If you're thinking of homeschooling and want to chat,


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let me know. I was thinking of this the other day as I was running questions by my homeschool group of friends and I thought if you didn't know anyone who did it, it would be overwhelming. I was lucky that when we made the decision to homeschool I knew some veterans (20 plus years and 10 kids types) and a half a dozen peers, friends, and friends of friends and they gave me some awesome guidance. So if anyone wants to brainstorm, shoot me a PM.


New member
Hi! I am a homeschool mom. I have 3 kids, 9,4 and 1 year. I only homeschool the 9 year old, and the baby is home all day too. I have cf though - not my kids!


New member
I homeschool too, but not my daughter with CF. I homeschooled all 3 of my kids when we were stationed in New Orleans and then homeschooled them a little while in VA when they changed the curriculum but sent my older two back to public school when they entered middle school. I'm prepared to homeschool my oldest with CF if the school gives me any grief about absences due to being sick.


Homeschool mom here too... :) I am sure there is someone out there that would love to take to all of us. Great idea for a thread. I homeschool my 10 yr old son without CF and my 6 year old daughter with CF...and my 1.5 yr girl with CF is home with us too:)


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Looks like I have another circle of experts for this novice to consult with!
Love to hear what approach you all do. We do a classical model based on the Well-Trained Mind, but I use a ton of Memoria Press material/recommendations as well.


I homeschool both of my children. I have done it for my autistic son for six years--he will be a senior next year. My daughter is the CF child, and I have been keeping her home for three years (since the 6th grade). We all love it! I can't imagine ever going back unless my children really wanted to go to regular schools again, but both of them are very happy. They both have different special needs, but I feel that homeschooling has been one of the best choices I have ever made as a parent. I just wanted to say hello!! :)


New member
I am definitely thinking of home schooling my son who has CF. He is 2 and the youngest of my 3 children my others are daughter 24 son 21(with klinefelters) having had issues with the school system dealing with my older son, was worried that we would have issues due to absences with cf. Any information would be greatly appreciated. I am so glad there is this wealth of knowledge out there.


Super Moderator
Hey Mom,
I'll throw out a few ideas and please let us know what information you think would be helpful!

First, this link gives you a summary of Indiana's law re homeschool. It looks like there isn't anything specific required as in some states, but I didn't dig into it. You might consider joining a local homeschool group to know what you have to do if anything with the state. http://www.indianahomeschooling.org/uploads/Indiana_law_summary_-_hslda.pdf

Second, two books that my mother-in-law gave me when our son was about your son's age that I loved were Cathy Duffy's book: http://www.amazon.com/102-Top-Picks...id=1431971214&sr=8-1&keywords=cathy+duffy+top This does a summary of different approaches to homeschooling, as well as the recommendations. You can do anything from buying a full curriculum with lesson plans for subjects to doing it all yourself. I also LOVE the Well-Trained Mind and actually use that approach. http://www.amazon.com/Well-Trained-...=1431971254&sr=8-1&keywords=well+trained+mind

The last thing I'd throw out is that I loved the Preschool Prep series that has DVDs. We did those during our son's treatments and that has made teaching reading sooooo much easier! (The one subject I really hate teaching!!!)

Chime in with anything specific that would be helpful to know!


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I homeschool too! Jeanne mentioned this thread when I met her yesterday. Must have missed it because May was absolutely crazy! Graduated my first in May and have a Junior in high school this year. I started homeschooling when they were in 5th and 7th grade and we love it.