I want to be a role model... Have any QUESTIONS ASK.


New member
Ok I'm 15 and 1 month. I go to a normal high school and I'm a sophomore. I do a therapy vest twice a day for 35 minutes each, along with Xopenex, Hypertonic Saline, Pulmozyme( once daily), and TOBI (Every other month). I've never been hospitalized and have a FEV1 of 131% above predicted. I take 2 enzymes with every meal and take prevacid. Im taking all AP and Honors classes. I'm also in Homestead High Schools Marching Band which we practice 6 days a week. (Look us up on youtube) So I've been reading so much about how cf is affecting high school students and I just want to say do your treatments and stay positive. If you have an opportunity to do these treatments do them! I'm not a big athletic person but i do band. I also dont have a mild case of CF.


New member
Ok I'm 15 and 1 month. I go to a normal high school and I'm a sophomore. I do a therapy vest twice a day for 35 minutes each, along with Xopenex, Hypertonic Saline, Pulmozyme( once daily), and TOBI (Every other month). I've never been hospitalized and have a FEV1 of 131% above predicted. I take 2 enzymes with every meal and take prevacid. Im taking all AP and Honors classes. I'm also in Homestead High Schools Marching Band which we practice 6 days a week. (Look us up on youtube) So I've been reading so much about how cf is affecting high school students and I just want to say do your treatments and stay positive. If you have an opportunity to do these treatments do them! I'm not a big athletic person but i do band. I also dont have a mild case of CF.


New member
Ok I'm 15 and 1 month. I go to a normal high school and I'm a sophomore. I do a therapy vest twice a day for 35 minutes each, along with Xopenex, Hypertonic Saline, Pulmozyme( once daily), and TOBI (Every other month). I've never been hospitalized and have a FEV1 of 131% above predicted. I take 2 enzymes with every meal and take prevacid. Im taking all AP and Honors classes. I'm also in Homestead High Schools Marching Band which we practice 6 days a week. (Look us up on youtube) So I've been reading so much about how cf is affecting high school students and I just want to say do your treatments and stay positive. If you have an opportunity to do these treatments do them! I'm not a big athletic person but i do band. I also dont have a mild case of CF.


New member
Ok I'm 15 and 1 month. I go to a normal high school and I'm a sophomore. I do a therapy vest twice a day for 35 minutes each, along with Xopenex, Hypertonic Saline, Pulmozyme( once daily), and TOBI (Every other month). I've never been hospitalized and have a FEV1 of 131% above predicted. I take 2 enzymes with every meal and take prevacid. Im taking all AP and Honors classes. I'm also in Homestead High Schools Marching Band which we practice 6 days a week. (Look us up on youtube) So I've been reading so much about how cf is affecting high school students and I just want to say do your treatments and stay positive. If you have an opportunity to do these treatments do them! I'm not a big athletic person but i do band. I also dont have a mild case of CF.


New member
Ok I'm 15 and 1 month. I go to a normal high school and I'm a sophomore. I do a therapy vest twice a day for 35 minutes each, along with Xopenex, Hypertonic Saline, Pulmozyme( once daily), and TOBI (Every other month). I've never been hospitalized and have a FEV1 of 131% above predicted. I take 2 enzymes with every meal and take prevacid. Im taking all AP and Honors classes. I'm also in Homestead High Schools Marching Band which we practice 6 days a week. (Look us up on youtube) So I've been reading so much about how cf is affecting high school students and I just want to say do your treatments and stay positive. If you have an opportunity to do these treatments do them! I'm not a big athletic person but i do band. I also dont have a mild case of CF.