Hello everyone! This is my first time writing, and I was hoping that someone could help me. I am a family member of someone who has cf, and I love and support them with all of my heart. They currently have to be hospitalized every two or three months, go on intravenous iv's, treatments, etc, and stay in for about a week each time. They also have colonized mrsa and several other complications, which makes things very difficult. They are currently working in a hospital, which puts them in contact with many things that can be harmful to them, and have been advised by several of their doctors that they should not be working there, because it is putting them at risk, and if they are having an active cough, they are contagious to anyone who is immune compromised. My question is this, what is the best way to help them feel supported, and still be able to share concerns about some of the choices they are making? When people who love and care for them share concerns, they feel that aren't being supported. Also, what do you suggest is the best way to help, when they don't listen to the advise of their doctors, and feel that somehow, their case of cf is different from other cases, and they don't "have to follow doctors recommendations"? I would really appreciate hearing any advise that you can give me. Thank you. Chloe