I really need some help


New member
I have a 17 mo old that has almost severe pancreatic insufficency and i just found out today that his sweat test last month was a 9 on one arm and 11 on the other... his gastro ordered an ambry mutation blood test.

he was VERY upset during the sweat test and the nurses had a hard time keeping the medicine disks on his wrists. would this effect the way the test #'s come out?

I am at my wits end!! His MRI of his pancreas was normal, he is now on pancreas and fat soluble vitamins. He is finally now not passing as much food through his stool and isnt starving like before.. Should we request another sweat test now that he is actually retaining his food, would it matter...i have read some reports that say malnurishment will cause low sweat test #'s..

I need some major advise!


New member
I have a 17 mo old that has almost severe pancreatic insufficency and i just found out today that his sweat test last month was a 9 on one arm and 11 on the other... his gastro ordered an ambry mutation blood test.

he was VERY upset during the sweat test and the nurses had a hard time keeping the medicine disks on his wrists. would this effect the way the test #'s come out?

I am at my wits end!! His MRI of his pancreas was normal, he is now on pancreas and fat soluble vitamins. He is finally now not passing as much food through his stool and isnt starving like before.. Should we request another sweat test now that he is actually retaining his food, would it matter...i have read some reports that say malnurishment will cause low sweat test #'s..

I need some major advise!


New member
I have a 17 mo old that has almost severe pancreatic insufficency and i just found out today that his sweat test last month was a 9 on one arm and 11 on the other... his gastro ordered an ambry mutation blood test.

he was VERY upset during the sweat test and the nurses had a hard time keeping the medicine disks on his wrists. would this effect the way the test #'s come out?

I am at my wits end!! His MRI of his pancreas was normal, he is now on pancreas and fat soluble vitamins. He is finally now not passing as much food through his stool and isnt starving like before.. Should we request another sweat test now that he is actually retaining his food, would it matter...i have read some reports that say malnurishment will cause low sweat test #'s..

I need some major advise!


New member
I have a 17 mo old that has almost severe pancreatic insufficency and i just found out today that his sweat test last month was a 9 on one arm and 11 on the other... his gastro ordered an ambry mutation blood test.

he was VERY upset during the sweat test and the nurses had a hard time keeping the medicine disks on his wrists. would this effect the way the test #'s come out?

I am at my wits end!! His MRI of his pancreas was normal, he is now on pancreas and fat soluble vitamins. He is finally now not passing as much food through his stool and isnt starving like before.. Should we request another sweat test now that he is actually retaining his food, would it matter...i have read some reports that say malnurishment will cause low sweat test #'s..

I need some major advise!


New member
I have a 17 mo old that has almost severe pancreatic insufficency and i just found out today that his sweat test last month was a 9 on one arm and 11 on the other... his gastro ordered an ambry mutation blood test.

he was VERY upset during the sweat test and the nurses had a hard time keeping the medicine disks on his wrists. would this effect the way the test #'s come out?

I am at my wits end!! His MRI of his pancreas was normal, he is now on pancreas and fat soluble vitamins. He is finally now not passing as much food through his stool and isnt starving like before.. Should we request another sweat test now that he is actually retaining his food, would it matter...i have read some reports that say malnurishment will cause low sweat test #'s..

I need some major advise!


I definitely would think those numbers could be wrong. I'm glad you are getting Ambry done. I'd prefer those results over the sweat test. It might be worth your while to have the sweat redone in the meantime. I'd be more concerned with the fact the discs didn't stay on, than the malnourishment concern. Did they note if they got enough sweat?


I definitely would think those numbers could be wrong. I'm glad you are getting Ambry done. I'd prefer those results over the sweat test. It might be worth your while to have the sweat redone in the meantime. I'd be more concerned with the fact the discs didn't stay on, than the malnourishment concern. Did they note if they got enough sweat?


I definitely would think those numbers could be wrong. I'm glad you are getting Ambry done. I'd prefer those results over the sweat test. It might be worth your while to have the sweat redone in the meantime. I'd be more concerned with the fact the discs didn't stay on, than the malnourishment concern. Did they note if they got enough sweat?


I definitely would think those numbers could be wrong. I'm glad you are getting Ambry done. I'd prefer those results over the sweat test. It might be worth your while to have the sweat redone in the meantime. I'd be more concerned with the fact the discs didn't stay on, than the malnourishment concern. Did they note if they got enough sweat?


I definitely would think those numbers could be wrong. I'm glad you are getting Ambry done. I'd prefer those results over the sweat test. It might be worth your while to have the sweat redone in the meantime. I'd be more concerned with the fact the discs didn't stay on, than the malnourishment concern. Did they note if they got enough sweat?


New member
I havent seen the results, the Dr's office called me back today after I left a message stating I wanted the actual #'s and not just the negative. I am really glad we have the gastro we have, he is actually the one that wants this blood test. Sounds to me like he isnt totally convinced since my son has the pancreas problem.


New member
I havent seen the results, the Dr's office called me back today after I left a message stating I wanted the actual #'s and not just the negative. I am really glad we have the gastro we have, he is actually the one that wants this blood test. Sounds to me like he isnt totally convinced since my son has the pancreas problem.


New member
I havent seen the results, the Dr's office called me back today after I left a message stating I wanted the actual #'s and not just the negative. I am really glad we have the gastro we have, he is actually the one that wants this blood test. Sounds to me like he isnt totally convinced since my son has the pancreas problem.


New member
I havent seen the results, the Dr's office called me back today after I left a message stating I wanted the actual #'s and not just the negative. I am really glad we have the gastro we have, he is actually the one that wants this blood test. Sounds to me like he isnt totally convinced since my son has the pancreas problem.


New member
I havent seen the results, the Dr's office called me back today after I left a message stating I wanted the actual #'s and not just the negative. I am really glad we have the gastro we have, he is actually the one that wants this blood test. Sounds to me like he isnt totally convinced since my son has the pancreas problem.


New member
I'm so sorry you're having a difficult time getting a definitive diagnosis. You must feel so helpless watching all this go on. I can see how it would be upsetting to you as a mom. Hang in there. The Ambry test will tell you what you need to know. In the meantime, take care of yourself. Your little one is going to need you to be a calming, soothing mama. {hugs} to you. Sounds like your doc is going to be a good one.


New member
I'm so sorry you're having a difficult time getting a definitive diagnosis. You must feel so helpless watching all this go on. I can see how it would be upsetting to you as a mom. Hang in there. The Ambry test will tell you what you need to know. In the meantime, take care of yourself. Your little one is going to need you to be a calming, soothing mama. {hugs} to you. Sounds like your doc is going to be a good one.


New member
I'm so sorry you're having a difficult time getting a definitive diagnosis. You must feel so helpless watching all this go on. I can see how it would be upsetting to you as a mom. Hang in there. The Ambry test will tell you what you need to know. In the meantime, take care of yourself. Your little one is going to need you to be a calming, soothing mama. {hugs} to you. Sounds like your doc is going to be a good one.


New member
I'm so sorry you're having a difficult time getting a definitive diagnosis. You must feel so helpless watching all this go on. I can see how it would be upsetting to you as a mom. Hang in there. The Ambry test will tell you what you need to know. In the meantime, take care of yourself. Your little one is going to need you to be a calming, soothing mama. {hugs} to you. Sounds like your doc is going to be a good one.


New member
I'm so sorry you're having a difficult time getting a definitive diagnosis. You must feel so helpless watching all this go on. I can see how it would be upsetting to you as a mom. Hang in there. The Ambry test will tell you what you need to know. In the meantime, take care of yourself. Your little one is going to need you to be a calming, soothing mama. {hugs} to you. Sounds like your doc is going to be a good one.