first experience I'd had with labs. In fact, when I was pregnant I was told my carrier detection was negative. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0"> It most definitely wasn't.

So two visits ago....Maeve and I came to clinic by ourselves. We sat in the waiting room for 2 HOURS!!!!! Before we even got a room, and were there apologies or explanations? nope. Last visit we got a room right away, but we waited in the room for over an hour waiting for the doctor to come in. This time my husband was with me, thank goodness, so we could take short walks in the hallway. Ok, that's tough enough trying to keep a 20 month old occupied in a small room for an hour, much less keeping her from crawling all over the floor and touching everything in site. The doctor mentioned that she was going to be spending more time in the lab to work on some new treatments she wanted to send to the FDA to be approved. As a result of this, her schedule would be super tight, and if we wanted to continue seeing her, that we needed to understand how inconvenient it could become for us. <i>Well we'd already experienced that twice now.</i> Then she went on to say that she would be happy to refer us to one of the other doctors, but she would leave it up to us and we didn't have to make the decision that day.

This leads up to my latest gripe. I called the other day to make Maeve's next appointment, only to find out the decision had been made for us. We would no longer be seeing our regular doctor and she had already made the referral to another one for us. Whoa! What happened to us making the decision? So, I proceed to get my calendar to make the appointment, only to find out the new doctor will be on maternity leave until April!!!! AGH, seriously?! So now they want to throw us with some random doctor for this one time. I let the lady know that I did not care to do this. Why couldn't we see the regular doctor one last time? Now all of a sudden she has no appointments...WTF! Soooo this is where I am, in limbo. The scheduler was very nice and understood where I was coming from as far as not seeing someone random next time we come in. <i>That's what she told me anyhow.</i> I talked to her for the second time yesterday and I will be calling her today to find out the scoop. She was going to be talking to her supervisor I guess and then conferring with the nurse and doctor. Not that I have seen our regular nurse, or even spoken to her in the last 9 months or so?? I keep ending up with someone else there too.

So anyhow, those are my frustrations. Sorry again. I just don't know what to do! This isn't something that she will eventually get over, it's lifelong. There aren't many options as far as switching doctors. I mean there's another smaller clinic at the other childrens hospital, but unfortunately all admissions would be covered better at this hospital, being that is where my insurance is through. So I dunno..<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0">


New member
I apologize in advance for my ranting, but at least I will feel I have gotten it off my chest a bit, and to people who have a better chance of understanding where I am coming from.
<br />
<br />So, I am finding myself less and less satisfied with our clinic. I know it's one of the biggest in the Midwest and it's a transplant clinic, and blah blah blah. I also know that I work in the hospital myself and I should totally agree with the raves about the clinic. However, slowly, little things are building up that I can no longer keep to myself. Now I by no means think that I should receive special treatment because I do work in the hospital. However, If I am being treated like this and I DO work in the hospital, how are other people being treated.
<br />
<br />I constantly feel like we are being blown off about a lot of things. Like we are being pushed around to no end. The first bad experience was when Maeve was 6 mo old and we had a "culture mixup" This was a culture that showed Maeve growing not only psuedomonas but also cepacia. Wow, what a whammy huh! So they did a new culture and started her on Tobi and an oral antibiotic. A week later they called and said that the new culture was completely clean, and we could stop the Tobi. The funny thing is, the clinic only mentioned the Pseudomonas, the pediatrician told me about the cepacia. I can kinda understand they were trying to cause less panic than was necessary, but how did the mixup occur to begin with. This was not the first experience I'd had with labs. In fact, when I was pregnant I was told my carrier detection was negative. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0"> It most definitely wasn't.
<br />
<br />So two visits ago....Maeve and I came to clinic by ourselves. We sat in the waiting room for 2 HOURS!!!!! Before we even got a room, and were there apologies or explanations? nope. Last visit we got a room right away, but we waited in the room for over an hour waiting for the doctor to come in. This time my husband was with me, thank goodness, so we could take short walks in the hallway. Ok, that's tough enough trying to keep a 20 month old occupied in a small room for an hour, much less keeping her from crawling all over the floor and touching everything in site. The doctor mentioned that she was going to be spending more time in the lab to work on some new treatments she wanted to send to the FDA to be approved. As a result of this, her schedule would be super tight, and if we wanted to continue seeing her, that we needed to understand how inconvenient it could become for us. <i>Well we'd already experienced that twice now.</i> Then she went on to say that she would be happy to refer us to one of the other doctors, but she would leave it up to us and we didn't have to make the decision that day.
<br />
<br />This leads up to my latest gripe. I called the other day to make Maeve's next appointment, only to find out the decision had been made for us. We would no longer be seeing our regular doctor and she had already made the referral to another one for us. Whoa! What happened to us making the decision? So, I proceed to get my calendar to make the appointment, only to find out the new doctor will be on maternity leave until April!!!! AGH, seriously?! So now they want to throw us with some random doctor for this one time. I let the lady know that I did not care to do this. Why couldn't we see the regular doctor one last time? Now all of a sudden she has no appointments...WTF! Soooo this is where I am, in limbo. The scheduler was very nice and understood where I was coming from as far as not seeing someone random next time we come in. <i>That's what she told me anyhow.</i> I talked to her for the second time yesterday and I will be calling her today to find out the scoop. She was going to be talking to her supervisor I guess and then conferring with the nurse and doctor. Not that I have seen our regular nurse, or even spoken to her in the last 9 months or so?? I keep ending up with someone else there too.
<br />
<br />So anyhow, those are my frustrations. Sorry again. I just don't know what to do! This isn't something that she will eventually get over, it's lifelong. There aren't many options as far as switching doctors. I mean there's another smaller clinic at the other childrens hospital, but unfortunately all admissions would be covered better at this hospital, being that is where my insurance is through. So I dunno..<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0">


Sorry about what you have been through. It does sound like a lot of clinics, including my kids. I can get past the problems like you mentioned. They even lost my son's bronch sample a few months back. But when they won't treat my kids aggressively is when I decided we needed to move clinics. We are now going to the small cf clinic at another hospital. We even waited 3 hrs (8am appt and the dr walked in at 11:15) at the new clinic last time. But they have been aggressive with my kids treatment, so it is worth the inconvenience.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 7 and Jack, 5 both with cf


Sorry about what you have been through. It does sound like a lot of clinics, including my kids. I can get past the problems like you mentioned. They even lost my son's bronch sample a few months back. But when they won't treat my kids aggressively is when I decided we needed to move clinics. We are now going to the small cf clinic at another hospital. We even waited 3 hrs (8am appt and the dr walked in at 11:15) at the new clinic last time. But they have been aggressive with my kids treatment, so it is worth the inconvenience.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 7 and Jack, 5 both with cf


Sorry about what you have been through. It does sound like a lot of clinics, including my kids. I can get past the problems like you mentioned. They even lost my son's bronch sample a few months back. But when they won't treat my kids aggressively is when I decided we needed to move clinics. We are now going to the small cf clinic at another hospital. We even waited 3 hrs (8am appt and the dr walked in at 11:15) at the new clinic last time. But they have been aggressive with my kids treatment, so it is worth the inconvenience.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 7 and Jack, 5 both with cf


Sorry about what you have been through. It does sound like a lot of clinics, including my kids. I can get past the problems like you mentioned. They even lost my son's bronch sample a few months back. But when they won't treat my kids aggressively is when I decided we needed to move clinics. We are now going to the small cf clinic at another hospital. We even waited 3 hrs (8am appt and the dr walked in at 11:15) at the new clinic last time. But they have been aggressive with my kids treatment, so it is worth the inconvenience.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 7 and Jack, 5 both with cf


Sorry about what you have been through. It does sound like a lot of clinics, including my kids. I can get past the problems like you mentioned. They even lost my son's bronch sample a few months back. But when they won't treat my kids aggressively is when I decided we needed to move clinics. We are now going to the small cf clinic at another hospital. We even waited 3 hrs (8am appt and the dr walked in at 11:15) at the new clinic last time. But they have been aggressive with my kids treatment, so it is worth the inconvenience.
<br />Sharon, mom of Sophia, 7 and Jack, 5 both with cf


New member
I posted a topic on this very same thing last week titled "Clinic Complaints...Anyone Else??". So I wont give all the details again about our last clinic experience but I did want to tell you I know exactly how you feel. I dont know what to do either. My sons regular cf doctor whom he has been seeing since birth is now doing more research than seeing patients. So he told me about 6 months ago that he would remain my sons doctor if I wanted him to but he may not get to see him every single appointment. Well the very next appt. (last week) we were already seeing a different doctor. One that I dont care for....to be honest I dont care for any of the doctors except for the regular one. They are all so doom and gloom...where as his regular cf doctor is optomistic. I have even thought about finding a private pulmonoligist. I just dont know if that is a good idea. Anyway I wish I had some great advice for you but I cant even seem to help myself!! Good luck to ya!


New member
I posted a topic on this very same thing last week titled "Clinic Complaints...Anyone Else??". So I wont give all the details again about our last clinic experience but I did want to tell you I know exactly how you feel. I dont know what to do either. My sons regular cf doctor whom he has been seeing since birth is now doing more research than seeing patients. So he told me about 6 months ago that he would remain my sons doctor if I wanted him to but he may not get to see him every single appointment. Well the very next appt. (last week) we were already seeing a different doctor. One that I dont care for....to be honest I dont care for any of the doctors except for the regular one. They are all so doom and gloom...where as his regular cf doctor is optomistic. I have even thought about finding a private pulmonoligist. I just dont know if that is a good idea. Anyway I wish I had some great advice for you but I cant even seem to help myself!! Good luck to ya!


New member
I posted a topic on this very same thing last week titled "Clinic Complaints...Anyone Else??". So I wont give all the details again about our last clinic experience but I did want to tell you I know exactly how you feel. I dont know what to do either. My sons regular cf doctor whom he has been seeing since birth is now doing more research than seeing patients. So he told me about 6 months ago that he would remain my sons doctor if I wanted him to but he may not get to see him every single appointment. Well the very next appt. (last week) we were already seeing a different doctor. One that I dont care for....to be honest I dont care for any of the doctors except for the regular one. They are all so doom and gloom...where as his regular cf doctor is optomistic. I have even thought about finding a private pulmonoligist. I just dont know if that is a good idea. Anyway I wish I had some great advice for you but I cant even seem to help myself!! Good luck to ya!


New member
I posted a topic on this very same thing last week titled "Clinic Complaints...Anyone Else??". So I wont give all the details again about our last clinic experience but I did want to tell you I know exactly how you feel. I dont know what to do either. My sons regular cf doctor whom he has been seeing since birth is now doing more research than seeing patients. So he told me about 6 months ago that he would remain my sons doctor if I wanted him to but he may not get to see him every single appointment. Well the very next appt. (last week) we were already seeing a different doctor. One that I dont care for....to be honest I dont care for any of the doctors except for the regular one. They are all so doom and gloom...where as his regular cf doctor is optomistic. I have even thought about finding a private pulmonoligist. I just dont know if that is a good idea. Anyway I wish I had some great advice for you but I cant even seem to help myself!! Good luck to ya!


New member
I posted a topic on this very same thing last week titled "Clinic Complaints...Anyone Else??". So I wont give all the details again about our last clinic experience but I did want to tell you I know exactly how you feel. I dont know what to do either. My sons regular cf doctor whom he has been seeing since birth is now doing more research than seeing patients. So he told me about 6 months ago that he would remain my sons doctor if I wanted him to but he may not get to see him every single appointment. Well the very next appt. (last week) we were already seeing a different doctor. One that I dont care for....to be honest I dont care for any of the doctors except for the regular one. They are all so doom and gloom...where as his regular cf doctor is optomistic. I have even thought about finding a private pulmonoligist. I just dont know if that is a good idea. Anyway I wish I had some great advice for you but I cant even seem to help myself!! Good luck to ya!
<br />Carrie


Its not related to the CF clinic that I can't get an appointment with (GRRRRR), per se, but it does relate to the treatment of it...We have been going to our GI clinic for almost two years, and we are on our 3rd doc. I also found out that there is no copy of my son's tests (ANY OF THEM!)in his chart! No fecalelastase, no genetics, NOTHING! So, I just wanted to let you know that someone else in here knows how youfeel. And while I don't have any suggestions, I'm here any time you need to vent.


Its not related to the CF clinic that I can't get an appointment with (GRRRRR), per se, but it does relate to the treatment of it...We have been going to our GI clinic for almost two years, and we are on our 3rd doc. I also found out that there is no copy of my son's tests (ANY OF THEM!)in his chart! No fecalelastase, no genetics, NOTHING! So, I just wanted to let you know that someone else in here knows how youfeel. And while I don't have any suggestions, I'm here any time you need to vent.


Its not related to the CF clinic that I can't get an appointment with (GRRRRR), per se, but it does relate to the treatment of it...We have been going to our GI clinic for almost two years, and we are on our 3rd doc. I also found out that there is no copy of my son's tests (ANY OF THEM!)in his chart! No fecalelastase, no genetics, NOTHING! So, I just wanted to let you know that someone else in here knows how youfeel. And while I don't have any suggestions, I'm here any time you need to vent.


Its not related to the CF clinic that I can't get an appointment with (GRRRRR), per se, but it does relate to the treatment of it...We have been going to our GI clinic for almost two years, and we are on our 3rd doc. I also found out that there is no copy of my son's tests (ANY OF THEM!)in his chart! No fecalelastase, no genetics, NOTHING! So, I just wanted to let you know that someone else in here knows how youfeel. And while I don't have any suggestions, I'm here any time you need to vent.


Its not related to the CF clinic that I can't get an appointment with (GRRRRR), per se, but it does relate to the treatment of it...We have been going to our GI clinic for almost two years, and we are on our 3rd doc. I also found out that there is no copy of my son's tests (ANY OF THEM!)in his chart! No fecalelastase, no genetics, NOTHING! So, I just wanted to let you know that someone else in here knows how youfeel. And while I don't have any suggestions, I'm here any time you need to vent.