well your Docktor if he was a docktor must do some restudding , because if you are nor a carrier of the cf gene there is no risk for you having a child that has cf. He might be a carrier aswell but for your grandchildren to be ill you child must have children with some one who also has the cf gene and this would be what 25 years from know well I am sure by then we already have a cure or tratment.If you are a carrier of the cf gene there is a 25 % risk of having a child with cf and 50% that you'll have a child that is a carrier and 25% chanse that he is healthy and not a carrier. In that case you would be able to do pgd, that's like ivf only that they check the embrio for cf before putting it back ito your uterus. A other option is cvs ,they take small sampele of the plasenta at week 10 to 12 and they check it for cf it dosen't hurt but it's alitelbit un plesent i did it yeasterday for a neurofibromatosis and there is a 50 50 risk so i am waiting now for the resault.
Go a find yourself a nother docktor there is a lot of info about pgd and cvs on the net but!!! if you dont have the gene forget about it go and get yourself pregnent .
Go a find yourself a nother docktor there is a lot of info about pgd and cvs on the net but!!! if you dont have the gene forget about it go and get yourself pregnent .