Hi there I'm Isabel and I'm 16 going on 17 in 2 months. I was just diagnosed with CF last year about 7 months after I began becoming sick. It's been a crazy year since it all started and I never new my life would change so much. I can't play my favorite sport anymore, my life plan has become difficult because of school, and even though I was just diagnosed I am in a severe state. Last year my lung function Dropped to 20% and 5 months later went back to 100. Now which is 8 months later I am at 50%. I stopped doing my treatments and taking my medication, I don't know I just don't want to do them anymore, I gave up on them. I feel like they don't even help me. I don't even sleep with my Bipap machine either. Or take my vitamins or anything. Idk I need help. I feel like the reason I stopped is because of my mentality, I've become very depressed and anxious all the time. My anger problems have increased so much and it's getting really bad. I don't have any ways to cope with what's going on and I have no one to talk to because my parents do like talking about it and I don't really have friends.