I need help with food ideas for my toddler


New member
Ethan Sky does like cream of wheat made with half&half and some salt. He just gobbles it up...
Where can you find that greek yogurt?????


Staff member
When we were going thru a particularly finicky stage, someone suggested oatmeal with ice cream mixed in it instead of butter and sugar. I thought it was pretty tasty, but Max wouldn't touch it.

He does get a wide variety of foods, just wish he'd try more things. I suppose it could be worse -- my non-cfer niece is a carnivore. She'll only eat meat -- despises veggies.

Max has his own snack cupboard, so before bed or after his nap he knows he can go help himself. I also take him grocery shopping with me to encourage his to help me choose his own food. Last week we came home with the broccoli, corn on the cob, green grapes and some nasty fruit snacks called G-force. Bleah! He's recently discovered string cheese -- likes the smoked stuff best and will eat a couple of those for a snack. And whenever he asks for white milk, I almost always add a dollop of cream. L


New member
NOt sure where you live but here in NE Ohio we have a chain called Giant Eagle and another called Trader Joes (they have a site and list their stores). One brand is called Liberty and the other FAGE. Liberty has it in both goats (I actually ate this kind and thought it was good, Ben liked it too...didn't notice that cheesy, savory taste like goats milk cheese or milk) and cows milk. Sometimes if you don't have a grocery that carries something you can type in the brand and a few online groceries (especially vegan or vegetarian ones) will carry it and ship it to you. Jody


Staff member
Cool, a Trader Joes just opened in Minneapolis this past May -- Road Trip!!! BTW, has anyone ever made yogurt cheese? It's a soft cream cheese that's made from placing yogurt in a strainer, similar to a coffee filter until all the water drains out. Do this in the fridge overnight. I had a yogurt strainer before DS was born and really didn't use it so I gave it away to the folks. 'Course with my luck, yogurt cheese, like cottage cheese will just be one more thing that DS thinks is "icky".


New member
Just thought I'd give an update. We got Morgan's Fecal Fat Test back and she's losing 37% of the fat she's taking in daily. She's averaging 56g fat a day, so she has a pretty big loss. We're going to be getting her on Creon enzymes next week and she if she'll do better. She's still being a picky eater.

Thanks for all the support!!! It really means alot.


New member
I was wondering about the Carnation drink vs. Ensure.. is there
more "medical" reason for ensure ? Is it more nutritional


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Momofsix</b></i>

I was wondering about the Carnation drink vs. Ensure.. is there
more "medical" reason for ensure ? Is it more nutritional
?</end quote></div>

Carnation has more sugars, but in general has a better taste. The calories are not quite as much, but if you use cream instead of milk that should boost it up some!