I'm just going to overreact, mkay?



My daughter's sweat test at 2 months old was 41. I asked the doctor whether he would have concluded that she did NOT have CF if it had been 39. He said no, that for infants, he finds anything above 30 "highly suspicious" and would have continued to investigate. We did end up finding two mutations, conclusively confirming her diagnosis, when they did the full genetic sequence instead of just the screen. So, everything I've heard supports your gut feel that you should push for full genetic testing, especially in light of the weight gain issues and poop issues you've faced.

Did they do a fecal elastase test to check for pancreatic (in)sufficiency?


My daughter's sweat test at 2 months old was 41. I asked the doctor whether he would have concluded that she did NOT have CF if it had been 39. He said no, that for infants, he finds anything above 30 "highly suspicious" and would have continued to investigate. We did end up finding two mutations, conclusively confirming her diagnosis, when they did the full genetic sequence instead of just the screen. So, everything I've heard supports your gut feel that you should push for full genetic testing, especially in light of the weight gain issues and poop issues you've faced.

Did they do a fecal elastase test to check for pancreatic (in)sufficiency?


My daughter's sweat test at 2 months old was 41. I asked the doctor whether he would have concluded that she did NOT have CF if it had been 39. He said no, that for infants, he finds anything above 30 "highly suspicious" and would have continued to investigate. We did end up finding two mutations, conclusively confirming her diagnosis, when they did the full genetic sequence instead of just the screen. So, everything I've heard supports your gut feel that you should push for full genetic testing, especially in light of the weight gain issues and poop issues you've faced.

Did they do a fecal elastase test to check for pancreatic (in)sufficiency?


My daughter's sweat test at 2 months old was 41. I asked the doctor whether he would have concluded that she did NOT have CF if it had been 39. He said no, that for infants, he finds anything above 30 "highly suspicious" and would have continued to investigate. We did end up finding two mutations, conclusively confirming her diagnosis, when they did the full genetic sequence instead of just the screen. So, everything I've heard supports your gut feel that you should push for full genetic testing, especially in light of the weight gain issues and poop issues you've faced.

Did they do a fecal elastase test to check for pancreatic (in)sufficiency?


My daughter's sweat test at 2 months old was 41. I asked the doctor whether he would have concluded that she did NOT have CF if it had been 39. He said no, that for infants, he finds anything above 30 "highly suspicious" and would have continued to investigate. We did end up finding two mutations, conclusively confirming her diagnosis, when they did the full genetic sequence instead of just the screen. So, everything I've heard supports your gut feel that you should push for full genetic testing, especially in light of the weight gain issues and poop issues you've faced.
<br />
<br />Did they do a fecal elastase test to check for pancreatic (in)sufficiency?


New member
We haven't done anything but the initial sweat test at a facility that isn't recc by the CFF, so I'm meeting with his ped tomorrow to get a referral to Hopkins and we'll go from there. I'll keep everyone posted on what happens tomorrow.


New member
We haven't done anything but the initial sweat test at a facility that isn't recc by the CFF, so I'm meeting with his ped tomorrow to get a referral to Hopkins and we'll go from there. I'll keep everyone posted on what happens tomorrow.


New member
We haven't done anything but the initial sweat test at a facility that isn't recc by the CFF, so I'm meeting with his ped tomorrow to get a referral to Hopkins and we'll go from there. I'll keep everyone posted on what happens tomorrow.


New member
We haven't done anything but the initial sweat test at a facility that isn't recc by the CFF, so I'm meeting with his ped tomorrow to get a referral to Hopkins and we'll go from there. I'll keep everyone posted on what happens tomorrow.


New member
We haven't done anything but the initial sweat test at a facility that isn't recc by the CFF, so I'm meeting with his ped tomorrow to get a referral to Hopkins and we'll go from there. I'll keep everyone posted on what happens tomorrow.


New member
I'm new here and am currently in the testing stage with my 7 mo. old son so I don't really have any advice. Just wanted to say good luck with the next sweat test. I hope you get some definite answers soon! We've been stuck like this for 5 months and the not knowing is awful =(


New member
I'm new here and am currently in the testing stage with my 7 mo. old son so I don't really have any advice. Just wanted to say good luck with the next sweat test. I hope you get some definite answers soon! We've been stuck like this for 5 months and the not knowing is awful =(


New member
I'm new here and am currently in the testing stage with my 7 mo. old son so I don't really have any advice. Just wanted to say good luck with the next sweat test. I hope you get some definite answers soon! We've been stuck like this for 5 months and the not knowing is awful =(


New member
I'm new here and am currently in the testing stage with my 7 mo. old son so I don't really have any advice. Just wanted to say good luck with the next sweat test. I hope you get some definite answers soon! We've been stuck like this for 5 months and the not knowing is awful =(


New member
I'm new here and am currently in the testing stage with my 7 mo. old son so I don't really have any advice. Just wanted to say good luck with the next sweat test. I hope you get some definite answers soon! We've been stuck like this for 5 months and the not knowing is awful =(