I try and try and try and try...day and night eating 500-1000 calories per meal of the day no weight gain im still hovering AT 125 POUNDS its ANnoying if we got enzymes why can't they work as good as the normal ones our body should be making. i mean cmon!!!im 16 and 5'8 and weighing 125 pounds why can't i gain. I feel like i got the opposite of bolimia( spelling or that other eating disorder) i try and try.
nothing happens what is so duffulcult for my body to freaking asorb 7 pound rack of ribs and beans and potatos all in one sitting so my weight shoots to 132 pounds from all that food then 2 week later even with all the heavier eating i do i've gone back down to silly stupid 125 i wanna leave the 20's atleast give me 130 atleast. This is just so annoying ( >_<')
nothing happens what is so duffulcult for my body to freaking asorb 7 pound rack of ribs and beans and potatos all in one sitting so my weight shoots to 132 pounds from all that food then 2 week later even with all the heavier eating i do i've gone back down to silly stupid 125 i wanna leave the 20's atleast give me 130 atleast. This is just so annoying ( >_<')