I'm Pregnant!


New member
Congrats, I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy. I felt the best I've ever felt in my life while pregnant. I joke that I'd like to change my career to be a surrogate. Like Haley mentioned the hardest part is motherhood but 100% worth it. For me sleep is critical to my health. In those first 6 weeks sleep is disturbed. Then since I was so exhausted I stopped going to the gym for 4 weeks. I'll tell ya you really don't feel like working out those first couple weeks but if I could do it again I'd of forced myself to the gym. Definitely work out while pregnant. That suggestion is assuming you worked out prior to pregnancy. I did cardio and weight training until 38 weeks. Then walked 10 blocks once a day until the day I delivered. My hemoptysis decreased, I lost my asthma component that I haven't gotten back, my congestion decreased, I wasn't short of breath and my FEV1 didn't drop (actually improved). My doctor thinks I just took better care of myself once I was "the little factory" as he sweetly refers to my preger days but I think it was nature mainly hormonal. After all I was 100% compliant with my cf care before pregnancy and now and am no where near the health I was while pregnant. I had two small colds that didn't require any IVs. I did stay on all my cf meds through pregnancy including prophalactic use of Bactrim and Zithro MWF. Please PM me with any questions. I love to reminise about pregnancy. Take pictures and videos...and keep a journal :)


New member
Congrats, I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy. I felt the best I've ever felt in my life while pregnant. I joke that I'd like to change my career to be a surrogate. Like Haley mentioned the hardest part is motherhood but 100% worth it. For me sleep is critical to my health. In those first 6 weeks sleep is disturbed. Then since I was so exhausted I stopped going to the gym for 4 weeks. I'll tell ya you really don't feel like working out those first couple weeks but if I could do it again I'd of forced myself to the gym. Definitely work out while pregnant. That suggestion is assuming you worked out prior to pregnancy. I did cardio and weight training until 38 weeks. Then walked 10 blocks once a day until the day I delivered. My hemoptysis decreased, I lost my asthma component that I haven't gotten back, my congestion decreased, I wasn't short of breath and my FEV1 didn't drop (actually improved). My doctor thinks I just took better care of myself once I was "the little factory" as he sweetly refers to my preger days but I think it was nature mainly hormonal. After all I was 100% compliant with my cf care before pregnancy and now and am no where near the health I was while pregnant. I had two small colds that didn't require any IVs. I did stay on all my cf meds through pregnancy including prophalactic use of Bactrim and Zithro MWF. Please PM me with any questions. I love to reminise about pregnancy. Take pictures and videos...and keep a journal :)


New member
Congrats, I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy. I felt the best I've ever felt in my life while pregnant. I joke that I'd like to change my career to be a surrogate. Like Haley mentioned the hardest part is motherhood but 100% worth it. For me sleep is critical to my health. In those first 6 weeks sleep is disturbed. Then since I was so exhausted I stopped going to the gym for 4 weeks. I'll tell ya you really don't feel like working out those first couple weeks but if I could do it again I'd of forced myself to the gym. Definitely work out while pregnant. That suggestion is assuming you worked out prior to pregnancy. I did cardio and weight training until 38 weeks. Then walked 10 blocks once a day until the day I delivered. My hemoptysis decreased, I lost my asthma component that I haven't gotten back, my congestion decreased, I wasn't short of breath and my FEV1 didn't drop (actually improved). My doctor thinks I just took better care of myself once I was "the little factory" as he sweetly refers to my preger days but I think it was nature mainly hormonal. After all I was 100% compliant with my cf care before pregnancy and now and am no where near the health I was while pregnant. I had two small colds that didn't require any IVs. I did stay on all my cf meds through pregnancy including prophalactic use of Bactrim and Zithro MWF. Please PM me with any questions. I love to reminise about pregnancy. Take pictures and videos...and keep a journal :)


New member
Congrats, I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy. I felt the best I've ever felt in my life while pregnant. I joke that I'd like to change my career to be a surrogate. Like Haley mentioned the hardest part is motherhood but 100% worth it. For me sleep is critical to my health. In those first 6 weeks sleep is disturbed. Then since I was so exhausted I stopped going to the gym for 4 weeks. I'll tell ya you really don't feel like working out those first couple weeks but if I could do it again I'd of forced myself to the gym. Definitely work out while pregnant. That suggestion is assuming you worked out prior to pregnancy. I did cardio and weight training until 38 weeks. Then walked 10 blocks once a day until the day I delivered. My hemoptysis decreased, I lost my asthma component that I haven't gotten back, my congestion decreased, I wasn't short of breath and my FEV1 didn't drop (actually improved). My doctor thinks I just took better care of myself once I was "the little factory" as he sweetly refers to my preger days but I think it was nature mainly hormonal. After all I was 100% compliant with my cf care before pregnancy and now and am no where near the health I was while pregnant. I had two small colds that didn't require any IVs. I did stay on all my cf meds through pregnancy including prophalactic use of Bactrim and Zithro MWF. Please PM me with any questions. I love to reminise about pregnancy. Take pictures and videos...and keep a journal :)


New member
Congrats, I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy. I felt the best I've ever felt in my life while pregnant. I joke that I'd like to change my career to be a surrogate. Like Haley mentioned the hardest part is motherhood but 100% worth it. For me sleep is critical to my health. In those first 6 weeks sleep is disturbed. Then since I was so exhausted I stopped going to the gym for 4 weeks. I'll tell ya you really don't feel like working out those first couple weeks but if I could do it again I'd of forced myself to the gym. Definitely work out while pregnant. That suggestion is assuming you worked out prior to pregnancy. I did cardio and weight training until 38 weeks. Then walked 10 blocks once a day until the day I delivered. My hemoptysis decreased, I lost my asthma component that I haven't gotten back, my congestion decreased, I wasn't short of breath and my FEV1 didn't drop (actually improved). My doctor thinks I just took better care of myself once I was "the little factory" as he sweetly refers to my preger days but I think it was nature mainly hormonal. After all I was 100% compliant with my cf care before pregnancy and now and am no where near the health I was while pregnant. I had two small colds that didn't require any IVs. I did stay on all my cf meds through pregnancy including prophalactic use of Bactrim and Zithro MWF. Please PM me with any questions. I love to reminise about pregnancy. Take pictures and videos...and keep a journal :)


New member
Congrats! My lungs were fine during both of my pregnancies. I did have an increased cough though - especially in the third trimester. It was irritating - I often coughed until i puked, but it didn't affect my FEV1 - I am in the 70s and stayed there the whole time. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Congrats! My lungs were fine during both of my pregnancies. I did have an increased cough though - especially in the third trimester. It was irritating - I often coughed until i puked, but it didn't affect my FEV1 - I am in the 70s and stayed there the whole time. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Congrats! My lungs were fine during both of my pregnancies. I did have an increased cough though - especially in the third trimester. It was irritating - I often coughed until i puked, but it didn't affect my FEV1 - I am in the 70s and stayed there the whole time. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Congrats! My lungs were fine during both of my pregnancies. I did have an increased cough though - especially in the third trimester. It was irritating - I often coughed until i puked, but it didn't affect my FEV1 - I am in the 70s and stayed there the whole time. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Congrats! My lungs were fine during both of my pregnancies. I did have an increased cough though - especially in the third trimester. It was irritating - I often coughed until i puked, but it didn't affect my FEV1 - I am in the 70s and stayed there the whole time. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Ive never been pregnant so I cant help ya there but I just wanted to say congrads to you and your hubby!!!
That baby is going to have some big cheeks LOL!!!!


New member
Ive never been pregnant so I cant help ya there but I just wanted to say congrads to you and your hubby!!!
That baby is going to have some big cheeks LOL!!!!


New member
Ive never been pregnant so I cant help ya there but I just wanted to say congrads to you and your hubby!!!
That baby is going to have some big cheeks LOL!!!!


New member
Ive never been pregnant so I cant help ya there but I just wanted to say congrads to you and your hubby!!!
That baby is going to have some big cheeks LOL!!!!


New member
Ive never been pregnant so I cant help ya there but I just wanted to say congrads to you and your hubby!!!
That baby is going to have some big cheeks LOL!!!!


New member

Congratulations! What great news! I am just creeping into my 2nd trimester now. I have noticed an increased cough the past couple weeks and it's gotten me thinking I might need antiobiotics if it doesn't go away soon. More junky/congested than usual and having cough attacks that I usually don't have. I'm going to wait it out a bit longer and see if it goes away on it's own, which often times it does for me. I haven't been on antibiotics in a long time, so it might just be that it's time. Fall/winter is usually my bad time of year (allergies/sinuses/asthma).

You might not want the rest of this advice, but I'll give it to you anyways <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> ...

Make sure you get enough sleep for sure if you're tired. I am still quite tired, but I have a 1-year-old (who still wakes up for mommy in the middle of the night) and I work full time. So my sleep is interrupted most nights. I try to get a nap in every day if I can.

Make sure you eat enough too, even if you have morning sickness. It's really easy for us to lose weight in the beginning because of feeling sick. I drank Carnation Instant Breakfast's a lot because I wasn't able to eat much solid food without feeling sick.

Hope you're feeling good and congrats again!
Leah 26 w/CF, 12 weeks pregnant, mom to non-biological son born 2/4/07
<img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd53/rubyroselee/009.jpg">


New member

Congratulations! What great news! I am just creeping into my 2nd trimester now. I have noticed an increased cough the past couple weeks and it's gotten me thinking I might need antiobiotics if it doesn't go away soon. More junky/congested than usual and having cough attacks that I usually don't have. I'm going to wait it out a bit longer and see if it goes away on it's own, which often times it does for me. I haven't been on antibiotics in a long time, so it might just be that it's time. Fall/winter is usually my bad time of year (allergies/sinuses/asthma).

You might not want the rest of this advice, but I'll give it to you anyways <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> ...

Make sure you get enough sleep for sure if you're tired. I am still quite tired, but I have a 1-year-old (who still wakes up for mommy in the middle of the night) and I work full time. So my sleep is interrupted most nights. I try to get a nap in every day if I can.

Make sure you eat enough too, even if you have morning sickness. It's really easy for us to lose weight in the beginning because of feeling sick. I drank Carnation Instant Breakfast's a lot because I wasn't able to eat much solid food without feeling sick.

Hope you're feeling good and congrats again!
Leah 26 w/CF, 12 weeks pregnant, mom to non-biological son born 2/4/07
<img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd53/rubyroselee/009.jpg">


New member

Congratulations! What great news! I am just creeping into my 2nd trimester now. I have noticed an increased cough the past couple weeks and it's gotten me thinking I might need antiobiotics if it doesn't go away soon. More junky/congested than usual and having cough attacks that I usually don't have. I'm going to wait it out a bit longer and see if it goes away on it's own, which often times it does for me. I haven't been on antibiotics in a long time, so it might just be that it's time. Fall/winter is usually my bad time of year (allergies/sinuses/asthma).

You might not want the rest of this advice, but I'll give it to you anyways <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> ...

Make sure you get enough sleep for sure if you're tired. I am still quite tired, but I have a 1-year-old (who still wakes up for mommy in the middle of the night) and I work full time. So my sleep is interrupted most nights. I try to get a nap in every day if I can.

Make sure you eat enough too, even if you have morning sickness. It's really easy for us to lose weight in the beginning because of feeling sick. I drank Carnation Instant Breakfast's a lot because I wasn't able to eat much solid food without feeling sick.

Hope you're feeling good and congrats again!
Leah 26 w/CF, 12 weeks pregnant, mom to non-biological son born 2/4/07
<img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd53/rubyroselee/009.jpg">


New member

Congratulations! What great news! I am just creeping into my 2nd trimester now. I have noticed an increased cough the past couple weeks and it's gotten me thinking I might need antiobiotics if it doesn't go away soon. More junky/congested than usual and having cough attacks that I usually don't have. I'm going to wait it out a bit longer and see if it goes away on it's own, which often times it does for me. I haven't been on antibiotics in a long time, so it might just be that it's time. Fall/winter is usually my bad time of year (allergies/sinuses/asthma).

You might not want the rest of this advice, but I'll give it to you anyways <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> ...

Make sure you get enough sleep for sure if you're tired. I am still quite tired, but I have a 1-year-old (who still wakes up for mommy in the middle of the night) and I work full time. So my sleep is interrupted most nights. I try to get a nap in every day if I can.

Make sure you eat enough too, even if you have morning sickness. It's really easy for us to lose weight in the beginning because of feeling sick. I drank Carnation Instant Breakfast's a lot because I wasn't able to eat much solid food without feeling sick.

Hope you're feeling good and congrats again!
Leah 26 w/CF, 12 weeks pregnant, mom to non-biological son born 2/4/07
<img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd53/rubyroselee/009.jpg">


New member

Congratulations! What great news! I am just creeping into my 2nd trimester now. I have noticed an increased cough the past couple weeks and it's gotten me thinking I might need antiobiotics if it doesn't go away soon. More junky/congested than usual and having cough attacks that I usually don't have. I'm going to wait it out a bit longer and see if it goes away on it's own, which often times it does for me. I haven't been on antibiotics in a long time, so it might just be that it's time. Fall/winter is usually my bad time of year (allergies/sinuses/asthma).

You might not want the rest of this advice, but I'll give it to you anyways <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> ...

Make sure you get enough sleep for sure if you're tired. I am still quite tired, but I have a 1-year-old (who still wakes up for mommy in the middle of the night) and I work full time. So my sleep is interrupted most nights. I try to get a nap in every day if I can.

Make sure you eat enough too, even if you have morning sickness. It's really easy for us to lose weight in the beginning because of feeling sick. I drank Carnation Instant Breakfast's a lot because I wasn't able to eat much solid food without feeling sick.

Hope you're feeling good and congrats again!
Leah 26 w/CF, 12 weeks pregnant, mom to non-biological son born 2/4/07
<img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd53/rubyroselee/009.jpg">