Thank you for your replies. I'm not sure exactly what test was done. I should clarify that the company/test was Genzyme. If not the test than the company however, they only tested for the 97 mutation panel which all came back fine.He did explain to me that the test she had done did a complete breakdown of the genes and hers seemed fine. Nothing out of the ordinary. Thank God! I felt like an idiot when I was trying to explain myself about wanting the test and having no problem paying for it..I know it is expensive. that is all they seem to care about is the cost. I jsut don't know how they can throw around such a possible diagnosis when I have documentation from others that they feel it is a possibility. I also understand that one doctors perspective may not be anothers but I am willing to do whatever I can. I listened to what they had to say and kindly said I disagreed and they told me they felt addequate testing had already been performed. I've gotten the run around before from docs and have demanded testing be done. I wish there was a place you can just go and get the Ambry panel done, no one I ahve come in contact with wants to give it a chance. I thought the light was at the end of my tunnel so to speak, if I didn't have documenation from other docs I would think I was going crazy. I just want Alexis(my daughter) to get better or get the treatment she would need. Melissa