i need advise


New member
me and my boyfriend both have cf but he has got a chest infection. i have heard that if we went near each other i could catch it . do any of u think that it is rite that cfs should go out? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
I have heard some thing like that. I don't know if it is true, but I'm thinking that might be the reason there is no camp for CF kids??
Again I'm not sure <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Personally, i think it must be so nice going out with someone on the same boat as you, not having to explain everything you do, not having to worry if he doesn't understand etc. but i have 2 cousins with cf and i'm hardly ever allowed see them incase of cross infection and when i'm in hospital i can't share a room with another cf patient, so kissing someone with cf which i'm guessin you do since you're going out can't be good, i hate to be the one to break this to you cos i know what it's like going out with someone you're crazy bout but having to let them go for certain reason, i've been there believe me, but i hate to think you're putting yourself or your boufriend at risk of infection when you don't have to be, ask your parents or even doc but for a second opinion too cos i could be wrong, good luck with whatever decision you make, lots of love, Shauna <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">
It is right that the two of you can spread different bugs to each other such as if you have psudomonas and he doesn't you can give it to him. My brother also has CF and we have been told to be around each other as little as possible. Which is ridiculous because we are siblings and we care a lot about each other and are involved in each others lives. So it is totally your decision but just be smart. When one of you is sick have the other one stay away. stuff like that.