if you knew your unborn child had cf would you abort it


New member
jfarel, I am completely agnostic. However, I will agree with you on one point. People who run around having sex with anything that moves is, in my opinion, distasteful at best. My thoughts; if you aren't serious about the person you're with, keep your "hands to yourself" (for lack of a less vular way to put it). I would never be so careless with my body.

That said, I would much rather the woman who tosses herself around like that to have an abortion, rather than raise a child with the same brand of "values". Because that child will end up being just like the mother, if not worse. Stupidity breeds stupidity. So I prefer to look at it as saving that child from having to deal with a broken home and parents who could care less. You can say its twisted if you want, but that's my opinion on the matter.


New member
That's true what you say, the child will be "most likely" grow up with the same values, but not necessarily. If abortion was't an option, the amount of careless sex would decrease, knowing that they would then be "stuck" with a child.


New member
That's true what you say, the child will be "most likely" grow up with the same values, but not necessarily. If abortion was't an option, the amount of careless sex would decrease, knowing that they would then be "stuck" with a child.


New member
That's true what you say, the child will be "most likely" grow up with the same values, but not necessarily. If abortion was't an option, the amount of careless sex would decrease, knowing that they would then be "stuck" with a child.


New member
In a sane world, you'd be right. People would think before they act. But this world is certainly not sane...


New member
In a sane world, you'd be right. People would think before they act. But this world is certainly not sane...


New member
In a sane world, you'd be right. People would think before they act. But this world is certainly not sane...


New member
<i>You may have freedom to enjoy unprotected free sex, but not without the consequences--the rates of STD's are skyrocketing. </i>

I never advocated unprotected sex. If you'll remember - I advocated birth control. I also advocate teaching it in school. Remember - I want safe legal and rare. This isn't going to happen until BC is taught better in schools, and it is more easily available to those who need it.

<i>Very few women in stable marriages are having abortions--probably less than 10 percent of all abortions, if would would wager a guess. </i>

To get some real statistics - www.Guttmacher.org - there isn't a stat available for "stable marriages", but this one is interesting: "Six in 10 U.S. women having abortions are already mothers. More than half intend to have (more) children in the future."

<i>Unprotected sex gives you babies and other suprises. </i>

Actually, Fifty-four percent of U.S. women who had an abortion in 2000 were using a bc method in the month they became pregnant. (Guttmacher) They experienced either contraceptive failure or improper use. Mostly - it's improper use. Something that could be remedied with better education.

<i>Many women have horrific emotional scars from these procedures. </i>

There are only a few, small (and I would venture, flawed) studies on this. You could pick the one that sides to you, and I could pick the other that sides with me. No dice there. However, abortion does carry less risk of fatality than pregnancy.

<i>Children are being raised in unstable homes</i>

So, forcing women to give birth to children they don't want is going to increase the number of children in stable homes? Really?

However, that's not the point.

Women wanting and enjoying sex is not evil. Sorry to burst your bubble.


New member
<i>You may have freedom to enjoy unprotected free sex, but not without the consequences--the rates of STD's are skyrocketing. </i>

I never advocated unprotected sex. If you'll remember - I advocated birth control. I also advocate teaching it in school. Remember - I want safe legal and rare. This isn't going to happen until BC is taught better in schools, and it is more easily available to those who need it.

<i>Very few women in stable marriages are having abortions--probably less than 10 percent of all abortions, if would would wager a guess. </i>

To get some real statistics - www.Guttmacher.org - there isn't a stat available for "stable marriages", but this one is interesting: "Six in 10 U.S. women having abortions are already mothers. More than half intend to have (more) children in the future."

<i>Unprotected sex gives you babies and other suprises. </i>

Actually, Fifty-four percent of U.S. women who had an abortion in 2000 were using a bc method in the month they became pregnant. (Guttmacher) They experienced either contraceptive failure or improper use. Mostly - it's improper use. Something that could be remedied with better education.

<i>Many women have horrific emotional scars from these procedures. </i>

There are only a few, small (and I would venture, flawed) studies on this. You could pick the one that sides to you, and I could pick the other that sides with me. No dice there. However, abortion does carry less risk of fatality than pregnancy.

<i>Children are being raised in unstable homes</i>

So, forcing women to give birth to children they don't want is going to increase the number of children in stable homes? Really?

However, that's not the point.

Women wanting and enjoying sex is not evil. Sorry to burst your bubble.


New member
<i>You may have freedom to enjoy unprotected free sex, but not without the consequences--the rates of STD's are skyrocketing. </i>

I never advocated unprotected sex. If you'll remember - I advocated birth control. I also advocate teaching it in school. Remember - I want safe legal and rare. This isn't going to happen until BC is taught better in schools, and it is more easily available to those who need it.

<i>Very few women in stable marriages are having abortions--probably less than 10 percent of all abortions, if would would wager a guess. </i>

To get some real statistics - www.Guttmacher.org - there isn't a stat available for "stable marriages", but this one is interesting: "Six in 10 U.S. women having abortions are already mothers. More than half intend to have (more) children in the future."

<i>Unprotected sex gives you babies and other suprises. </i>

Actually, Fifty-four percent of U.S. women who had an abortion in 2000 were using a bc method in the month they became pregnant. (Guttmacher) They experienced either contraceptive failure or improper use. Mostly - it's improper use. Something that could be remedied with better education.

<i>Many women have horrific emotional scars from these procedures. </i>

There are only a few, small (and I would venture, flawed) studies on this. You could pick the one that sides to you, and I could pick the other that sides with me. No dice there. However, abortion does carry less risk of fatality than pregnancy.

<i>Children are being raised in unstable homes</i>

So, forcing women to give birth to children they don't want is going to increase the number of children in stable homes? Really?

However, that's not the point.

Women wanting and enjoying sex is not evil. Sorry to burst your bubble.


New member

<i>You're not bursting my bubble. I just think sex is for marriage.</i>

<i>Children being raised in unstable home had more to do with my over-arching point, and not just to do with abortion. </i> (More of a marriage problem, which, if you want to trace to the root cause, it would be selfishness)

Also, I'm sure I could dig up statistics to prove my points as well. 6 in 10 are already mothers? I believe that, but they aren't married. I guarantee you 60 percent aren't married, which is why they are in unstable homes.

Just looked it up. 18 percent of married women have abortions. No way to say whether those marriages are stable.

<i>You're right you never advocated unprotected sex</i>, but you did imply that sex outside of a committed relationship was a "nifty freedom." Sex outside of a committed relationship results in most of the abortions, so that's hardly a way of curtailing the situation or making it more "rare."

93 percent of abortions are for social reasons. I'd be happy if we could simply eliminate those.


New member

<i>You're not bursting my bubble. I just think sex is for marriage.</i>

<i>Children being raised in unstable home had more to do with my over-arching point, and not just to do with abortion. </i> (More of a marriage problem, which, if you want to trace to the root cause, it would be selfishness)

Also, I'm sure I could dig up statistics to prove my points as well. 6 in 10 are already mothers? I believe that, but they aren't married. I guarantee you 60 percent aren't married, which is why they are in unstable homes.

Just looked it up. 18 percent of married women have abortions. No way to say whether those marriages are stable.

<i>You're right you never advocated unprotected sex</i>, but you did imply that sex outside of a committed relationship was a "nifty freedom." Sex outside of a committed relationship results in most of the abortions, so that's hardly a way of curtailing the situation or making it more "rare."

93 percent of abortions are for social reasons. I'd be happy if we could simply eliminate those.


New member

<i>You're not bursting my bubble. I just think sex is for marriage.</i>

<i>Children being raised in unstable home had more to do with my over-arching point, and not just to do with abortion. </i> (More of a marriage problem, which, if you want to trace to the root cause, it would be selfishness)

Also, I'm sure I could dig up statistics to prove my points as well. 6 in 10 are already mothers? I believe that, but they aren't married. I guarantee you 60 percent aren't married, which is why they are in unstable homes.

Just looked it up. 18 percent of married women have abortions. No way to say whether those marriages are stable.

<i>You're right you never advocated unprotected sex</i>, but you did imply that sex outside of a committed relationship was a "nifty freedom." Sex outside of a committed relationship results in most of the abortions, so that's hardly a way of curtailing the situation or making it more "rare."

93 percent of abortions are for social reasons. I'd be happy if we could simply eliminate those.