I need some advise on enzymes


New member
Hi everyone - I am hoping someone here can help me!  My 6
year-old is attending a before and after school program (only one
hour before and after) offered by parks and rec.  During the
after school program she gets a snack and needs 1 enzyme.
   The head of parks and rec has informed me that
they can't keep more than ONE day worth of enzymes in the safe.
 So, I have to drop off ONE enzyme every morning in a
prescription bottle and pick the bottle up in the afternoon.
 I obviously think this is ridiculous since she must have it
with her snack and must have it every day...at this point they
won't budge. Has anyone else had this problem?  If so, please
let me know what you did to get them to budge.   Just
 to clarify, this is not a daycare...it is through parks and
Anyway, I hope someone has some suggestions.<br>
Thanks :)<br>


New member
ya know, them enzymes are pretty dangerous. we dont know what will happen if a junkie breaks in and steals them! anyway, i would just keep pushing them. get your doctor in on it too.


New member
That is funny that you said that because that is pretty much what I
told them...ugh!!!  The ignorance of CF.  Oh well...I was
once there too!  I have her doc and nurses working on
it...let's hope it works :)<br>
Thanks for the reply...it made me laugh :)<br>


New member
That sounds just a TAD BIT ridiclous. I don't have any advice for you, except to keep fighting it, because it's pretty damn stupid. I'd understand if it was like... Adderol (my fiance takes that for attention, and it's basically a mild form of legal speed)... but enzymes? What the hell for? Is some crack head going to break in and snort them? Hah. I agree with Kylie, it's damn stupid. And, I might add, quite a useless measure regarding something as mild and harmless as enzymes.


Digital opinion leader

After years of trying to do things "the right way", we started smuggling enzymes into camp and school. If she only needs one, maybe you could put it in with the snack bag. She could just pop in in with no drama. Or send snacks that don't require enzymes. We did that a lot too because it caused less trouble for the boys.

We found recently that if you push the issue, they usually back down on the rules. It is a pain and you end up with the "difficult parent" label. You have to pick your battles.


New member
with all the obesity problems these days we dont want people stealing enzymes, taking them and absorbing all their food! can you think of the lives it will ruin! ARE YOU GOING TO PAY FOR SOMEONES GYM MEMBERSHIP AND DIET PILLS WHEN THEY STEAL THEM? rofl


New member
Since it is only the afternoon snack and kids need fruits and veggies as much as high calorie why don't you consider sending fruits or veggies. I do this for my daughter's morning snack everyday at school. She gets plenty of high fat during the day and I still don't think she gets enough fruit/veggies.
Good luck whatever you decide.


New member
Thank you all for your responses....it helps me realize that I am not the only one who thinks this is ridiculous. I will continue to fight and will let you know what happens!

If there is anyone else out there that has had a similar experience...please let me know <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
I always send fruit at snack time for my kids. It makes it so much easier for everyone. If it is just for an hour before and after school, maybe you could give her a high fat snack on the car ride home instead.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 5 and Jack, 3 both with cf


New member
Once I started school, my mom sent my enzymes in my lunch bag - we didn't ask or tell the school and it was never an issue. It was much easier for me and I was embarrassed by having to go to the nurse everyday before lunch to get my meds - would it be possible to pack it in her snack or even have her keep it somewhere with her stuff?


New member
Parents need to be careful if your child is in public school. I was a school teacher and some districts are super stricted about meds. If a child is found with even over the counter meds they are suspended or put in alternative school - no questions asked. I have seen that they mean business, I wouldn't take that risk.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 5 and Jack, 3 both with cf


Staff member
Do you suppose that's the only way they have to keep track of whether or not each child has gotten their meds? If there are drugs left over then the know the kid hasn't gotten them? Maybe that's their method for dealing with meds instead of keeping track by a log, etc.?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>wanderlost</b></i>

Once I started school, my mom sent my enzymes in my lunch bag - we didn't ask or tell the school and it was never an issue. It was much easier for me and I was embarrassed by having to go to the nurse everyday before lunch to get my meds - would it be possible to pack it in her snack or even have her keep it somewhere with her stuff?</end quote></div>

That is how I started doing it when I started the 5th or 6th grade I toke my own lunch and I learned to take it without someone having to tell me or have to give it to me in my eye it was a form of resposeabilty and if my parents saw I did not take it I was in trouble plus I paid for it in the afternoon when I was having to go to the bathroom to.

Dustin 24