Dear Mommy,
I'm so glad you wanted to have me sooo much, and I promise I will be that twinkle in your eye, that tug on your heart-strings, that catch in your throat eveytime you look at me, and the love of your life. I also know I will get <u>into</u> trouble now and then, <u>be</u> a lot of trouble to you now and then, and generally, turn your life upside-down. But it will all be worth it. I've been hearing all these whispers of people asking me to come here, and then God told me He had a family for me, and boom--He spoke me into being! When you see me, we will be a family! I'm so excited to meet you and daddy. I promise I will be your little treasure! Love and kisses untill we meet ....
Love ,
Baby <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">
Happy news Christian!