If you get made fun of from being short


New member
Being short is great! You can win limbo contests and never worry about hitting your head on things. I'm 5'2 (I don't think I'm short unless I'm standing right next to someone really tall.) Mike is 5'4, we are the perfect size together- we look just right in pictures!! If the worst thing someone can make fun of you for is being short, then think of it as a compliment- they can't think of anything else!
And guys, don't worry about being short. Most girls don't care (once they grow up!) I am crazy about my short man. (Besides he's tall to me)


New member
I am 5ft and it doesn't bother me being short. Sure everyone makes fun of me every now and then but it doesn't bother me because I laugh along with them. Things could be worse, right?