If You HAVE to Skip SOMETHING...


New member
I hate skipping parts of my treatment. But as we all know, sometimes it's just unavoidable. Today I got stuck at the pharmacy longer than I planned and still needed to do some things around the house, run errands, etc. Working full time and trying to fit in everything we need to do every day can get hard sometimes. <br><br>
So if you HAVE to skip something, what do you skip? Do you do less HS? Do you exercise instead of doing the vest? Or Vice Versa?<br><br>
Thought it would be interesting to know what some folks find more valuable if time is an issue!


New member
I hate skipping parts of my treatment. But as we all know, sometimes it's just unavoidable. Today I got stuck at the pharmacy longer than I planned and still needed to do some things around the house, run errands, etc. Working full time and trying to fit in everything we need to do every day can get hard sometimes. <br><br>
So if you HAVE to skip something, what do you skip? Do you do less HS? Do you exercise instead of doing the vest? Or Vice Versa?<br><br>
Thought it would be interesting to know what some folks find more valuable if time is an issue!


New member
I hate skipping parts of my treatment. But as we all know, sometimes it's just unavoidable. Today I got stuck at the pharmacy longer than I planned and still needed to do some things around the house, run errands, etc. Working full time and trying to fit in everything we need to do every day can get hard sometimes. <br><br>
So if you HAVE to skip something, what do you skip? Do you do less HS? Do you exercise instead of doing the vest? Or Vice Versa?<br><br>
Thought it would be interesting to know what some folks find more valuable if time is an issue!


New member
I hate skipping parts of my treatment. But as we all know, sometimes it's just unavoidable. Today I got stuck at the pharmacy longer than I planned and still needed to do some things around the house, run errands, etc. Working full time and trying to fit in everything we need to do every day can get hard sometimes. <br><br>
So if you HAVE to skip something, what do you skip? Do you do less HS? Do you exercise instead of doing the vest? Or Vice Versa?<br><br>
Thought it would be interesting to know what some folks find more valuable if time is an issue!


New member
I hate skipping parts of my treatment. But as we all know, sometimes it's just unavoidable. Today I got stuck at the pharmacy longer than I planned and still needed to do some things around the house, run errands, etc. Working full time and trying to fit in everything we need to do every day can get hard sometimes. <br><br>
So if you HAVE to skip something, what do you skip? Do you do less HS? Do you exercise instead of doing the vest? Or Vice Versa?<br><br>
Thought it would be interesting to know what some folks find more valuable if time is an issue!


New member
to my husband's great dismay.....I skip sex.....it doesn't fit in very well with any of my therapy routine. Unfortunately, I don't tend to skip anything. What I end up skipping are the fun things in life that go on while I'm hooked up.


New member
to my husband's great dismay.....I skip sex.....it doesn't fit in very well with any of my therapy routine. Unfortunately, I don't tend to skip anything. What I end up skipping are the fun things in life that go on while I'm hooked up.


New member
to my husband's great dismay.....I skip sex.....it doesn't fit in very well with any of my therapy routine. Unfortunately, I don't tend to skip anything. What I end up skipping are the fun things in life that go on while I'm hooked up.


New member
to my husband's great dismay.....I skip sex.....it doesn't fit in very well with any of my therapy routine. Unfortunately, I don't tend to skip anything. What I end up skipping are the fun things in life that go on while I'm hooked up.


New member
to my husband's great dismay.....I skip sex.....it doesn't fit in very well with any of my therapy routine. Unfortunately, I don't tend to skip anything. What I end up skipping are the fun things in life that go on while I'm hooked up.


New member
I'm like you - I hate skipping anything, and short of an all out emergency I will choose less sleep over missed treatments. But if I HAVE to skip something, I will skip on DNase and do the hypertonic with the vest - cuts my treatment time by about 25 minutes because I normally don't start HTS until after the vest. My one rule is to NEVER skip antibiotics, so if all else fails I have once or twice gone to bed with no airway clearance (ugh!) just to get my TOBI done, but that would be like extreme emergency. And I would add an extra vest in the next day.


New member
I'm like you - I hate skipping anything, and short of an all out emergency I will choose less sleep over missed treatments. But if I HAVE to skip something, I will skip on DNase and do the hypertonic with the vest - cuts my treatment time by about 25 minutes because I normally don't start HTS until after the vest. My one rule is to NEVER skip antibiotics, so if all else fails I have once or twice gone to bed with no airway clearance (ugh!) just to get my TOBI done, but that would be like extreme emergency. And I would add an extra vest in the next day.


New member
I'm like you - I hate skipping anything, and short of an all out emergency I will choose less sleep over missed treatments. But if I HAVE to skip something, I will skip on DNase and do the hypertonic with the vest - cuts my treatment time by about 25 minutes because I normally don't start HTS until after the vest. My one rule is to NEVER skip antibiotics, so if all else fails I have once or twice gone to bed with no airway clearance (ugh!) just to get my TOBI done, but that would be like extreme emergency. And I would add an extra vest in the next day.


New member
I'm like you - I hate skipping anything, and short of an all out emergency I will choose less sleep over missed treatments. But if I HAVE to skip something, I will skip on DNase and do the hypertonic with the vest - cuts my treatment time by about 25 minutes because I normally don't start HTS until after the vest. My one rule is to NEVER skip antibiotics, so if all else fails I have once or twice gone to bed with no airway clearance (ugh!) just to get my TOBI done, but that would be like extreme emergency. And I would add an extra vest in the next day.


New member
I'm like you - I hate skipping anything, and short of an all out emergency I will choose less sleep over missed treatments. But if I HAVE to skip something, I will skip on DNase and do the hypertonic with the vest - cuts my treatment time by about 25 minutes because I normally don't start HTS until after the vest. My one rule is to NEVER skip antibiotics, so if all else fails I have once or twice gone to bed with no airway clearance (ugh!) just to get my TOBI done, but that would be like extreme emergency. And I would add an extra vest in the next day.


New member

I hate skipping treatments too, but when I do skip something it tends to be the CPT. I will at least get my nebs in (tobra, pulmozyme).


New member

I hate skipping treatments too, but when I do skip something it tends to be the CPT. I will at least get my nebs in (tobra, pulmozyme).


New member

I hate skipping treatments too, but when I do skip something it tends to be the CPT. I will at least get my nebs in (tobra, pulmozyme).


New member

I hate skipping treatments too, but when I do skip something it tends to be the CPT. I will at least get my nebs in (tobra, pulmozyme).


New member
<br />
<br />I hate skipping treatments too, but when I do skip something it tends to be the CPT. I will at least get my nebs in (tobra, pulmozyme).