i want to lose weight but everyone says im stupid


New member
Thanx for all your help, i am yet to talk to the dietician about this and for the time being i think ill leave it at trying to sort it out without them knowing just yet. My weight has gone down and up a bit lately. i have started to eat snacks in day and have stopped being sick although sumtimes i find i feel sick after meals and feel like i need to be sick but i now go for a lie down as i know this is a rut i need to get out of. Thanx again people xx xx


hi everyone,
I have been wanting to join this forum for a while, but I am just getting around to it. i am 22 years old, and was diagnosed at 6 mos. When I saw this topic I jumped at the chance tp post. I am 5'2' and weigh 122 pounds. This is the highest I have ever been, and I gained 2 1/2 pounds in only a month. This was very 'depressing' for me I guess. I know that its healthy, and my dr sure jumped when he saw the gain, but I totally understand both sides of the spectrum here. I'm not trying to complain about my weight, as I know that its good and im average, its not like im overweight, its hard tho. I always had trouble until I moved out on my own. Now that I have been through four (and a half) years of college, and am not living at home, I guess maybe I just eat more. The plus side to my weight gain is that my PFT's stay more steady, and if I do get sick, i have those extra pounds (i always lose weight when i am sick). I thought I was the only with these thoughts. I am glad to know that I am not and that others want to lose weight too.
One thing that someone had posted, about thier doctors always being mad when you lose weight. I agree, they get so mad, but then again, your sick. You cant always help it when you are sick and its not like you lose alot of weighht. That always happens to me. My dr is always on my case no matter what. I mean he is happy that I gained weight, but then again i sense that he wants more. Then when I lose those extra pounds he will probably be harping on me to get them back...its a viscous cycle for us and sometimes we cant help it.


hi everyone,
I have been wanting to join this forum for a while, but I am just getting around to it. i am 22 years old, and was diagnosed at 6 mos. When I saw this topic I jumped at the chance tp post. I am 5'2' and weigh 122 pounds. This is the highest I have ever been, and I gained 2 1/2 pounds in only a month. This was very 'depressing' for me I guess. I know that its healthy, and my dr sure jumped when he saw the gain, but I totally understand both sides of the spectrum here. I'm not trying to complain about my weight, as I know that its good and im average, its not like im overweight, its hard tho. I always had trouble until I moved out on my own. Now that I have been through four (and a half) years of college, and am not living at home, I guess maybe I just eat more. The plus side to my weight gain is that my PFT's stay more steady, and if I do get sick, i have those extra pounds (i always lose weight when i am sick). I thought I was the only with these thoughts. I am glad to know that I am not and that others want to lose weight too.
One thing that someone had posted, about thier doctors always being mad when you lose weight. I agree, they get so mad, but then again, your sick. You cant always help it when you are sick and its not like you lose alot of weighht. That always happens to me. My dr is always on my case no matter what. I mean he is happy that I gained weight, but then again i sense that he wants more. Then when I lose those extra pounds he will probably be harping on me to get them back...its a viscous cycle for us and sometimes we cant help it.


hi everyone,
I have been wanting to join this forum for a while, but I am just getting around to it. i am 22 years old, and was diagnosed at 6 mos. When I saw this topic I jumped at the chance tp post. I am 5'2' and weigh 122 pounds. This is the highest I have ever been, and I gained 2 1/2 pounds in only a month. This was very 'depressing' for me I guess. I know that its healthy, and my dr sure jumped when he saw the gain, but I totally understand both sides of the spectrum here. I'm not trying to complain about my weight, as I know that its good and im average, its not like im overweight, its hard tho. I always had trouble until I moved out on my own. Now that I have been through four (and a half) years of college, and am not living at home, I guess maybe I just eat more. The plus side to my weight gain is that my PFT's stay more steady, and if I do get sick, i have those extra pounds (i always lose weight when i am sick). I thought I was the only with these thoughts. I am glad to know that I am not and that others want to lose weight too.
One thing that someone had posted, about thier doctors always being mad when you lose weight. I agree, they get so mad, but then again, your sick. You cant always help it when you are sick and its not like you lose alot of weighht. That always happens to me. My dr is always on my case no matter what. I mean he is happy that I gained weight, but then again i sense that he wants more. Then when I lose those extra pounds he will probably be harping on me to get them back...its a viscous cycle for us and sometimes we cant help it.


New member
I'm 5 ft 110 lbs. I know what you mean about the weight, but for me it's never really been about losing it. About 5 years ago I weighed about 130 and my dietician told me I was a bit over weight, now that I'm at 110 my parents and docs freak if my weight changes by even a fraction of a kilo. Personally I feel healthy, I mean I'm only 5 ft, I'm not designed to weigh 130-125 like I did in junior high. But believe me, like I tell my boyfriend (no Cf), having some body fat is good, that's the first thing you lose when you're sick. If all you've got is muscle then that's what's gonna go and that's not a good thing. And just because we have to eat a lot of calories doesn't mean we can't be healthy. You just have to find the right weight and regular meal schedule that's right for you. So don't go too crazy with the dieting, but if you're gonna do it, make sure you eat regularly!


New member
I'm 5 ft 110 lbs. I know what you mean about the weight, but for me it's never really been about losing it. About 5 years ago I weighed about 130 and my dietician told me I was a bit over weight, now that I'm at 110 my parents and docs freak if my weight changes by even a fraction of a kilo. Personally I feel healthy, I mean I'm only 5 ft, I'm not designed to weigh 130-125 like I did in junior high. But believe me, like I tell my boyfriend (no Cf), having some body fat is good, that's the first thing you lose when you're sick. If all you've got is muscle then that's what's gonna go and that's not a good thing. And just because we have to eat a lot of calories doesn't mean we can't be healthy. You just have to find the right weight and regular meal schedule that's right for you. So don't go too crazy with the dieting, but if you're gonna do it, make sure you eat regularly!


New member
I'm 5 ft 110 lbs. I know what you mean about the weight, but for me it's never really been about losing it. About 5 years ago I weighed about 130 and my dietician told me I was a bit over weight, now that I'm at 110 my parents and docs freak if my weight changes by even a fraction of a kilo. Personally I feel healthy, I mean I'm only 5 ft, I'm not designed to weigh 130-125 like I did in junior high. But believe me, like I tell my boyfriend (no Cf), having some body fat is good, that's the first thing you lose when you're sick. If all you've got is muscle then that's what's gonna go and that's not a good thing. And just because we have to eat a lot of calories doesn't mean we can't be healthy. You just have to find the right weight and regular meal schedule that's right for you. So don't go too crazy with the dieting, but if you're gonna do it, make sure you eat regularly!


New member
I know exactly what ur going thru. im 22 and for the last 2 years i cut out taking my enzymes in order to lose weight, im a little under weight too but cant seem to eat much anymore,i have bad stomach probs from cf and this triggered it all off. I feel fat all the time cos im always bloated and i cut out all fatty food too.


New member
I know exactly what ur going thru. im 22 and for the last 2 years i cut out taking my enzymes in order to lose weight, im a little under weight too but cant seem to eat much anymore,i have bad stomach probs from cf and this triggered it all off. I feel fat all the time cos im always bloated and i cut out all fatty food too.


New member
I know exactly what ur going thru. im 22 and for the last 2 years i cut out taking my enzymes in order to lose weight, im a little under weight too but cant seem to eat much anymore,i have bad stomach probs from cf and this triggered it all off. I feel fat all the time cos im always bloated and i cut out all fatty food too.


Yea Shelly, I agree with you, its not really about losing the weight. Ive never really tried dieting, although, I just keep telling myself that I'm not fat (bc im not, im avreage). I like being able to what i want. Its not out of control weight gain, its just good for us, espe when we are sick. Casper, i agree with you too, I never really tried not taking my enzymes, but if I forget, im like oh no big deal, I can spare a few. By big thing I need to start is exercise, Im so damn lazy and unmotivated. That would prob help my feelings a bit, and give me more muscle instead of just the gut that I have now.


Yea Shelly, I agree with you, its not really about losing the weight. Ive never really tried dieting, although, I just keep telling myself that I'm not fat (bc im not, im avreage). I like being able to what i want. Its not out of control weight gain, its just good for us, espe when we are sick. Casper, i agree with you too, I never really tried not taking my enzymes, but if I forget, im like oh no big deal, I can spare a few. By big thing I need to start is exercise, Im so damn lazy and unmotivated. That would prob help my feelings a bit, and give me more muscle instead of just the gut that I have now.


Yea Shelly, I agree with you, its not really about losing the weight. Ive never really tried dieting, although, I just keep telling myself that I'm not fat (bc im not, im avreage). I like being able to what i want. Its not out of control weight gain, its just good for us, espe when we are sick. Casper, i agree with you too, I never really tried not taking my enzymes, but if I forget, im like oh no big deal, I can spare a few. By big thing I need to start is exercise, Im so damn lazy and unmotivated. That would prob help my feelings a bit, and give me more muscle instead of just the gut that I have now.