if u have aim come here


New member
hey my name is amanda. im 18/f with CF. im a freshman in college and i am having an awesome time! =D anyone that wants to talk can IM me ne time! LiLNuGGet65 cant wait to hear from you! x0-amanda


New member
Hello, my names laiken i am also doing a report on cf, i recently met a little girl with it. please may i have help too? let me know how you get on x x


New member
hi my name is leah and i was wondering if you could give me sum infomation on CF? it is for a school report. i would really apreacheat it if u e-mailed me!!!! wicked_cute_2005@yahoo.com

thanks so much!!!


New member
hi im 11 years old and i go through alot of stuff like hospital stays and needles i have so many scars. im on alot of medicine. but im used to it now.


New member
Hey my name is Halee and im 12 goin on13 in May if any one wants to talk im here and i know alot about CF dont let my age fool you. Yes i have aim my screen name is Homechic101@aim.com you can email or im me. TTYL