
New member
Yeah, the rules are usually stupid, but if you don't want to get called out, you have
to follow them. Using the cystic as an reason to do your own thing is fine, but if
you're trying to keep the cystic on the down-low, it's probably best not to be called
out in the first place. Just depends how you want it to be. Maybe C could wear
a sweater.


New member
Irrelevant story along similar lines from when I was a child. I believe I was in 4th grade, so OF COURSE no official is going to listen to me, I'm just a stupid kid. Anyways, we had a lunch aide who was a total b*tch. She thought she owned the cafeteria, so to speak. My mom always packed my lunches, and she packed things like a sandwich, some chips, some fruit, AND a candybar. I had that b*tch woman take the candy bar away from me more than once, despite my telling her "No, I have a disease, candy is good for me." I believe my mother ended up going to the principal to explain and to get that woman the hell off of me.

I understand candy being good for someone is not immediately going to fly with any official, especially when the kid is the one telling you. But two things:
1. Don't take it away until you at least check on the kid's claims. You don't own the world.
2. Even if I lied, it's just a candy bar! It's not like I was sniffing coke, claiming it was good for me.

*shoots people* Kay I'm done. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
anony at 1:30

We do not go around shouting that Courtney has CF......most of her close friends know about it, and of course the school staff.

I just don't think zipping up her jacket is going to scream....LOOK AT ME I AM DIFFERENT. As she gets older, she likes to keep her condition on "the down low" so we try to not bring it up to people unless she says it's okay.

See the jacket she has wrapped around her waist in the pic below. This is the jacket she ALWAYS wears. It is just a very light Ambercrombie jacket so it is not real noticable.

I don't think we are using "the cystic thing" so she can do her own thing as you said. She gets VERY cold and they have the air conditioners running all the time. I don't think asking if she can keep her jacket zipped is asking that much.



New member
What about a sweater? Would that work? Tying to think of options.

I do have to say, as an eduator, as unreasonable as they are being, if a parent comes and yells at me about an established rule in my classroom, their kid goes to the bottom of my 'help out' list. We don't like to be yelled at anymore than anyone else at work.

BUT, you can fix the situation, I think. What I would do (and had to do once, regarding Ahava) is go in again, calmly. Apologize for reacting in that way. The tell him why you did, CALMLY, and you concerns about Courtney. Offer to work on a compromise. If no jacket, maybe a sweater. Or something. I would say handle this in the way that will generate the most goodwill.

And calling in the media? Only if you want her to be snubbed HARD by 50% of the teachers.

Hopefully this works, trying to give you a look from the other side.


New member

Through many of your posts, it is quite obvious you are self confident and when you think you are right, you think you are right and nothing will stop you from saying how you feel.

Not all children and teenagers are that way. Courtney is very shy and quiet. I have tried to get her to speak up for herself more, but she has a very difficult times doing that. If she does not feel she can speak for herself, you bet your butt I am going to be there to back her up!


Thank you for the response. I am sure I will go back in and talk to the assistant principal. I do not want to get on her bad side. I get along wonderfully with the principal and one other assisitant principal. I have always gotten along with all of the teachers and school staff.

I did talk to the principal and told her what I did. She was pretty understanding about it. She said she would get the three of us together to talk about it.

A sweater would really make Courtney stand out. Sweaters are not allowed at all. Kids can wear jackets as long as they are not zipped up.



New member
Okay Amy.......I am going to be brutally honest here.

After your whole "i feel very passionate about innocent children that are at their parents mercy for guidance and direction" comment I have no respect for your opinions other than those that deal with medications.

You have the schooling and personal knowledge to speak about medications. You have NO schooling and personal knowledge on parenting.

I hope one day if you ever decide to have children you come back on here and apoligize to the numerous parents you have offended and hurt. I am also hoping that with age you will learn how to have some tact.


A thermal shirt is a great idea. Can you get those at WalMart? Where would be the best place to purchase those?



Last year I had so many problems with my boys school. Everybody know that the boys have cf, every year we have a meeting with their new teachers, the cf nurse and social worker, and also the special needs aide at the school, and still there are major problems. Teachers not allowing the twins to go to the bathroom, others not allowing them to take their water to class, and the worst one is about their diet. Near the end of last year the school decided to cut out all junk, they decided that they will have two mini meals a day. I called the school and they assured me that this would not effect the twins. So the following day I sent them their regular food which consisted of a sub, a choccy pudding, grapes and canteloupe, a choccy covered granola bar and a bag of chips, along with a bottle of gatorad. The teacher told them they couldnt eat it, they told them that they had to as they were on a special diet and he accused them of lieing! They then tried to call home and were not permitted to, so they talked to the special needs aide. Finally they were allowed to eat it, but only in the office which I find totally unacceptable! Now they are trying to assure me that it wont be a problem this year.
Anyway, they are back to school tomorrow and Im still amidst making a time for everyone to meet. Im absolutely dreading them going back to school, Im a bundle of nerves!


New member
Hanes makes them, but the best ones out there are from Royal apparel, as far as fittign well, holding color, and not looking ridiculous. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.amazon.com/royRA8052-Sleeve-Combed-Thermal-Large/dp/B000FRU3I2/sr=1-2/qid=1157414814/ref=sr_1_2/102-4567302-3651363?ie=UTF8&s=apparel">These are the ones we got for Ry</a>

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.amazon.com/royRA8002-Long-Sleeve-Combed-Thermal/dp/B000FPVQ08/sr=1-5/qid=1157415060/ref=sr_1_5/102-4567302-3651363?ie=UTF8&s=apparel">Ah, they make girl ones too</a>

With the colors, they can look good under any t shirt.


New member
Seana, if she's too small yet for the adult, these are the <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.amazon.com/aapT207-Sleeve-Baby-Thermal-T-Shirt/dp/B000FNSY1E/sr=1-10/qid=1157415060/ref=sr_1_10/102-4567302-3651363?ie=UTF8&s=apparel">Kids</a>


New member
seems to me that the situation could have been handled differently on both sides

if she's cold enough that she needs to wear a jacket all the time, don't you think she should dress warmer in the first place? I agree that the principle overreacted, but since you both knew the rules about the dress code and chose not to follow them, you're partly to blame

there are times when reasonable accomodations should be made for people with cf. like going to the bathroom w/o permission or something like that. but i don't think the cf card should have been played in this case


New member
See, I am in total agreeance with the whole food issue. I don't think that junk food should be allowed in schools and if a child was allowed to bring some it would just make them stick out. I do not let any of my students have junk food because it is a school policy. I don't really believe the CF excuse because there are many people who have high fat diets and eat healthy foods, like peanuts or granola. There are ways to get fat into diets without junk food.

As for the jacket issue yes it was uncalled for how the asst. principal dealt with it. But she might have been having a hard day with other kids and snapped. Why does Courtney have to zip her jacket? if she is wearing it, how much warmer would it be with it zipped? it still is covering her. I would definitely go in and talk to the principal because Allie makes a good point. These people have to deal with children and their issues everyday and if someone yells at them then it is going to affect the child negatively.

I have always wanted parents to realize that. If you talk to a teacher in a rude manner all it does is affect the child. I know it is so hard to see your child hurt or embarrassed but it would be to her benefit to talk to the asst. principal

Sue 24w/CF


My kids have always had trouble with their weight , yes there maybe healthier foods to give them but getting them to eat them is another matter. As for peanuts, there are not may schools here in Canada that allow any peanut products anymore because of allergies. Also, if you read what I put inot their lunches, the only junk that was there is the chips........my kids are not on salt tablets so if that means putting something really salty into thier lunches, then Im going to do it. The hospital seems to think that I have them on a healthy diet, they are underweight, and I wont have people dictating what I can feed my kids!


New member

Are you a teacher? What grade do you teach?

I do feel bad for chewing her out. I do want to clarify I did not yell at her. I should have not said "yelled" in the title. We just "really disgreed".

I just snapped. I normally stay in control when I am dealing with issues at the school. After hearing the responses here I will go to the school and have a discussion with that assistant principal.

Some people keep saying that I was "using the CF card". Courtney does have a 504 plan in place, but she receives no special care at school other than taking her enzymes at lunch time. She does not take snacks to school (we give her lots of shakes at home) she does PE just like the rest of the kids, and is expected to do her work just like everyone else.

Allie has solved the jacket issue for me. Thermal shirts is the perfect solution, BUT I am not going to tell Courtney that she has to freeze everyday because she is just trying to use "the CF card".



The kids have been in the same school since they were 4 years old, they are now 12. All the kids know that they eat a special diet and they know why. They have to leave the class for physio, that makes them stand out more than their dietry needs. They also leave the class during English and Math for extra help due to being away from school so much and that also makes them stand out.
I do understand why junk food shouldnt be permitted at schools, but on the other hand, you wouldnt make any other kid leave the class room because they were on a different diet than everyone else. Its not like Im not sending any nutritional value products. The puddings I send are Ensure, their subs consist of meat and vegetables, they buy milk everyday at school. I really dont see the problem.


New member
Back in like 70 or 71 Something like that happen to my
Younger Sister , She ended up having to stay after school
for trying to explain, ( she was told she was being disrespectful for this )
Well My Father went to pick her up and to find out what happen.
Well he went NutS !!!!!
He tried to talk to this Bull Headed principal. My Father was calm
and always obayed the laws. So when He could not get anywhere
with this moran, My Father told him he was just going to let the
school board take care of it. This principal must have thought himself
a tough guy, He told my Dad they could take care of it outSide, My Dad
said ( Love To ) If You have seen my picture You can tell I am not to small.
My Dad was Like a Tank. Mush stronger that I ever was.
Well it ended up this guy getting his ass whipped and my Sister never
having another problem at School.
I Know that was over 30 years ago and there would be law suits for this
now a days.
But the principal had a hard head and He did ask for it ...

This just proves that now matter how much schooling a person has
he can still be a Dumb As*<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Oh I don't think she was using the CF card. When I said the thing about the food I was really just refering to all the good fatty foods that could be eaten. But I do think it is good she doesn't bring snacks to school. If she is at that age where she just wants to blend in and not talk a lot about her disease then it is best not to eat when others are not.

I think that you are doing a great job with all this. My mother was the exact same ( just a little more nuts though) She would always be there ready to fight if i needed her.

I teach 5 and 6th grade. Its hard sometime when we have to deal with so many kids a day and something is bound to set us off at one time. I hate it but I am sure I have unnecessarily yelled at a student for something that wasn't a big deal.

Anyway, Courtney is lucky to have you<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Sue 24w/CF