if you knew your unborn child had cf would you abort it


New member
okay this is difficult one but if you knew your unborn child would have cf would you and your partner have a abortion.I just look at the life i have led which has been crappy because of health induced cf problems and i would never wish my child to suffer and face the problems i have which has had secondary problems for social life etc.I rather he/she not be born than be faced with the constant medication and treatment that a person with cf has to do
i mean in all honestly if someone gave people with cf a crystal ball before they were born to show them the life of someone with cf and how it affects a person on a daily basis i bet many wouldent opt to come on this earth


New member
okay this is difficult one but if you knew your unborn child would have cf would you and your partner have a abortion.I just look at the life i have led which has been crappy because of health induced cf problems and i would never wish my child to suffer and face the problems i have which has had secondary problems for social life etc.I rather he/she not be born than be faced with the constant medication and treatment that a person with cf has to do
i mean in all honestly if someone gave people with cf a crystal ball before they were born to show them the life of someone with cf and how it affects a person on a daily basis i bet many wouldent opt to come on this earth


New member
okay this is difficult one but if you knew your unborn child would have cf would you and your partner have a abortion.I just look at the life i have led which has been crappy because of health induced cf problems and i would never wish my child to suffer and face the problems i have which has had secondary problems for social life etc.I rather he/she not be born than be faced with the constant medication and treatment that a person with cf has to do
i mean in all honestly if someone gave people with cf a crystal ball before they were born to show them the life of someone with cf and how it affects a person on a daily basis i bet many wouldent opt to come on this earth


New member
<b>First off let me remind everyone that although this is a very controvertial topic......it is a valid ?? because right/wrong, good/bad, dumb/smart it is a decision that often has to be made. </b>THAT being said.....as a Mom AND a CFer I can honestly say I dont know. I will admit publically on this board for the first time that I terminated a pregnancy when I was 16. I did it because of MY health (according to my mindset & my mothers at the time). I didnt have the "turmoil" of emotions that you hear about etc, but I do think it makes me appreciate my daughter that much more. As far as being a gal with CF, personally, I dont see it as "that bad", but then again I dont know any different of a life then one with CF. I adapt to things. I can say that as a Mom and seeing my daughter go thru difficulties with normal childhood things like strep throat or viruses that puts her on the toilet every 15 minutes is heart wrenching. I couldnt imagine her having something like CF, but if I knew she would.....at this time without actually being in the time or mindframe in which I would have to make that decision....I cant make such a decision. Its not that cut/dry usually even knowing the horrors of the illness. At least not for me!


New member
<b>First off let me remind everyone that although this is a very controvertial topic......it is a valid ?? because right/wrong, good/bad, dumb/smart it is a decision that often has to be made. </b>THAT being said.....as a Mom AND a CFer I can honestly say I dont know. I will admit publically on this board for the first time that I terminated a pregnancy when I was 16. I did it because of MY health (according to my mindset & my mothers at the time). I didnt have the "turmoil" of emotions that you hear about etc, but I do think it makes me appreciate my daughter that much more. As far as being a gal with CF, personally, I dont see it as "that bad", but then again I dont know any different of a life then one with CF. I adapt to things. I can say that as a Mom and seeing my daughter go thru difficulties with normal childhood things like strep throat or viruses that puts her on the toilet every 15 minutes is heart wrenching. I couldnt imagine her having something like CF, but if I knew she would.....at this time without actually being in the time or mindframe in which I would have to make that decision....I cant make such a decision. Its not that cut/dry usually even knowing the horrors of the illness. At least not for me!


New member
<b>First off let me remind everyone that although this is a very controvertial topic......it is a valid ?? because right/wrong, good/bad, dumb/smart it is a decision that often has to be made. </b>THAT being said.....as a Mom AND a CFer I can honestly say I dont know. I will admit publically on this board for the first time that I terminated a pregnancy when I was 16. I did it because of MY health (according to my mindset & my mothers at the time). I didnt have the "turmoil" of emotions that you hear about etc, but I do think it makes me appreciate my daughter that much more. As far as being a gal with CF, personally, I dont see it as "that bad", but then again I dont know any different of a life then one with CF. I adapt to things. I can say that as a Mom and seeing my daughter go thru difficulties with normal childhood things like strep throat or viruses that puts her on the toilet every 15 minutes is heart wrenching. I couldnt imagine her having something like CF, but if I knew she would.....at this time without actually being in the time or mindframe in which I would have to make that decision....I cant make such a decision. Its not that cut/dry usually even knowing the horrors of the illness. At least not for me!


New member
I personally dont believe in abortion for any reason. I know in some situations, it may be hard not to want to have one, but I would never have one.
We never know for sure what life will be like for any unborn child whether they have c/f or not. I would rather take steps to never get pregnant than have an abortion.


New member
I personally dont believe in abortion for any reason. I know in some situations, it may be hard not to want to have one, but I would never have one.
We never know for sure what life will be like for any unborn child whether they have c/f or not. I would rather take steps to never get pregnant than have an abortion.


New member
I personally dont believe in abortion for any reason. I know in some situations, it may be hard not to want to have one, but I would never have one.
We never know for sure what life will be like for any unborn child whether they have c/f or not. I would rather take steps to never get pregnant than have an abortion.


New member
This is a very controversial topic and I really hope that we can all demonstrait the ability to discuss but not argue this one....

This is *my* answer for my situation; not advice for others...

That being said; my doctor has advised me to not get pregnant. Not only do I have CF but other medical problems as well. If I accidentally got pregnant and was able to care the pregnancy to term then I would.

However; since I was told "no" by my doc I have had a tubal ligation. I got this done b/c I could not have an abortion. I just wouldn't be able to do it.

I think having the tubal (although it was hard for me to give up the idea of having more children) was the smartest thing I have ever done.


New member
This is a very controversial topic and I really hope that we can all demonstrait the ability to discuss but not argue this one....

This is *my* answer for my situation; not advice for others...

That being said; my doctor has advised me to not get pregnant. Not only do I have CF but other medical problems as well. If I accidentally got pregnant and was able to care the pregnancy to term then I would.

However; since I was told "no" by my doc I have had a tubal ligation. I got this done b/c I could not have an abortion. I just wouldn't be able to do it.

I think having the tubal (although it was hard for me to give up the idea of having more children) was the smartest thing I have ever done.


New member
This is a very controversial topic and I really hope that we can all demonstrait the ability to discuss but not argue this one....

This is *my* answer for my situation; not advice for others...

That being said; my doctor has advised me to not get pregnant. Not only do I have CF but other medical problems as well. If I accidentally got pregnant and was able to care the pregnancy to term then I would.

However; since I was told "no" by my doc I have had a tubal ligation. I got this done b/c I could not have an abortion. I just wouldn't be able to do it.

I think having the tubal (although it was hard for me to give up the idea of having more children) was the smartest thing I have ever done.


New member
I don't think that I would, but then again, I've never been in that situation. Therefore, if I was in that situation, I might have a completely different view of things.


New member
I don't think that I would, but then again, I've never been in that situation. Therefore, if I was in that situation, I might have a completely different view of things.