im new, anybody have the same probs as me?


New member
Hey everybody,

my names Kasia, im 15 and i have cf. i've been reading the boards alot lately and thought it was time i wrote something. I had a couple questions about the level of cf that people have. I guess i don't have a major case of it, in terms of weight, and the whole pancreatic aspect of it. Sometimes, i can just skipp my enzymes, and feel fine. But my major problem is my sinus's. Does anyone else have this? I've had 5 surgeries on my nose to remove nasal polups, and regular long-line hospitalizations about once a year, just like any other cf patient. Anyways, im sure i'll have many more questions and comments later, but i wanted to say hi to everybody, including all the regulars on these boards. Talk to y'all later

xox -Kasia<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
Hi Kasia, about two years ago I started having sinus problems. My sinuses are always stuffed up and I can't smell very well, or taste things as well as I used to. I have my first nasal polyp, however my doctor doesn't want to remove it, because of the scarring it will leave, and since it isn't obstructing my nasal passage they're just going to leave it in until they have to take it out. My main issue with CF is weight, I just don't manage to put any on. About 4 weeks ago I had my first stay in the hospital for IV antibiotics because of two infections in my lungs (I got a lovely picc line). Oh, and I also had a liver biopsy (in a catscan my liver was somewhat enlarged and my doctor wanted to see what was up with it) that hurt SO much; it turns out I have a fatty liver. Well anyways, that's all from me, just wanted to respond to your post!


New member
Same here i have bad sinus problems but i hate taking nasal spray beacause it tastes bad in the throat. But i skip enzymes too although i shouldn't and i feel fine unless i ate alot! but i know what ya mean i haven't had any surgery on my nose and hopefuly i won't ever need it.
alyssa 12yrs.(FEMALE) w/CF


New member
i had 7 operations on my sinuses for pollups when i was younger it was such an annoying problem and finally when i was bout 9 or 10 i had an operation to widen a nasal passage (gross i know but we're cfers we've all heard worse!) and i've never looked back since so maybe ask your doc bout that if they keep bothering you?! hope i helped best of luvk!!<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
hey thanks for the tip... actuallyy though i think they tried that already <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">, just maybe like a mini one though. Im on 1200 mg of ibprofen in the morning and then another at night, to keep the swelling down, and to make the surgery not need to be so soon. Hopefully it will help, ill definitly ask though..

Has anyone, after having that kind of surgery, noticed that there nose is like different? i've never really known if i just have a big nose or if its the surgeries, b/c i've been having them since i was younger. But, im seriously thinking about, after i've done the research, and gotten the okay from ALL of my doctors, yadda yadda yaddaa... about getting a nose job. Does this sound weird or am insane thinking this. lol, totally just thinking about it, prolly wont ever happen, im too young anyways, but still it would be nice to uh...tame this thing we calll a nose, lol. Just throwin that idea out there <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">



New member
Hello everyone...
I just like you have the worst sinus problems ever!<img src="i/expressions/devil.gif" border="0"> I have only had 2 sinuse surgeries and...will not have another. The last surgery was the worst I have EVER experienced... other than my sinus surgeries I have not had many problems, I skip treatments/enzymes/medicines....all the time (<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> other than my sinuses I feel FINE!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I cheerlead, and do gymnastics...and play volleyball also... and, my lungs are still holding up!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">....knock on wood!!


New member
hey we have really similar names, hehe, never seen anybody with my name. i think we pronounce ours the same way, but just spell it differently. So yeah, why was your last sugery do bad, im sorry it was, have your polyops stop growing? And are you on the ibprophfen study, by taking big doses of it in the morning and at night???

hope all is good with the nose <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">