Idea for new Category


New member
In light of how many pregnancy/female issue related posts their are here, I was thinking that it might be a good idea to have a category for Women. What do you think?


New member
My god do we live in a tit for tat world. I think the origional poster was suggesting a "woman" only section so you poor men wouldn't have to be subjected to all of our gross bleeding, pregnancy, discharge, tender breast topics that come up often on this site. I have yet to see something posted about men that a million women't haven't read and POSTED responses to. Grow up whoever posted that.

And yes, I think it is a great idea.



New member
first off.....i was just trying to make it equal and fair...i mean equal rights goes both ways.... men have issues to talk about regarding cf that women may not want to hear about or that they arent comfortable talking to women about (believe it or not it makes some men feel even weaker talking about things they cant do especially to women who they think they should be tougher than or atleast able to take care of-yes maybe a bit old fashion but still a way of thinking for some if not most) not being able to have children, being small in school or just all their life, impotency problems, what to do and how they feel when they have coughing fits during sex (or having the female do all the work all the time) or any activity...i mean how does it make a man feel when he has to stop pleasing his women because he has a coughing fit or some other problem...late maturing...yeah how about not geting any erections when all the other guys do or being the small one in gym class and being made fun of. not being able to get a date because girls think your still to little (in many ways)...being a teenager is when your supposed to mature into manhood and that comes later for alot of cf males....then the other guys in the class make fun of you pick on you and sometimes even beat you up just cus your small. sure female problems maybe a bit (yuckier) but that doesnt mean men dont have any less important issues, i mean for a male their problems are important and for females their problems are important and each sex feels more comfortable talking about it to the same sex....maybe to females male problems seem to small or ego based but thats how some think and its important to them... whats wrong with me saying a male category would be nice too? sure maybe it wont be as popular but doesnt mean it wont be any less apriciated


New member
i have to agree. i dont think i have seen nearly as many men issues on this section as i have women issues. possibly because its uncomfortable talking about any problem so openly. and it would be much easier to talk about in a section where there would be presumably only other men. point in case: no teenage/adult guy would come to the adult section or teenage section with a question like "im having trouble 'pleasing' my girlfriend/wife." now im sure you could argue that he could benifit from a womans perspective. truth is, we A. dont want it, or B arent comfortable talking about it.


New member
I have to ask though, how many men have posted questions as such? Just a few, and men and women alike respond to them. But, when a woman posts a pregnancy, period...question I have yet to see a man respond. and sometimes there is no reason for a man to respond, but sometimes thare is, and I have yet to see a mans name in a response to such a post.

I do see your point that if there is a women (or pregnancy/intimacy or whatever) section, there should be a men section as well. I just thought it very childish to put it in the manner you did. It reminded me of my little neice and nephew "mom, if she gets this then I should get that". It makes more sense when you explained yourself a little more.



New member
sorry about that...its not what i meant " if you get it we should get it" i have problems explaining myself and come across as a jerk sometimes when i dont mean to. i just meant that men sometimes feel more comfortable talking to other males about certain things...sure its a public place but if they thought maybe there were guys out there reading it and would be the ones responding it might be more comfortable for them, same with females. again i am sorry i didnt mean to come across as childish as i did. but i do think its a good idea even if there isnt a male forum


New member
stop being so critical of eachother!!! tone can get lost in the written word...why does everyone have to pick everything apart on this board?


New member
DITTO......... DITTO............... DITTO........... i thought the idea was us to be able to talk and not be judged for how we feel or think..............


New member
This is a healty discussion between two adults. I am not offended by anything said, and the other party doesn't seem to be either. There is no harm in expressing a difference of opinions-this is how the world works. Otherwise we'd all be bored out of our minds. There was a slight miscommunication between what the origional poster meant, and actually said, and how I choose to interpret it. But we are fine now.

Neither of us were nitpicking eachother, we are just stating opinions and discussing differences.



New member
i am not offended (the poster about a male forum) i am just not good at getting my opinion across sometimes and it makes me seem like a dumb a-- not nitpicking either,


New member
I think having one for women and one for men would be great! Or just when you are directing some thing for women put "directed for women" at the begining of the post. That is my idea....