
New member
hey everyone i had lucas ^_^ it was on tuesday night. born at 9:56 at night at 4 pds and 10 onces. I had him natural no ep or nothing. Labor was EXTREMELY easy. i didnt know i was contracting or dialating. They gave me petocin and broke my water i had went to ten within 3 minutes and had him out after i started pushing within not even 10. He is full of red hair and very tiny but big for being six weeks premature. He didnt need any oxygen given by tub and hes doing extremely well. the drs and nurses were shocked. the prayers that were prayed by friends and family and us really has gave us a miracle baby and hes healthy. He is so healthy they might let him come home this coming week and usually theyd ont come home till there due date.

i cant find out how to post a picture on here...O.O


New member
hey everyone i had lucas ^_^ it was on tuesday night. born at 9:56 at night at 4 pds and 10 onces. I had him natural no ep or nothing. Labor was EXTREMELY easy. i didnt know i was contracting or dialating. They gave me petocin and broke my water i had went to ten within 3 minutes and had him out after i started pushing within not even 10. He is full of red hair and very tiny but big for being six weeks premature. He didnt need any oxygen given by tub and hes doing extremely well. the drs and nurses were shocked. the prayers that were prayed by friends and family and us really has gave us a miracle baby and hes healthy. He is so healthy they might let him come home this coming week and usually theyd ont come home till there due date.

i cant find out how to post a picture on here...O.O


New member
hey everyone i had lucas ^_^ it was on tuesday night. born at 9:56 at night at 4 pds and 10 onces. I had him natural no ep or nothing. Labor was EXTREMELY easy. i didnt know i was contracting or dialating. They gave me petocin and broke my water i had went to ten within 3 minutes and had him out after i started pushing within not even 10. He is full of red hair and very tiny but big for being six weeks premature. He didnt need any oxygen given by tub and hes doing extremely well. the drs and nurses were shocked. the prayers that were prayed by friends and family and us really has gave us a miracle baby and hes healthy. He is so healthy they might let him come home this coming week and usually theyd ont come home till there due date.

i cant find out how to post a picture on here...O.O


New member
Congratulations!!!!!!!!! He sounds soooo cute! I love red hair. I'm so glad he's doing well, I'll keep him in my prayers that he will continue to do well and get to go home soon. Thanks for posting and letting us know!


New member
Congratulations!!!!!!!!! He sounds soooo cute! I love red hair. I'm so glad he's doing well, I'll keep him in my prayers that he will continue to do well and get to go home soon. Thanks for posting and letting us know!


New member
Congratulations!!!!!!!!! He sounds soooo cute! I love red hair. I'm so glad he's doing well, I'll keep him in my prayers that he will continue to do well and get to go home soon. Thanks for posting and letting us know!


New member
Congratulations on your baby! I am glad things went easy. Jazmine was 5 lbs 2 oz when born 4 weeks early and only 4 lbs 4 oz when she came home. She plumped up well once she learned how to suck & swallow. Here is a link that shows you how to post pictures. Looking forward to it & take care of yourself. Rest when you can!!!

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://blogs.cysticfibrosis.com/index.cfm?forumid=37">http://blogs.cysticfibrosis.com/index.cfm?forumid=37</a>


New member
Congratulations on your baby! I am glad things went easy. Jazmine was 5 lbs 2 oz when born 4 weeks early and only 4 lbs 4 oz when she came home. She plumped up well once she learned how to suck & swallow. Here is a link that shows you how to post pictures. Looking forward to it & take care of yourself. Rest when you can!!!

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://blogs.cysticfibrosis.com/index.cfm?forumid=37">http://blogs.cysticfibrosis.com/index.cfm?forumid=37</a>


New member
Congratulations on your baby! I am glad things went easy. Jazmine was 5 lbs 2 oz when born 4 weeks early and only 4 lbs 4 oz when she came home. She plumped up well once she learned how to suck & swallow. Here is a link that shows you how to post pictures. Looking forward to it & take care of yourself. Rest when you can!!!

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://blogs.cysticfibrosis.com/index.cfm?forumid=37">http://blogs.cysticfibrosis.com/index.cfm?forumid=37</a>


New member
Congratulations, red hair......must have some Scottish in him, lucky boy lol.
Seriously, well done and look forward to some pictures.


New member
Congratulations, red hair......must have some Scottish in him, lucky boy lol.
Seriously, well done and look forward to some pictures.


New member
Congratulations, red hair......must have some Scottish in him, lucky boy lol.
Seriously, well done and look forward to some pictures.


New member
Congratulations! I can't believe it went so fast and easy w/out an epidural or anything. Wow, a 13 min. delivery!


New member
Congratulations! I can't believe it went so fast and easy w/out an epidural or anything. Wow, a 13 min. delivery!


New member
Congratulations! I can't believe it went so fast and easy w/out an epidural or anything. Wow, a 13 min. delivery!