Ideas to get salt into baby!


New member
I used a 1ml syringe with saltwater and gave her little by little in her mouth while she was breastfed. She refused to accept the pumped milk from a bottle. And some times between the feedings when possible. Now I give it in her milk bottle and any other food I give her. Even salted bananas and she loved it! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
I used a 1ml syringe with saltwater and gave her little by little in her mouth while she was breastfed. She refused to accept the pumped milk from a bottle. And some times between the feedings when possible. Now I give it in her milk bottle and any other food I give her. Even salted bananas and she loved it! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
I used a 1ml syringe with saltwater and gave her little by little in her mouth while she was breastfed. She refused to accept the pumped milk from a bottle. And some times between the feedings when possible. Now I give it in her milk bottle and any other food I give her. Even salted bananas and she loved it! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
I mixed salt and oil into the applesauce I gave my baby's enzymes in before every breastfeed and I still do that now that he's 16 monthes before every meal.


New member
I mixed salt and oil into the applesauce I gave my baby's enzymes in before every breastfeed and I still do that now that he's 16 monthes before every meal.


New member
I mixed salt and oil into the applesauce I gave my baby's enzymes in before every breastfeed and I still do that now that he's 16 monthes before every meal.


New member
My baby is breastfed too. He is 10 months now. For the first 5 months I would pump and use about 1 oz. I bought a bottle at Walgreen's called the MediBottle. I would put 1 packet of salt in with about 4ml of breast milk and the rest of the milk goes in the bottle. It is a syringe within a bottle. My son never even knew it was in there. Now, we just give him 1 packet twice a day. I do it in his applesauce and he doesn't even flinch. We do a spoonful of applesauce with salt, and the next spoonful is enzymes. We even tried in the beginning to put a pinch in each bottle, over 8 bottles of breast milk with no luck. He hated it. Good luck..the MediBottle saved us the first few months!


New member
My baby is breastfed too. He is 10 months now. For the first 5 months I would pump and use about 1 oz. I bought a bottle at Walgreen's called the MediBottle. I would put 1 packet of salt in with about 4ml of breast milk and the rest of the milk goes in the bottle. It is a syringe within a bottle. My son never even knew it was in there. Now, we just give him 1 packet twice a day. I do it in his applesauce and he doesn't even flinch. We do a spoonful of applesauce with salt, and the next spoonful is enzymes. We even tried in the beginning to put a pinch in each bottle, over 8 bottles of breast milk with no luck. He hated it. Good luck..the MediBottle saved us the first few months!


New member
My baby is breastfed too. He is 10 months now. For the first 5 months I would pump and use about 1 oz. I bought a bottle at Walgreen's called the MediBottle. I would put 1 packet of salt in with about 4ml of breast milk and the rest of the milk goes in the bottle. It is a syringe within a bottle. My son never even knew it was in there. Now, we just give him 1 packet twice a day. I do it in his applesauce and he doesn't even flinch. We do a spoonful of applesauce with salt, and the next spoonful is enzymes. We even tried in the beginning to put a pinch in each bottle, over 8 bottles of breast milk with no luck. He hated it. Good luck..the MediBottle saved us the first few months!


New member
My daughter is bottlefed, but whenever I cant get her to finish her salt bottle i add a little salt to her rice cereal. She eats it better that way.


New member
My daughter is bottlefed, but whenever I cant get her to finish her salt bottle i add a little salt to her rice cereal. She eats it better that way.


New member
My daughter is bottlefed, but whenever I cant get her to finish her salt bottle i add a little salt to her rice cereal. She eats it better that way.


New member
Hi! I'm Diane, the guess dietitian for the CF site this month. All of the suggestions are great! Here's another one that may help. If baby is teething and likes a nice cold teething ring to "munch" on, wet it slightly and put some salt on it.


New member
Hi! I'm Diane, the guess dietitian for the CF site this month. All of the suggestions are great! Here's another one that may help. If baby is teething and likes a nice cold teething ring to "munch" on, wet it slightly and put some salt on it.