I'm so excited!


New member
Wow! You made my day by posting this information. All that hard work has paid off. Keep up the excellent work and hold onto that FEV1 as long as you can.

Here's a great big congratulatory {hug} for you.

Be Well,


New member
Wow! You made my day by posting this information. All that hard work has paid off. Keep up the excellent work and hold onto that FEV1 as long as you can.

Here's a great big congratulatory {hug} for you.

Be Well,


New member
Wow! You made my day by posting this information. All that hard work has paid off. Keep up the excellent work and hold onto that FEV1 as long as you can.

Here's a great big congratulatory {hug} for you.

Be Well,


New member
Wow! You made my day by posting this information. All that hard work has paid off. Keep up the excellent work and hold onto that FEV1 as long as you can.

Here's a great big congratulatory {hug} for you.

Be Well,


New member
Wow! You made my day by posting this information. All that hard work has paid off. Keep up the excellent work and hold onto that FEV1 as long as you can.

Here's a great big congratulatory {hug} for you.

Be Well,


New member
Wow! You made my day by posting this information. All that hard work has paid off. Keep up the excellent work and hold onto that FEV1 as long as you can.

Here's a great big congratulatory {hug} for you.

Be Well,