I need to talk to some one!!


New member
I'm a mother of a cf adult. My son is 22 years old. He too, like many teenagers do went down the wrong path. He was embarrased to have cf, didn't want any one to know he had it. Josh is small in weight and height,I feel he was trying to fit in the "in crowd" he began drinking and doing any kind of drugs ALL kinds of drugs!!He felt like I'm gonna die any way might as well enjoy it! It broke my heart ! He has like 26 illegal consumptions and so on. I couln't talk him into anything! Well he was at a party (drinking whiskey) and a fight broke-out and Josh ended up in a fight, there were several people fighting and he was on the bottom of the pile. A black-belt in Tyquando (?),was on him chocking him, he was about to pass out so he pulled out his pocket knife and stabbed the guy in his leg. He felt like he was going to die, he couln't breath at all. The knife hit his main artery and the guy had alot of surgerys and thank the good lord he didn't die!!! And now my son is sitting in prision for 17 years!It was his first felony. Josh is doing pretty good health wise, but if I don't do somthing quick I'm afraid the system will kill him. He has been there for almost 2 years now with-out a pounding! He recieves his breathing treatments, Tobi but no pounding or any thing to bring the mucas up. I imformed the health administrator I had a flutter-valve that he used while in jail,but they won't allow him to have it.He knows it's important to stay active it helps to bring up mucas, but he is so short winded and feels like his lungs are tight.He has gone several days without his pancrease MT 20, 9 days, 4 days ,6 days!They are always running out ,he gets severe stomache aches, on the 9 day spell he lost 14 pounds, and we all know how hard it is to gain that much weight.I don't know what to do!!!I have spoke to ACLU but the prision seems to be able to do what ever they want.The prision doctor says his condition does't need a pounding or a special diet.I'm so scared for him!! Does anyone know what I should do?At his age, he needs the best of care. My son knows the lord now! He is in college and has made the honor role. He wants to be a minister now. If you don't know what I should, please reply anyway. I would love any input. God Bless all of you!


New member
This laser light thing is sick and demented!!You are an evil, sad and pathetic person. Do not post again. Debbie


New member
skyline, if your looking for a good site with great ppl to talk to go to cysticfibrosis2chat@msn.com thanks, melissa


New member
I am the mother of triplets, two w/cf. I also work in the prison system in Ohio. I understand the rules and regulations that the prison has set. And although it may seem harsh to you, theses rules are in place for a reason. The facility that I work at has over 2500 inmates that are close security. That is just one step down from maxium security. After an 11 day riot, these rules seem minor to those of us who work behind the fence. They are in place for our safety and the safety of other inmates. The equipment that is needed for the treatment of the CF can be abused by other inmates. The flutter that you speak of has a metal ball in it. You would not believe what these inmates who have nothing but time on their hands could due with a piece of metal. The prison system in Ohio does have a Correctional Medical Center. My suggestion to you is to find out of there is such a facility in the state that you are located in. This will depend also on if the prison systems are state ran or ran by a private company. Privatly ran prisons are there for a profit. The lower the medical cost, and daily cost of housing an inmate, the more money they make. A state ran facility will be more likley to work with your sons health care needs. If all else fails, the prisons whether they are private or public ran are still financed through state tax dollars. Contact your local Congressman and State Representative. That is why we vote. Don't be afraid to contact them. Make fuss and a fight. Believe me the prisons hate to be seen on the news. See if you can get local media involved in the story. Even though your son has committed a crime. He is still entitled to basic health care that is suitable for him.