I'm so scared


New member
I feel the same way about my son and the first year he was diagnosid was the worst. Now i leave it up to God and make sure he does everything that he is supposed to do regarding treatments.

Not to say that i don't have my moments when i think is he going to reach this milestone or not. But i try not to let it get to me, otherwise i think i would lose my mind.

I feel for you..i have been having these thoughts for a few weeks now, but it will get better.

Mom to Adam 14 w/cf Joey 19 n/cf and Gabby a carrier.


New member
I feel the same way about my son and the first year he was diagnosid was the worst. Now i leave it up to God and make sure he does everything that he is supposed to do regarding treatments.

Not to say that i don't have my moments when i think is he going to reach this milestone or not. But i try not to let it get to me, otherwise i think i would lose my mind.

I feel for you..i have been having these thoughts for a few weeks now, but it will get better.

Mom to Adam 14 w/cf Joey 19 n/cf and Gabby a carrier.


New member
I feel the same way about my son and the first year he was diagnosid was the worst. Now i leave it up to God and make sure he does everything that he is supposed to do regarding treatments.

Not to say that i don't have my moments when i think is he going to reach this milestone or not. But i try not to let it get to me, otherwise i think i would lose my mind.

I feel for you..i have been having these thoughts for a few weeks now, but it will get better.

Mom to Adam 14 w/cf Joey 19 n/cf and Gabby a carrier.


New member
I feel the same way about my son and the first year he was diagnosid was the worst. Now i leave it up to God and make sure he does everything that he is supposed to do regarding treatments.

Not to say that i don't have my moments when i think is he going to reach this milestone or not. But i try not to let it get to me, otherwise i think i would lose my mind.

I feel for you..i have been having these thoughts for a few weeks now, but it will get better.

Mom to Adam 14 w/cf Joey 19 n/cf and Gabby a carrier.


New member
I feel the same way about my son and the first year he was diagnosid was the worst. Now i leave it up to God and make sure he does everything that he is supposed to do regarding treatments.
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<br />Not to say that i don't have my moments when i think is he going to reach this milestone or not. But i try not to let it get to me, otherwise i think i would lose my mind.
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<br />I feel for you..i have been having these thoughts for a few weeks now, but it will get better.
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<br />Mom to Adam 14 w/cf Joey 19 n/cf and Gabby a carrier.


New member
God's in control. Like my mom tells me, "If He wants you to live 'til 101, that's how long you'll live!"

I'm 28 now. I'm single, I work part-time, and I haven't been in the hospital since 2002!

You'd never know it the way my life started. I was born with an abdomen bigger than my head - meconium ileus. I was in the hospital for the first 3 1/2 months of life. I had several infections, wasn't gaining weight well. I had so many code blues that the nurses stopped alerting my parents every time it happened. My doctors said that if I survived to go home, I'd maybe make it to 18.

Now, to look at me, you wouldn't know I have CF. I've got cellulite thighs, for goodness sake! And I'm starting to worry about being an "old maid". Can you believe it? I worry about regular things like my thighs!

Don't beat yourself up for being scared. It'll only make you feel worse. You can only trust God with the amount of faith you have. That's all God expects.

In the meantime, reading those horror stories about other CF patients is probably not a good idea. It just makes you think of more things that could go wrong (I know from experience, and so does my sister, who had cancer five years ago - she's cancer free now, but had panic attacks after reading stories on the Internet).

I'm not a mom. I'm a patient. But I hope this helped.


New member
God's in control. Like my mom tells me, "If He wants you to live 'til 101, that's how long you'll live!"

I'm 28 now. I'm single, I work part-time, and I haven't been in the hospital since 2002!

You'd never know it the way my life started. I was born with an abdomen bigger than my head - meconium ileus. I was in the hospital for the first 3 1/2 months of life. I had several infections, wasn't gaining weight well. I had so many code blues that the nurses stopped alerting my parents every time it happened. My doctors said that if I survived to go home, I'd maybe make it to 18.

Now, to look at me, you wouldn't know I have CF. I've got cellulite thighs, for goodness sake! And I'm starting to worry about being an "old maid". Can you believe it? I worry about regular things like my thighs!

Don't beat yourself up for being scared. It'll only make you feel worse. You can only trust God with the amount of faith you have. That's all God expects.

In the meantime, reading those horror stories about other CF patients is probably not a good idea. It just makes you think of more things that could go wrong (I know from experience, and so does my sister, who had cancer five years ago - she's cancer free now, but had panic attacks after reading stories on the Internet).

I'm not a mom. I'm a patient. But I hope this helped.


New member
God's in control. Like my mom tells me, "If He wants you to live 'til 101, that's how long you'll live!"

I'm 28 now. I'm single, I work part-time, and I haven't been in the hospital since 2002!

You'd never know it the way my life started. I was born with an abdomen bigger than my head - meconium ileus. I was in the hospital for the first 3 1/2 months of life. I had several infections, wasn't gaining weight well. I had so many code blues that the nurses stopped alerting my parents every time it happened. My doctors said that if I survived to go home, I'd maybe make it to 18.

Now, to look at me, you wouldn't know I have CF. I've got cellulite thighs, for goodness sake! And I'm starting to worry about being an "old maid". Can you believe it? I worry about regular things like my thighs!

Don't beat yourself up for being scared. It'll only make you feel worse. You can only trust God with the amount of faith you have. That's all God expects.

In the meantime, reading those horror stories about other CF patients is probably not a good idea. It just makes you think of more things that could go wrong (I know from experience, and so does my sister, who had cancer five years ago - she's cancer free now, but had panic attacks after reading stories on the Internet).

I'm not a mom. I'm a patient. But I hope this helped.


New member
God's in control. Like my mom tells me, "If He wants you to live 'til 101, that's how long you'll live!"

I'm 28 now. I'm single, I work part-time, and I haven't been in the hospital since 2002!

You'd never know it the way my life started. I was born with an abdomen bigger than my head - meconium ileus. I was in the hospital for the first 3 1/2 months of life. I had several infections, wasn't gaining weight well. I had so many code blues that the nurses stopped alerting my parents every time it happened. My doctors said that if I survived to go home, I'd maybe make it to 18.

Now, to look at me, you wouldn't know I have CF. I've got cellulite thighs, for goodness sake! And I'm starting to worry about being an "old maid". Can you believe it? I worry about regular things like my thighs!

Don't beat yourself up for being scared. It'll only make you feel worse. You can only trust God with the amount of faith you have. That's all God expects.

In the meantime, reading those horror stories about other CF patients is probably not a good idea. It just makes you think of more things that could go wrong (I know from experience, and so does my sister, who had cancer five years ago - she's cancer free now, but had panic attacks after reading stories on the Internet).

I'm not a mom. I'm a patient. But I hope this helped.


New member
God's in control. Like my mom tells me, "If He wants you to live 'til 101, that's how long you'll live!"
<br />
<br />I'm 28 now. I'm single, I work part-time, and I haven't been in the hospital since 2002!
<br />
<br />You'd never know it the way my life started. I was born with an abdomen bigger than my head - meconium ileus. I was in the hospital for the first 3 1/2 months of life. I had several infections, wasn't gaining weight well. I had so many code blues that the nurses stopped alerting my parents every time it happened. My doctors said that if I survived to go home, I'd maybe make it to 18.
<br />
<br />Now, to look at me, you wouldn't know I have CF. I've got cellulite thighs, for goodness sake! And I'm starting to worry about being an "old maid". Can you believe it? I worry about regular things like my thighs!
<br />
<br />Don't beat yourself up for being scared. It'll only make you feel worse. You can only trust God with the amount of faith you have. That's all God expects.
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<br />In the meantime, reading those horror stories about other CF patients is probably not a good idea. It just makes you think of more things that could go wrong (I know from experience, and so does my sister, who had cancer five years ago - she's cancer free now, but had panic attacks after reading stories on the Internet).
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<br />I'm not a mom. I'm a patient. But I hope this helped.
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