If you get made fun of from being short


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hi I am Brittany Fischer I get made fun of from being short It makes me sad if you want to talk to me abuot it e-mail
me at fischergirls@yahoo.com


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I get made fun of for being short too. I always have. It used to bother me, but now I've decided I like it. It makes me feel small and cute, especially when snuggled up to my man who's over 6 feet tall. Not sure if you can learn to like it, but I did. Maybe you will too. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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You need to find some BIG friends thats what I dis<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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Some people do tease me cause im short but i dont care what they say. Im 5 foot and 2 inches tall. I like being my height.

Tiffany 15 w/cf


Like Emily said, cuddling up to a big guy has it's advantages (for the girls, of course!)<img src="i/expressions/puppy_eyes.gif" border="0"> (some guys, like me, like girls shorter--they ARE cuter!)
For the guys, I suggest NOT to date a girl taller than you. I tried it once-- boy, did it feel uncomfortable!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">
I'm the eldest son, and was always shorter than my brothers; as a teenager, probably significantly shorter.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">
But, one advantage is, whenever one of their friends, or girlfriends, asked to guess our age or who's the oldest, I was always selected as the "younger" of the three!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
I haven't seen them in twelve years, but, even though I know I'm still shorter, I can carry my own.
My opinion, which workes for me; All you men need is to do is carry yourself with confidence, with that alone, you'll look taller than you really are.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


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I love being short. Wouldnt change it for the world. My daughter is going to be extremely tall for a female & I dont know how to handle it honestly. She will be model material, but whose says she has to or wants to be a model or basketball player. I understand it is harder for the guys to be short. I personally have always liked the taller guys. My husband is 6'1" & I am 5" 3" and I love it. I once dated a guy that was 6'9". That was a little too tall, but for me better tall then short. I also know a lot of girls that prefer someone their height or dont care what height their guy is. There is someone for everyone. Believe it or not that is true!


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i feel sorry for your daughter jazzysmom <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> being tall aint fun.


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I am 5'2" and love it. I used to be bothered by it (especially since all of the women in my family are much taller-- over 5'8" and my sister is 6" tall!) but now I feel comfortable. I guess one complaint is having to hem most of the pants I get...

Jazzy... I can tell your daughter is model material. I looked at those wedding photos and really, she is just so beautiful.



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I am 24 and only 5 ft.... I have four bros & four sis and I'm the shortest. While I was in school I hated everything about being short.... now there are only two things I hate about it- finding pants that fit and being treated like a little kid. I'm an RN at a Childrens hospital and still get treated like a kid there, sometimes you get NO respect b/c your short= they always think your much younger.... I have learned to get over it and be happy the way I am.... My husband likes me the way I am <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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well im really short 4ft 10 1/2inches and im 14 i get made fun of a lot but it doesnt bother me cuz i just start laughing and then smash them into something very fun and yeah they dont do it much anymore cuz they know it doesnt bother me but it is very fun to play with ppl its a very good way to flirt well with me anyway


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Being short has it's advantages, so does being tall. I'm at about 6'. When people are younger they don't realize that they where short once too!


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Ha... so my oldest sister is 6 foot tall, my sister younger than her, but older than me is 5'9", and I stand at 5'1". We are close in ages and when I was a freshman in highschool, my one sister was a Sophmore, and our oldest sister was a senior. You wouldn't believe how many times I got, "You are Brenda, and Cindy's sister? What happened to you?" as in why am I so short compared to them... Well let me tell you, my oldest sister had to wear flats to her senior prom... and still stoop down a little so it didn't look like she dwarfed her date <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> I love my height, and I suppose I always have. My husband is 5'10" and I think my 5'1", 105 pound, size 3 frame is great. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>Hi brittany fischer,

How old are you?<hr></blockquote>


New member
I am 5'6" and I don't get made fun of for being short. I do however get made fun of for being skinny sometimes. I have always been pretty tall. I have friends that are taller and shorter, but I like my height. I do have 2 sisters. Hilary 15yrs, who is 5'7". Hilary doesn't have CF. Jackie is only 18months old but she doesn't have CF either. Some people think Hilary looks older than me but that doesn't really bother me.

Bethany 18yrs. (w/CF)