he says that he remembers gettig sweat tests when he was little, but I have no idea what the results are with that. his mom says that he was seen by some cf doctor, but i never hear of any therapy that he did. One of the other strange things about this is I was talking to her about how when alexa gets older we'll be getting her a vest, and she was like, well, hopefully she wont need one. I said that she would even if lung involvment isn't really there, b/c it would help bring up mucous . She wrote me an email saying that she hoped i didn't think that they thought that wasn't important, but that not all people with cf show lung involvment until much later (like alexa's father)
If he did have cf, why wouldn't she know more about preventative care? I just feel like something doesn't add up, but I dont want to come off as a know-it-all to her, but i just dont get it!