I'm allergic to my Kitty


New member
Also, keept the cat out of your bedroom. Getting rid of carpet will also help reduce the allergen. Having some bathe the cat regularly may also help.

I was allergic to our cat and we had to give him away....it was very sad, but I couldn't give him the attention that he deserved and my reactions were getting worse.

We recently found out that my husband is allergic to our dog and the suggestions above our what our allergist told us to do. He also put my husband on Singular and he also uses Flonase. I am on Singular and Allegra and Nasonex for allergies and getting allergy shots. We aren't getting rid of our dog, but she will probably be our last furry pet ever.

With your CF and asthma I think that it would be especially important to get your allergies under control. The allergies cause inflammation, which can wreck havoc on your lungs.

Good luck!


New member
Also, keept the cat out of your bedroom. Getting rid of carpet will also help reduce the allergen. Having some bathe the cat regularly may also help.

I was allergic to our cat and we had to give him away....it was very sad, but I couldn't give him the attention that he deserved and my reactions were getting worse.

We recently found out that my husband is allergic to our dog and the suggestions above our what our allergist told us to do. He also put my husband on Singular and he also uses Flonase. I am on Singular and Allegra and Nasonex for allergies and getting allergy shots. We aren't getting rid of our dog, but she will probably be our last furry pet ever.

With your CF and asthma I think that it would be especially important to get your allergies under control. The allergies cause inflammation, which can wreck havoc on your lungs.

Good luck!


New member
Also, keept the cat out of your bedroom. Getting rid of carpet will also help reduce the allergen. Having some bathe the cat regularly may also help.

I was allergic to our cat and we had to give him away....it was very sad, but I couldn't give him the attention that he deserved and my reactions were getting worse.

We recently found out that my husband is allergic to our dog and the suggestions above our what our allergist told us to do. He also put my husband on Singular and he also uses Flonase. I am on Singular and Allegra and Nasonex for allergies and getting allergy shots. We aren't getting rid of our dog, but she will probably be our last furry pet ever.

With your CF and asthma I think that it would be especially important to get your allergies under control. The allergies cause inflammation, which can wreck havoc on your lungs.

Good luck!


New member
Also, keept the cat out of your bedroom. Getting rid of carpet will also help reduce the allergen. Having some bathe the cat regularly may also help.

I was allergic to our cat and we had to give him away....it was very sad, but I couldn't give him the attention that he deserved and my reactions were getting worse.

We recently found out that my husband is allergic to our dog and the suggestions above our what our allergist told us to do. He also put my husband on Singular and he also uses Flonase. I am on Singular and Allegra and Nasonex for allergies and getting allergy shots. We aren't getting rid of our dog, but she will probably be our last furry pet ever.

With your CF and asthma I think that it would be especially important to get your allergies under control. The allergies cause inflammation, which can wreck havoc on your lungs.

Good luck!


New member
Also, keept the cat out of your bedroom. Getting rid of carpet will also help reduce the allergen. Having some bathe the cat regularly may also help.

I was allergic to our cat and we had to give him away....it was very sad, but I couldn't give him the attention that he deserved and my reactions were getting worse.

We recently found out that my husband is allergic to our dog and the suggestions above our what our allergist told us to do. He also put my husband on Singular and he also uses Flonase. I am on Singular and Allegra and Nasonex for allergies and getting allergy shots. We aren't getting rid of our dog, but she will probably be our last furry pet ever.

With your CF and asthma I think that it would be especially important to get your allergies under control. The allergies cause inflammation, which can wreck havoc on your lungs.

Good luck!


New member
I have two cats, both are 17 years old, and when they were about 7 years old, i found out thru a blood test i was allergic to cats, dogs, trees, grass, mold, pollen etc.
I didnt get rid of my cats and won't. To me its like getting rid of your kids because you became allergic to their hair or something else. I used to take claritin and it worked for a while, now i am on Zyrtec. I agree with everyone who said vacuum regularly and keep kitty well groomed. When i brush my one cat i wear gloves, since i seem to have the most trouble with his hair. If i touch my eyes after touching him i get all itchy and my eyes get all red. Other then that i am fine with them.


New member
I have two cats, both are 17 years old, and when they were about 7 years old, i found out thru a blood test i was allergic to cats, dogs, trees, grass, mold, pollen etc.
I didnt get rid of my cats and won't. To me its like getting rid of your kids because you became allergic to their hair or something else. I used to take claritin and it worked for a while, now i am on Zyrtec. I agree with everyone who said vacuum regularly and keep kitty well groomed. When i brush my one cat i wear gloves, since i seem to have the most trouble with his hair. If i touch my eyes after touching him i get all itchy and my eyes get all red. Other then that i am fine with them.


New member
I have two cats, both are 17 years old, and when they were about 7 years old, i found out thru a blood test i was allergic to cats, dogs, trees, grass, mold, pollen etc.
I didnt get rid of my cats and won't. To me its like getting rid of your kids because you became allergic to their hair or something else. I used to take claritin and it worked for a while, now i am on Zyrtec. I agree with everyone who said vacuum regularly and keep kitty well groomed. When i brush my one cat i wear gloves, since i seem to have the most trouble with his hair. If i touch my eyes after touching him i get all itchy and my eyes get all red. Other then that i am fine with them.


New member
I have two cats, both are 17 years old, and when they were about 7 years old, i found out thru a blood test i was allergic to cats, dogs, trees, grass, mold, pollen etc.
I didnt get rid of my cats and won't. To me its like getting rid of your kids because you became allergic to their hair or something else. I used to take claritin and it worked for a while, now i am on Zyrtec. I agree with everyone who said vacuum regularly and keep kitty well groomed. When i brush my one cat i wear gloves, since i seem to have the most trouble with his hair. If i touch my eyes after touching him i get all itchy and my eyes get all red. Other then that i am fine with them.


New member
I have two cats, both are 17 years old, and when they were about 7 years old, i found out thru a blood test i was allergic to cats, dogs, trees, grass, mold, pollen etc.
I didnt get rid of my cats and won't. To me its like getting rid of your kids because you became allergic to their hair or something else. I used to take claritin and it worked for a while, now i am on Zyrtec. I agree with everyone who said vacuum regularly and keep kitty well groomed. When i brush my one cat i wear gloves, since i seem to have the most trouble with his hair. If i touch my eyes after touching him i get all itchy and my eyes get all red. Other then that i am fine with them.


Super Moderator
Oh my goodness what a cute kitty! As a cat lover myself I can't imagine getting the news that I was allergic. As previous posters have said I think there are ways to work around it. No doubt it will be an inconvenience, but probably worth it, unless it started to compromise your health. Good luck to you!

Keep us posted!


Super Moderator
Oh my goodness what a cute kitty! As a cat lover myself I can't imagine getting the news that I was allergic. As previous posters have said I think there are ways to work around it. No doubt it will be an inconvenience, but probably worth it, unless it started to compromise your health. Good luck to you!

Keep us posted!


Super Moderator
Oh my goodness what a cute kitty! As a cat lover myself I can't imagine getting the news that I was allergic. As previous posters have said I think there are ways to work around it. No doubt it will be an inconvenience, but probably worth it, unless it started to compromise your health. Good luck to you!

Keep us posted!


Super Moderator
Oh my goodness what a cute kitty! As a cat lover myself I can't imagine getting the news that I was allergic. As previous posters have said I think there are ways to work around it. No doubt it will be an inconvenience, but probably worth it, unless it started to compromise your health. Good luck to you!

Keep us posted!


Super Moderator
Oh my goodness what a cute kitty! As a cat lover myself I can't imagine getting the news that I was allergic. As previous posters have said I think there are ways to work around it. No doubt it will be an inconvenience, but probably worth it, unless it started to compromise your health. Good luck to you!

Keep us posted!


I found out last week that I'm allergic to dogs (among many other things). We have 7 dogs! Only one sleeps in the house with us, but he does sleep on the floor by me (my baby!).

The dogs are definitely not going anywhere, so I'm shopping around for an air cleaner now (hepa) and will be purchasing the bedding encasings, and the X-mite powder for carpets and upholstery. They also recommended a wipe on treatment to put on your pet weekly that might help with dander (allerpet).

I know some will say it's not worth keeping the pet if it compromises your health, but for me, my dogs are one of the keys to my happiness. They've seen me through so much and help keep me sane!


I found out last week that I'm allergic to dogs (among many other things). We have 7 dogs! Only one sleeps in the house with us, but he does sleep on the floor by me (my baby!).

The dogs are definitely not going anywhere, so I'm shopping around for an air cleaner now (hepa) and will be purchasing the bedding encasings, and the X-mite powder for carpets and upholstery. They also recommended a wipe on treatment to put on your pet weekly that might help with dander (allerpet).

I know some will say it's not worth keeping the pet if it compromises your health, but for me, my dogs are one of the keys to my happiness. They've seen me through so much and help keep me sane!


I found out last week that I'm allergic to dogs (among many other things). We have 7 dogs! Only one sleeps in the house with us, but he does sleep on the floor by me (my baby!).

The dogs are definitely not going anywhere, so I'm shopping around for an air cleaner now (hepa) and will be purchasing the bedding encasings, and the X-mite powder for carpets and upholstery. They also recommended a wipe on treatment to put on your pet weekly that might help with dander (allerpet).

I know some will say it's not worth keeping the pet if it compromises your health, but for me, my dogs are one of the keys to my happiness. They've seen me through so much and help keep me sane!


I found out last week that I'm allergic to dogs (among many other things). We have 7 dogs! Only one sleeps in the house with us, but he does sleep on the floor by me (my baby!).

The dogs are definitely not going anywhere, so I'm shopping around for an air cleaner now (hepa) and will be purchasing the bedding encasings, and the X-mite powder for carpets and upholstery. They also recommended a wipe on treatment to put on your pet weekly that might help with dander (allerpet).

I know some will say it's not worth keeping the pet if it compromises your health, but for me, my dogs are one of the keys to my happiness. They've seen me through so much and help keep me sane!


I found out last week that I'm allergic to dogs (among many other things). We have 7 dogs! Only one sleeps in the house with us, but he does sleep on the floor by me (my baby!).

The dogs are definitely not going anywhere, so I'm shopping around for an air cleaner now (hepa) and will be purchasing the bedding encasings, and the X-mite powder for carpets and upholstery. They also recommended a wipe on treatment to put on your pet weekly that might help with dander (allerpet).

I know some will say it's not worth keeping the pet if it compromises your health, but for me, my dogs are one of the keys to my happiness. They've seen me through so much and help keep me sane!