I'm doing some research for college will anybody help me?


New member
Hi I'm doing a project on the way treatments of CF is changing and how different people are affected by it. Could you answer a few questions for me?

Parents of young children with Cf, would you be willing to allow your child to have gene therapy as a treatment?
Do you have any concerns about the types of treatment currently available to you?
How are you using diet to control symptoms of CF?


New member
I am answering this because i was a student once ....
I would not allow my child to have research done in relation to Gene Therapy...In the UK we do not have this option anyway as adults are tested........(and currently it is only males!!!! Typical and why you might ask but it is something to do with fertility)
My child is very young and her lungs are ok at the minute but if things changed then i would probably re consider my view...but who knows??? However i am totALLY FOR gENE tHERAPY and actively look at what is happening.
Sorry i cant answer the rest because she is still so young - you only have to read entries on this site to find out how people are coping...


New member
Not if it was risky, but yes if it had been proven to work, yes definitely. Depends on what I'd heard about it, and what other results were. I wish there were more alternative treatments talked about, instead of always going right to presription drugs. Often those drugs are necessary and lifesaving, don't get me wrong, but for some things that are more aggravating than dangerous, I wish there were other options, or that I knew about them. We just try to give her a healthy diet, not easy. Good luck.