if I'm......................


New member
Yes it does
Someone with CF has to have 2 CF genes. One from every parent. When one of the parents doesn't have the gene it would be impossible for the child to have CF. But the child could be a carrier, if it got the CF gene from the other parent.


New member
Yes it does
Someone with CF has to have 2 CF genes. One from every parent. When one of the parents doesn't have the gene it would be impossible for the child to have CF. But the child could be a carrier, if it got the CF gene from the other parent.


New member
Yes it does
Someone with CF has to have 2 CF genes. One from every parent. When one of the parents doesn't have the gene it would be impossible for the child to have CF. But the child could be a carrier, if it got the CF gene from the other parent.